under fire

Chapter 965 Intelligence Expert

Chapter 965 Intelligence Expert
The lieutenant of the advance team who arrived by car arranged for an elite squad to enter the mountain according to Shigenobu's plan, while the other devils stayed at the train station to stand by.

Shortly after dark.

The devil's elite squad, which had only slept for about two hours, was led by a second lieutenant himself. Regardless of fatigue, he changed into the Eighth Route Army uniform and set off right after Shigenobu with special weapons and equipment.

A team of nearly twenty people quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The mountain road is rugged, the light is dim, and there is a thin mist. The speed of travel is very slow. The flashlight covered with black cloth illuminates a small area, so as not to reveal the whereabouts.

But every step forward has to be cautious, which is really uncomfortable. The moon is dark and the wind is high and the murderous night, and the heavy confidence that is used to the strong wind and waves is also a little inexplicably panicked.

Except for the sound of footsteps in the team, almost no one spoke.

An intelligence agent and a ghost acted as scouts in front, observing the marks on the mountain wall next to the mountain trail from time to time.

Soon, the mountain road ahead suddenly became steeper.

The team stopped at the edge of the cliff.

Shigenobu who was following up looked up at the dark part of the mountain, and the sharp soldier lowered his voice: "There is a sentry post set up by the enemy on the mountainside above."

Shigenobu was silent for a while, and immediately ordered to the ghost behind him: "Be careful to clear the enemy's sentry post, please."

Soon, the three devils, led by Sergeant Cao, groped towards the mountainside in the dark with their hands and feet.

The mountain wind whistled low, covering the footsteps.

The steep mountain road turns west halfway up the mountain, and you can see it completely from top to bottom.

Maybe it's been safe and sound for a long time, maybe it's because it's easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the defense is a little lax.

The eyeliner placed at the bottom of the mountain had already lit a fire. However, the mountainside was shrouded in mist, and the guard post did not notice it.

At the corner of the mountain road, there was a piece of uneven ground, and a low and simple hut was built against the wall. In the hut, several soldiers were in their clothes, holding guns and wrapped in dirty quilts, sleeping soundly around the fire.

Outside the shack, facing the mountain road below, in the simple fortifications made of stones, the three soldiers looked at the occasional train passing by on the distant plain and said a few words from time to time, but they didn't see the looming warning fire at the mountain pass.

"... I don't know when I can beat the little devil away, let's go back to my hometown in Heishan Baishui to see."

"I have been fighting with the little devil for more than ten years, and this little devil occupies more and more places. I don't think I will wait until that day in my lifetime."

"You can't say that. Isn't the young commander all right now? Maybe one day he can take us back."

"Don't dream, now the young commander can't protect himself"

"It's a shame to talk about this, let's not talk about it... Hey, those people who transported the smoke and soil didn't come here today, and I think they will come tomorrow anyway."

"He can only take our road now, and he can't afford a penny to buy the road."

"Last time they promised to send us two baskets of roast chicken, maybe tomorrow everyone can have a tooth-making festival."

"You know how to eat."

"I always feel that something is wrong. Just after the eighth road, these guys then said that they want to deliver the goods to the west, will it?"

"Nevermind him, we should collect money and collect money. If anyone makes trouble, I will tell him to come and go."

"I heard from the head of the regiment that the devils in the south have already attacked the New Fifth Army defense zone."

"Yeah, the devil is clearly going to attack us this time, and we haven't made any movement this time, which is unreasonable."

"Come on, isn't it better if the devils don't come? Besides, we are easy to defend but hard to attack. The little devils are probably going to pick up the soft persimmons first, and take the surname Sun as the knife, and it will be our turn in the end."

"Last year, the Eight Route Headquarters hidden in the deep mountains was taken over by devils. How can little devils like us?"

"I heard that the little devil's advance team found the Eighth Route headquarters in advance, and then it was all over."

"It doesn't matter what he advances to the team, anyway, no one here will think about going there at night."

"You two stare first, I'll squint for a while, call me later"

These three didn't pay attention at all, it was on the mountain road not far from their noses.

The two black shadows kept moving up the mountain like a gecko.

On the railway line in the distance, in the haze, another train rumbled and roared southward.

The two soldiers looked at the distance in a daze, wondering whether they were homesick or thinking about something else.

In the darkness outside the simple fortification, two black figures suddenly appeared. They were still in a daze, and even forgot to shoot the warning.

The loaded rifle was nearby, but unfortunately, they never got a chance to put their finger in the trigger hole again.

There was the sound of the bayonet piercing the flesh, and the bodies of the two of them shook violently, and their bodies quickly turned into convulsions.

"Be careful." Soi Ying moved skillfully, covered his mouth and stabbed the knife in one go, even so, the movement he made was not small.

The person lying in the ditch naturally heard the noise, and murmured subconsciously while half asleep, "Can you be quiet?"

As soon as the words were finished, a black figure rushed up and strangled his neck tightly with both hands.

With a bone brittle sound, the sleeping person stopped moving.

Another black figure emerged from below, one vigilant, and two dark shadows clung to the mountain wall, moving cautiously and quickly towards the shack.

There was finally a scream in the shack, and soon, the scream stopped abruptly.

The faint light of the flashlight swayed down the mountainside, and three night owl calls made the mountain wind blow away.

A large group of shadows began to climb upwards.

Most of the defenders live in the cottage, and the mountain pass usually only arranges one shift to be on duty. Perhaps, it is not a strategic location, and the patrol density is not high.

The movement on the mountainside was not small, but no one noticed that someone had actually touched it in the dark.

Shigenobu had no interest in the cottage, and after leaving behind the vigilant people, the team quickly left.

The two leading devils suddenly stopped in their tracks: "I seem to smell blood."

"I smelled it too, it shouldn't be far away, be careful."

One groped forward cautiously, while the other stood behind with a gun on guard.

Soon, he saw the naked corpse on the mountain road.

"It seems to have been bitten by an animal. Not good, it's Takahashi-kun." The super-high class student squatting on the ground put away the flashlight, his face livid: "The time of death should be two hours ago."

Soon, Shigenobu followed, and the person on the ground stood up and bowed: "Shigenobu-kun, Takahashi-kun Yusha."

"See if there are any traps."

"Yes." The person who just got up immediately checked carefully, and after a while got up and reported: "There is a grenade hidden under the body."

"Don't touch the corpse yet, call the engineer to come and deal with it." Shigenobu forced himself to calm down, it seems that this gang is not easy!
However, in the eyes of experts from the intelligence department, they are all small tricks that cannot be put on the table.

He can kill his own warriors, there are definitely people with good kung fu in the Eight Routes, which makes him have to be careful.

Shigenobu thought at high speed in his mind, he believed that even if his subordinates died, they would not reveal their plan.

Shigenobu didn't care about the life and death of the Chinese who entered the mountain with his subordinates, because the Chinese probably didn't know much.

And now, there are no footprints of him on the ground!
Therefore, there is a high probability that he has turned into a corpse and was pushed down the cliff beside the mountain road by Eighth Road.

After thinking for a while, he finally judged that Tubalu probably knew that the imperial army had discovered that some of them were being targeted.

However, it is quite normal for the imperial army to suppress the Eighth Route Army.

He suggested that the headquarters deliberately let the group of eight roads leave, but he didn't expect that Tuba road would dare to attack the Imperial Army Railway Station, which made him unbearable.

Now, he has no retreat at all, no matter whether Tuba Road finds someone chasing him or not, he has to chase him now, otherwise he won't be able to give the headquarters an explanation.

With only a few peripheral soldiers and small shrimps caught, it is estimated that there will be no valuable information to be interrogated, and it is really not reconciled.

Not long after, the second lieutenant led the team and arrived: "The radio was turned on just now, and the headquarters reported that this afternoon, the enemy's New Fifth Army headquarters had surrendered to the imperial army, but some grassroots officers and soldiers of the army have mutinied and are suppressing them!"

Shigenobu's eyes lit up: "Map!"

The second lieutenant pulled out the map, and his subordinates quickly turned on the flashlight.

The second lieutenant pointed to the map: "This is where we are now. There is a hilly area in the north ahead. There should be imperial troops. You can ask them to send an army to stop these eight roads."

Shigenobu shook his head: "Please don't make your own claims. The plan this time is not to destroy them, but to track down the elite of the Eight Routes through this group of Eight Routes."

The second lieutenant hurriedly bowed: "This subordinate is dull."

"Put the corpse in a body bag and hide it, and notify the people down the mountain to go up the mountain to encircle and suppress the team stationed on the cottage, and occupy the cottage." Shigenobu, who was used to life and death, did not hesitate any longer, and ordered the Sergeant who was acting as a scout: "Continue go ahead."

The moon did not know when it popped up.

More than a dozen dark shadows continued westward.

(End of this chapter)

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