under fire

Chapter 944

Chapter 944
The night wind was icy cold, and the two black figures, with their four short legs, swung quickly.

A voice panted a little: "This dirt road. It runs really fast."

Shigenobu's low voice said without a trace of panting, "It seems that your training volume has been small during this time."

"We are doing intelligence work, and we are not competing with Tubalu. Whoever runs faster, besides, they still have bicycles. They take turns riding and running."

"Don't worry, as long as we are watching, even if he ran to the sky this time, we will find them out."

"I knew we should still ride bicycles"

"Riding a bicycle? Are you afraid of being shot black by the Eighth Route guerrillas?"

"Could Balu have already discovered... We'll follow behind?"

"That's why I let the advancing team leave"

"The village in front...is our...contact point..."

The two ran into the ditch, and came to the south of the village with cats on their backs. Shigenobu stopped.

After a while, the cry of a night owl sounded in the wilderness.

In the darkness under the moonlight, there was an unknown animal cry.

Immediately afterwards, two figures emerged from the darkness.

Soon, the four of them joined together.


"You have worked hard!"

A black shadow asked: "Are you looking for the identity of this group of guerrillas?"

Shigenobu shook his head: "This is not an ordinary guerrilla... Did you find anything?"

"We hid on the side of the road in advance and eavesdropped on what they said. We can confirm that this team wearing the uniforms of the detective team and the Imperial Association Army should be the Eighth Route Army guerrillas who stormed the railway blockade some time ago!"

Shigenobu didn't want to be wordy with this person: "Is there any other news?"

"Yes, there is news from 'Mockingbird' that the Eighth Route Army Division is carrying out an important mission. It is likely to be related to the secret transportation route of the Eighth Route Army to transport gold from Shandong to northern Shaanxi."

Shigenobu was stunned for a moment: "The information is reliable?"

"It shouldn't be wrong!"

Shigenobu thought for a while: "Report immediately, and at the same time let the robin continue to collect information, mobilize the second team, the third team, and the sixth team to support the robin, the fourth and fifth teams follow me west, the one in front of our most important target now Team."

The one in the dark hesitated for a moment: "Your Excellency Shigenobu, I would like to remind you that our goal should be to clear the Eighth Route Command in the occupied area."

Shigenobu waved his hand: "We have confirmed that the people who attacked the Eighth Route Army Special Agent Group who came forward are in the front line!"

"Really? Then...why not mobilize heavy troops to encircle and suppress?"

"Six pairs of footprints are the same as those at the scene where the warriors were attacked at dinner and outside the county seat. It's just a pity that these footprints are all left by the peripheral personnel of the Eighth Route. Therefore, we must stay still for now and follow them until we find those The owner of the bloody footprints!"

"I think, is there a problem? The warriors were attacked more than 1000 miles away. How could they appear here?"

"That's not the question you should be asking!"

"Yes, I understand that if the current team goes further west, they will cross the imperial army's railway blockade. Once they enter the mountain, it will be difficult for us to track them down. Your Excellency, you will also be in danger."

Shigenobu said coldly: "As an intelligence officer of the Empire, it is a shame for you to say this. I will give you 5 minutes, and you immediately arrange for each group of intelligence personnel to implement a new plan!"

In the wilderness, two black shadows leaned randomly in the dry ditch, and the sudden footsteps from the east made them nervous immediately.

"What kind of ghosts and snakes are these in the middle of the night?"

"Since we joined the Self-Defense Force and got paid by the imperial army, we have to work, don't we?"

"I think it's useless to do this railway self-defense force. It's a complete reversal of day and night."

"Don't complain, if you don't want to do it, tell me earlier, some people want to do it with all their brains."

"If it weren't for Balu always destroying the smoke grown in my field, I wouldn't do this thankless job."

"Hey, how much did your family plant this year?"

"A dozen mu or so. If it weren't for the lack of water, the more than 100 mu of land would have to be planted with tobacco."

"What a beautiful idea, more than 100 acres of land? It costs more than 1 yuan to pay Commander Lu's taxes. Can your family come up with so much money?"

"Having money can turn ghosts around, wouldn't it be enough to recruit more refugees?"

"You're overthinking it. Growing opium is to make money, but that guy named Lu is not a good guy. After the new year, he doubled the price of food. We worked hard all year round, but we still can't make a few bucks."

"Hey, I heard that you are related to Yu Jingsan?"

"Why? You also want to open a pharmaceutical factory? Don't even think about it. How can people like us get involved in a business that makes a lot of money."

"That's all I'm saying, how about we organize some people to transport goods to Tianjin in a few days?"

"You have such a beautiful idea. If it doesn't matter over there. If you meet those cruel guys who are blackmailing, will you lose your personal wealth by then?"

"You know what. I heard that a few days ago, a group of Eighth Route Army from the north forcibly passed through the blockade. The imperial army suffered heavy casualties. Later, more than a dozen people from the village by the railway were killed by the imperial army."

"Uh, I really don't know what those people are thinking to talk to the Eighth Road. Eighth Road will not give food or money. It's really out of their minds."

"Hey, what a chaotic world!"

Let's guess, where are these two guys coming from?
"Let me first say that the people who passed by just now belonged to Wu Jinshan, so these two, hehe, are probably the people who are watching them from behind."

"You can really think"

"Hey, these days, who will really trust anyone? Who knows if Commander Lu will cheat on Heiyin's surname Wu?"

"Hey, what time is it?"

"I don't know, the rooster hasn't crowed yet"

"No, why didn't those boys in the village come to bring us food?"

"Perhaps it will come later."

Seeing the shadows in the east getting closer and closer, a shadow warned: "Hush your voice."

"It seems that there are only two people, what are you afraid of him? Now in our area, even the guerrillas dare not come to operate."

"Hey, in this chaotic world, the timid ones are starved to death, and the bold ones are strangled to death. What are the origins of these two?"

"Why don't we rob these two guys?"

"Don't move around. No one who dares to act alone in the middle of the night this year is a good stubble."

"Look, they seem to be carrying burdens, maybe they have a lot of money on them."

"That's right, how about we hack these two guys and make a fortune?"

"I think so!"

"Then try?"

"Try it!" After saying that, the two immediately followed the ditch in the wilderness to the side of the road.

Seeing the two men walking westward with their burdens on their backs approaching, two black shadows immediately jumped out of the side ditch: "Don't move, raise your hands, we are the Eighth Route Army!"

Shigenobu was startled, stopped quickly, and chased for eight miles, fifty or sixty miles, feeling a little tired.

He was not surprised by the voice that suddenly appeared on the side of the road: "Don't shoot a hero. We are all good people, good citizens"

"Hey, which one of Qin Hui and Gao Qiu doesn't say that he is a good person?" A black shadow sneered: "Quickly put your head in your hands and squat down!"

"Qin Hui?" Shigenobu then remembered that Tang County was Yue Fei's hometown.

The origin of the other party is unknown, but it is unlikely that the eighth road will stay behind as a spy.

As an intelligence officer, he didn't really believe that these two were eight ways!

Because, judging from the traces left on the ground by that group, Eighth Road had already passed by here half an hour ago, and it was impossible for Eighth Road to pull the rear team so far!

Relying on his skill and courage, he planned to catch a living.

After all, in addition to the Eighth Route Army, there is also an armed task force active in this area of ​​the plain!

(End of this chapter)

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