under fire

Chapter 925

Chapter 925
The grenade exploded, and several rammed earth walls that had been dug out at the foot of the wall came crashing down.

The cellar where the wounded and the villagers are hidden is directly pressed down. It may take half a day, and there is no way to remove the wall and dig out the people below.
The old bandit Qi didn't care about the falling wall at all, whether he would smash the cellar down and bury the people in the cellar alive.

The disheveled face directly yelled at Wang Xiaosan outside the courtyard: "Hurry up and add another observation post. The brothers in front are resisting the puppet army attacking the village at this time. Everyone quickly change into the puppet army uniforms. If they are injured again, let them rush to the face. Smear blood on the ground and pretend to be dead."

Wang Xiaosan was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood the old bandit Qi's intention: "You mean we're going to sneak into the puppet army?"

"What? Can't you?"

"There are not many puppet soldiers who entered the village, and they all know each other."

The old bandit Qi, who knows Pingyuan like the back of his hand, despises: "You know what, there are not many people in the direct line of that surnamed Wu, and the people who take refuge in him are almost all bandit commanders from all walks of life. Besides, two of those teams come today and come tomorrow." Two, with many new faces, it is impossible for them to know all of them."

Wang Xiaosan shook his head: "They are all in the same company. They usually eat, drink and scatter together. How could they not know each other?"

"Hey, if you smear some blood on your face and then some ashes, do you think anyone will recognize it? Besides, even if you are really recognized by the puppet army, the pistol in your hand is a fire stick, don't you?" Do you know that pulling the shell gun is directly fucking the fucker?"

In broad daylight, can you still do this on the battlefield?

Wang Xiaosan finally got the hang of it. Compared with this experienced old bandit, he is really a frog in the bottom of a well: "What you said seems to make sense. If they don't recognize it, we will pretend to be wounded soldiers and deal with them."

It's easier said than done, after all, not everyone is as courageous as this old bandit.

Right now, there seems to be no other way but this method. The old bandit asked himself to find that sturdy house in the village earlier.
Fuck, is this old bandit going to trick those puppet soldiers into surrounding the courtyard first, and then take advantage of the puppet army's attack on the courtyard to sneak into the puppet army crowd?

Those who stay in the courtyard will undoubtedly die!


The attacking puppet army has almost advanced into the village.

More than a dozen wounded soldiers were shooting at the puppet army across the courtyard wall.

The sound of grenade explosions continued to be heard amidst the gunfire.

The two sides didn't even see the target, they just shot indiscriminately.

After fighting for a long time, almost no one on both sides was hit by bullets.

However, casualties on both sides were still not small.
Because the distance between the two sides was too close, they both threw grenades at the place where the other side shot.

Even laying on the ground against a wall is not safe these days.

From time to time someone was hit by shrapnel from a grenade.
For a while, half of the south of the village was bombed into a miasma.

The puppet soldiers were timid and did not dare to hold the exploding grenade in their hands for too long.

He almost ignited the grenade, and then threw it towards the eighth road.
lose as fast as possible
I have long forgotten what the devil instructor said about the delay in the explosion of the grenade.

If you blow your hands, why don't you go to see the immortal Banban?
Even the timid ones are trembling when they light a firecracker...

Soon, the wounded soldiers who were blocking the attack discovered that the grenades thrown by the puppet army always took a while to explode.

The Ninth Battalion has never been short of killers, a certain brave wounded soldier started to pick up grenades on the ground and throw them back!

Gradually, there were more wounded soldiers picking up grenades. Anyway, as the defensive side, you can choose a cover position in advance, and it is "difficult" to be hit by bullets.

How did the attacking puppet soldiers know that these eight-way wounded soldiers in the village actually didn't have a few hand grenades at all!

The explosions among the puppet soldiers were almost all grenades they threw.

The wounded soldiers had limited mobility and could not occupy the roof.

The class that Wang Xiaosan arranged to leave was the first to occupy the highest point in the village.

The puppet soldiers did not dare to run wild on the roof.

If you are not careful, you may directly become a target.

The false company commander in the south of the village trembled in his heart.

Although the attack went smoothly, the casualties were not small. It didn't take long for five or six corpses and more than ten wounded soldiers to be carried out from the village.

The false company commander had to transfer two more squads from the team surrounding the village to join the attack.

Fortunately, hearing the sound of gunfire and explosions, the subordinates are constantly advancing into the depths of the village.

The pseudo-company commander looked at the wounded soldiers howling on the ground, and his subordinates were still carrying the corpses out, and immediately became impatient: "Just carry the injured brother at this time, and carry the dead ones later. Hurry up and fight in the village!"

The puppet soldiers who had just been transferred stepped on the blood on the ground, and their waists were vigilant.

People are more courageous.

There are new forces joining the offense.

The puppet troops also slowly made their attacks more orderly.

More than thirty people were roughly divided into three attacking groups.

A group along the main road entering the village from the south, and the two wings are directly over the wall and over the house.

According to the training method of the devil instructors, an attacking three-person team is formed, and the three-person team is in the shape of a character with an interval of three or four meters.

The person at the front watched all directions and listened to all directions, acting as a vanguard.

The one behind him stuck to the wall and kept shooting forward to cover for the forward soldiers.

The other one was attached to another wall, looking at the skyline at the top of the wall, holding a gun to cover the vanguard, and at the same time being responsible for guarding against grenades that might appear in the sky.

The frontline soldiers only need to guard against possible enemies that may appear in the front!
Jumping here and there a few steps forward, after finding a suitable cover position, his identity immediately became a cover position.

Pull out a grenade ready to throw forward at any time.

A cat waist behind him who was sticking to the wall moved forward cautiously, and after passing the vanguard in front, he replaced him as a vanguard, and the original vanguard became a cover.

The three of them are constantly changing positions. It is fair that each of the three should be a striker.

The pseudo-squad leader is not far behind, lying on the ground with the machine gunner, as long as there is an eight-way gun on the front wall, the machine gun will immediately suppress it!

The offensive battle seemed to be well-organized.
If it hadn't been for the rapid fire of the shell gun in the hands of Ba Lu, the whole village should have been bulldozed by this time.
Of course, it should be to flatten all the eight roads and villagers in the village.
The gunfire continued to concentrate on the strongest courtyard.

There are many puppet soldiers in the village.

Wang Xiaosan helped the old bandit Qi out of the yard, and saw the slightly wounded soldiers who were forced to retreat by the puppet army.

In the south of the village, there were more than 30 wounded soldiers, and now less than half are left!
The gunfire of the attacking puppet army was still intensive, and grenades fell from the sky from time to time.

Half of the gray shadow of the puppet army uniform appeared in the field of vision.

The old bandit Qi raised his hand and shot, the bullet accurately hit Hui Ying.

Unfortunately, the gray shadow just swayed.
The puppet army is not stupid, so they took off the uniform of a dead puppet army, put it directly on the muzzle of the gun and looked out.
A grenade flew high, passed the highest point and began to drop.

The grenade jumped up and was still smoking. A wounded soldier next to him hurried forward, raised his leg and kicked the grenade back down the alley.
The puppet army who had just joined the attack and attacked in a systematic manner, thought about everything, but did not expect that the thrown grenade would be kicked back.

With a strange cry, he immediately turned around and ran, and those lying on the ground directly hugged their heads with their hands and pressed against the ground.

Accompanied by a bang.

A three-person attacking group immediately turned their backs. Unfortunately, the source of the grenade in the hands of the puppet army is a mystery. Anyway, the power is not much better than the grenade made by the Eighth Route.

Immediately afterwards, a certain shell fired a few more bullets.

Just as the gunfire stopped, another grenade flew into the air from a certain yard and smashed over.
Beside, guns seem to be going off everywhere.
outside the village.

A certain figure quickly ran towards the lieutenant who was watching the scene with relish, and after muttering a few words, the lieutenant pulled out his command knife and pointed it at the sky, shouting: "All attack, leave no one behind!"

After hesitating for a moment, he added: "Except for the Imperial Association Army..."

 I want to know something, is it worthwhile for everyone to light firecrackers?

(End of this chapter)

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