under fire

Chapter 949 Moonlit Night

Chapter 949 Moonlit Night
The Devil Army Cao was full of confidence, and finally outflanked the place according to the lieutenant's order. Before he could catch his breath, the messenger behind came to report: "Tuba Road is gone."

Quickly followed the messenger and trot all the way back to the place where the footprints of Tuba Road disappeared last.

The lieutenant was squatting on the ground, his face livid
The surrounding elites surrounded the wilderness with the lieutenant as the center.

Soon, the moonlit night was torn apart by the dots of torches.

Looking at the messy eight-way footprints on the ground, Juncao was completely dumbfounded
The footprints have since disappeared.

There are some other messy footprints on the dirt road, but the footprints are all covered with dust, which should have been left by someone passing by several days ago.

This time.

The lieutenant didn't give the sergeant any face, he stood up and started to growl: "Where's the man?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the sergeant to answer, he opened his posture and shot the sergeant's face left and right.

Blood oozes from the corner of Juncao's mouth: "Before the outflank, I saw with my own eyes the four fleeing Tubalu figures and their footprints on the ground."

"You mean I lost the eight roads behind?" The lieutenant was furious, and continued to slap his hands until his hands were almost swollen.
The sergeant couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

The lieutenant turned his head and yelled at the assistant: "Search all in a scattered manner. If you can't find those dirt, no one will want to sleep!"

When the assistant heard this, he waved his hand, and the ghosts next to him immediately dispersed, looking for footprints carefully.
It is definitely impossible to go to heaven on the eighth road!
into the ground?

However, there is no sign of authenticity around here at all.
Finally, some devils noticed the shallow pit on the ground.

However, the distance between the pits is really far, and the human legs are definitely not that long.
The lieutenant stood with his feet spread out, staring at the footprints on the ground.

Next to him, the sergeant who just got up from the ground was very nervous.

The Warriors keep expanding their search.

Finally, some devils found something unusual.

The assistant ran to the lieutenant: "Your Excellency, we will conduct a careful investigation according to the method Shigenobu-kun said. After analysis, these shallow pits are very suspicious."

"What do you mean?"

"Look." The deputy pointed to the ground next to the lieutenant: "The sand on the edge of these shallow pits occasionally collapses."

The lieutenant froze for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"These imprints are just left."

The lieutenant reacted immediately: "Ba Lu wore wooden shoes?"

The deputy nodded: "Yesterday, we saw that Tuba Road left Baidaokou through a tunnel, and we have arranged for the warriors to search this area carefully. There is absolutely no tunnel!
And the eight-way can fly. I don't believe it even if I am killed. Therefore, the biggest doubts are these imprints. "

The lieutenant was not stupid, and nodded: "Hehe, I understand"

Before he finished speaking, there seemed to be an unusual sound faintly in the east.

The earth seemed to tremble.


Under the moonlight.

A team of more than fifty riders, all dressed up as ordinary people, was rushing westward all the way.

Along the way, there are traffic officers who have scouted the surrounding situation clearly in advance.

Two black shadows pushed a bicycle, stopped the cavalry team, and immediately reported to the leader: "Report, a large number of devils have been found in the west."

The cavalry began to yell to rein in their horses, and the leader asked, "Details?"

A black shadow immediately reported the situation of the enemy in the west.

The middle-aged man on the horse looked at Secretary Zhao with a serious expression: "The task is important, we can't make extra troubles, avoid them!"

Secretary Zhao watched as the sky lit up somewhere far away in the wilderness to the south: "I agree, as long as there are enemies, it represents a risk."

The middle-aged man stretched out his hand: "Map."

The two immediately got off their horses and went straight to the roadside ditch. The guard quickly took out his flashlight to take a map.

After a while, Secretary Zhao shook his head: "Hehe, don't worry. In my opinion, the enemy has no cars. The situation is not as bad as you think. Continue westward as planned."

"Don't be poor with me, you must leave here now." The middle-aged man made a decisive decision: "The guard squad, immediately turn to the north to reconnaissance and advance, and they will follow. After the second squad is finished, stop it!"

Secretary Zhao was stunned: "I said, don't worry so much, okay! This should be an accident!"

"In my eyes, as long as there are enemies, there is a risk. Follow orders!"

"It's okay, you take the person away first, and I'll finish it later, right?"

"No, you know the content of the mission, you must go with me, let your guards continue to move forward, and my people stay behind to fight back, even if they all die, you must ensure that within an hour, this group of devils will not appear in front of us Behind!"

Secretary Zhao had a black line: "The devil doesn't have a car, so can he outrun us with two legs?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "A team of devils appeared in the middle of the night. It's unusual. Can you guarantee that there are no enemies elsewhere? Let's go!"

Secretary Zhao had no choice but to turn north according to the middle-aged man's request.

It disappeared under the devil's nose, and then bypassed the pursuing devil all the way to the west, ran for nearly ten miles, and finally threw the devil away.

Although running fast, it also consumes too much energy.

Shi Cheng was in a good mood and looked back from time to time.

Suddenly, he found a spot of light growing rapidly from east to west.

Shi Sui hurriedly yelled at the three resting on the ground: "Not good. The little devil is chasing you again."

Li Xiaolian, resting with her hands on her knees, immediately stood up: "It's really not easy, you little devil, you followed up so quickly."

Shi Cheng always felt that something was wrong. In the past, when the devils chased them, they always chased and shot with open fire.

But this time, the little devils in the advancing team followed behind silently for fifty or sixty miles!
No shot fired, completely unreasonable!

Could it be that they want to follow the footsteps of several of them to find the Division Command?
Thinking of this, Shi Cheng suddenly said: "You go first, I will stay and lead them away"

Li Xiaolian shook her head: "No, let's go together!"

Shi Cheng was anxious: "If this is the case, none of us can escape."

"Hehe, do you think our legs are longer now or the devil's legs are longer?"


"Let's take one step, the devil's short legs have to run three steps, we are much faster than them"

"However, even so, this method is good, but it can't last for too long."

"When we came here just now, there was a village by the side of the road. Let's go to that village first, then go up to the roof and pass through the village, and finally change our shoes and leave. It will take a lot of time for the little devil to find our footprints again. By then, We've already run away."

"But little devils will always find us"

"As long as we break into the Eight Mile Camp before dawn and leave secretly, what do you think will happen in the end?"

Shi Cheng was taken aback: "My god, it's fifty miles from here to Baliying."

Li Xiaolian didn't care at all: "Isn't it only fifty miles? Don't you think it's a long way? With our speed, we can definitely get there in two hours!"

"I said, grandma, you're fine, but I can't."

"You coward, don't you have the sense to let the two of them go behind your back?"


"Don't be like a girl's house. Stay away from the devils first, then rest for a while before running. Today, my aunt will tease these little devils."

Shi Cheng couldn't help but have a black thread, aren't you a bitch?
But it's a good idea
The lieutenant had no choice, the people of the Tuba Road Special Service Group were too cunning to turn west again!

It's just a little strange that cavalry appeared in the middle of the night in the occupied area.

However, he wasn't worried at all. Heavy machine guns were the nemesis of cavalry. Besides, riding a horse in the middle of the night... shouldn't be cavalry!
War horses are very expensive, who would give up!

Even the imperial army seldom rode on horseback to perform missions in the middle of the night.

Therefore, he directly ordered the best-fitting squad under his command to pursue with all his strength, and after running for most of the night, the elites among the elites were also exhausted...

 Change it first, wait for other web-grabbed articles and then change it later
(End of this chapter)

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