under fire

Chapter 955 The blockade ditch opened by your house

Chapter 955 The blockade ditch opened by your house
first year.

The devils wiped out the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Taihang.

This time.

Devils are encircling and suppressing the mountainous area south of Taihang on a large scale.

It is clear that the formed resistance army north of the Yellow River will be wiped out.

Guo Tiezhu was temporarily ordered to garrison the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain.

It wasn't long since he brought a team of more than [-] people here, and he was not fully prepared to deal with the large-scale encirclement and suppression of the devils.

Relying on the superiority of the terrain, he had a stalemate with the little devils for two or three years, but he basically understood the fighting power of the nearby devils. In this kind of mountain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, he can defend a mountain path with a machine gun, and there are many people, so he did not How to take devils seriously.

As for many friendly soldiers who have suffered a lot because of this mentality, and those who have not experienced it personally, how can he agree with it?

Besides, if you really can't beat the devils, you can retreat to the mountains at any time.

It is difficult to see new faces at ordinary times, and I am impatient to stay in the mountains.

The old gangster Qi looked like a master, but Guo Tiezhu was flattered.

Carry the stretcher yourself!
The old gangster Qi on the stretcher waved his hands again and again: "Oh, Brother Guo, this can't be done!"

Guo Tiezhu hung the stretcher rope made of bandages around his neck, and turned his head with a serious expression: "You look down on me?"

The old gangster Qi shook his head: "Oh, you are so stupid and you are also the chief of the party, how can you do these things?"

Guo Tiezhu grinned: "You have risked your life for the young marshal, and it is an honor for you to be able to carry a stretcher for you!"

"I am really ashamed to make my brothers work hard!"

"Tell me again that I'm in a hurry with you."

It is less than five miles away from the cottage.

Walk among the cliffs.

Watching the mountain run dead horse, an hour later.

The team was still turning halfway up the mountain, perhaps out of respect, Guo Tiezhu didn't change people all the way!

Sweaty and panting, he raised his finger and pointed forward: "Our camp is in the front village. It used to be a bandit den. When we came here, the bandits all ran away."

Hu Yi had no intention of going to the cottage, the most important thing was to get back to the station earlier, and shook his head to the old bandit Qi who looked back from time to time.

If you really go to their cottage, you have to come down in the end, and it takes a lot of time to go up and down.

The most important thing is to waste energy, did not sleep all night, several soldiers almost fell off the cliff while walking.

There is a fork in the front, a small piece of flat land, one leads to the cottage, and the other leads along the mountainside to the deep mountains in the west.

The old gangster Qi yelled to the front: "Hey, that brother Guo, we still have important things to do, so let's not live today."

"No, when you come to my place, you have to rest for ten or eight days and wait for the injury to heal before leaving!"

"Good intentions, military affairs are in the body, see you another day."

"It's almost noon, so I have to eat lunch before leaving."

Hu Yi next to him looked up at the sky, nine o'clock at most, waiting two or three hours for lunch?

It was really unnecessary, and shook his head at the old bandit again.

Old gangster Qi was lying on a stretcher: "The big guys are all radishes that come out of a pit, and they will be stewed in a pot sooner or later, not bad for a while."

Guo Tiezhu nodded: "Yes, my brother is not forced to stay. I heard that you are short of food on the eighth road. You can rest here for a while. I will ask someone to go up and get some food down."

Faced with Qi's old gangster's insistence on breaking up, Guo Tiezhu did not insist. Once this place was too close to the devil's railway line, the Eighth Route broke through the devil's blockade.

Don't be afraid of returning, don't be afraid, try not to fight if you can!
Second, the team of more than 200 people, eating and drinking, he really couldn't afford it.

The most important point, who can guarantee that the members of the Young Marshal's Guard will not vote for the little devil?

In these years, one must be loyal and the situation must be right to live for a long time.

Seeing someone coming up from below, the guard on the mountainside immediately asked, "Stop, who is it?"

"Boss don't shoot, we are good citizens."

"A good citizen? The kiln sister in the city is also a good citizen. The past two days have not been peaceful, so go back quickly."

"Master Yu sent us to deliver something to you."

"What? Didn't the shopkeeper send someone here two days ago?"

"It's not easy to inquire about the shopkeepers' affairs."

"Then you all come up."

The man dressed as a stocky businessman began to slowly climb up the mountain.

The one behind drew seven or eight symbols that ordinary people couldn't understand on the stone wall, then wiped the marks with his hands until they were faintly visible, and followed with his short legs.

Block the village near the ditch.

Su Qing, who was standing at the entrance of the village, looked at the cavalry team going away, and was silent for a while: "You should arrive tomorrow."

The middle-aged man withdrew his gaze. In the eyes of ordinary people, the captains of the armed forces are experienced soldiers. Seeing that the person who came to meet him turned out to be a young girl, he always felt uneasy.

It seems that the independent group lends the face of the house to the district, and there are not many talents in the family who can show it!

This time the task was arduous, and we had traveled nearly two thousand miles for a month. What kind of storms and waves have we never seen?

Thinking of this, he smiled: "Hehe, isn't it something to be happy that we passed the railway blockade ahead of time?"

Su Qing didn't answer, turned around and faced the village: "How about going to the village to rest first?"

The middle-aged man immediately shook his head: "This is an enemy-occupied area. In order to prevent the devils from catching up with the horseshoe prints, we must leave here first."

"No problem, we are all ready." Su Qing nodded and gestured to Lao Zhou who was standing behind.

Soon, Chen Chong came out of the village with soldiers and seven or eight carriages.

The middle-aged man's face immediately changed greatly: "Our whereabouts must be concealed, who told you to do this?"

Su Qing froze for a moment: "The superior asked us to escort you into the mountain, what's the problem?"

"It's just playing the piano randomly. I said Comrade Su, you have to understand that this is an enemy-occupied area, and we can't make any mistakes in our work!"

"I know."

"You know? You know that you drive out all the carriages? You know that carriages leave wheel marks?"

Su Qing froze for a moment, what this person said seemed to make sense: "Then what do you say?"

"Everyone leave here first, after dark, you will escort us through the blockade ditch, and strive to advance to the mountain at dawn."

Su Qing nodded: "You don't have to wait for it to get dark, you can cross the blockade ditch now
"What are you talking about? Now? Captain Su, I have to criticize you. We must be down-to-earth in our work. This time the task is of great importance, and we cannot make any mistakes." The middle-aged man's face immediately became serious.

Su Qing's face was calm: "I know, the superior told me the importance of this mission."

The middle-aged people were a little dumbfounded, and earnestly educated: "For work, we can't take any chances..."

Su Qing raised her eyebrows: "Do you believe me?"

"This is not a question of belief or disbelief. Don't you know the precautions for working behind enemy lines?"

Su Qing is still calm: "I can recite from beginning to end"

The middle-aged man almost fell down.

It would be useful if you know how to recite it, those student soldiers will definitely be able to recite the devil into the sea and drown!
Old Zhou next to him hurried forward and said sincerely: "That, comrade, it's like this. As soon as we received the news of the escort, we immediately made arrangements. There is absolutely no problem in crossing the blockade during the day, so don't worry."

"Is it true that your family opened the blockade?" The middle-aged man finally got angry: "Go and invite your county secretary immediately."

After thinking about it for a while, Lao Zhou immediately understood that this should be because Captain Su was young and worried about the armed task force.
Secretary, this local government has nothing to do with the Independence Group!

Because, the base area established by the Ninth Battalion is still nominally owned by the Supplementary Regiment.
Oops, Shiqianzhi is at the wine stand, why did he forget the next announcement?
But this face has to be contested: "Hey, I said, why don't you trust people? If you are worried, I will take you through it now?"

(End of this chapter)

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