under fire

Chapter 980 Despair

Chapter 980 Despair
Maybe it's because they don't pay much attention to the guerrillas in the mountains.

Therefore, what the devils used this time turned out to be the 11-year-style curved infantry artillery that has been basically eliminated.

The caliber is [-] mm, and the shells are loaded from the muzzle, but they must be pulled by matchlocks.

Even with the old-fashioned curved cannon, the little devil still hits well, with very high accuracy.

Hearing the screaming sound, Crazy Yang was thrown into the ditch by the brother next to him.

Boom, two loud bangs.

Shrapnel shot out, rubble bounced around, and two columns of smoke rose and rolled.

Soon, Crazy Yang got up from the ditch and shouted, "Run."

I ran two steps forward, but found that my teammates didn't keep up, so I quickly lowered my body and rolled back.

Crazy Yang asked the brother in the ditch in the smoke, "What's wrong?"

"Hurry up, I, maybe I can't do it." Seeing the thigh artery was cut by shrapnel, blood gushed out from between the fingers.

"Let's go?" Crazy Yang shook his head: "Let's die together!"

"Hurry up, don't you forget the last lesson the instructor gave us?"

"No." Crazy Yang began to undress.

"If you don't leave, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself now." Gritting her teeth, her cheeks bulged, her face was full of painful expressions, and her complexion was ferocious.

"I can't die." Crazy Yang shook his head. He meant that he couldn't die by biting his tongue. Unfortunately, he didn't talk much.

"Fuck. Your uncle." The pain made it impossible to speak coherently.

"Don't talk nonsense." Crazy Yang had already taken off his shirt, tore it into strips, and prepared to bandage it.

"The artery is broken. You know. It's useless. Hurry up and get me on your back. You just need to avoid the machine gun in front. You will be able to climb up the cliff." If it was an ordinary person, he would have fainted by this time.

"I won't block bullets with my brother's body." Crazy Yang kept moving, almost jumping out word by word.

"If you die, who will sweep the head's tomb and burn paper for me on New Years and festivals? This only seedling of my son seems to be dying. You want me to be here. I have no money. Find a woman." The man on the ground let go and clutched his thigh. Blood flowed out of his hand one by one.

Crazy Yang was stunned, unable to turn his head around.

"Hurry up. The shelling is over and the chasing soldiers come up brother. Please burn some paper for me." The voice became weaker and weaker.

Head tilted, fainted.

The beating heart that lacks return blood seems to begin to weaken.

Boom. Boom.
Two shells exploded not far from the two of them again.

Fortunately, both were in the ditch.

Crazy Yang began to untie his leggings.


In the rising sun, a topless figure quickly passed by the gunpowder smoke that hadn't had time to be taken away by the mountain wind.

Boom. Boom.
The shell exploded behind him, sending shrapnel havoc.

The shrapnel sliced ​​open the trousers of Madman Yang and pierced into the back of his brother behind him.

A certain puppet soldier who had slowly outflanked him raised his gun and watched the figure of a man move, hesitating for a moment, and raised the muzzle of his gun.

bang. bang. bang.
The bullets began to gather.

The impact point of the shells moved forward, and the puppet soldiers followed suit.

The cliffs on both sides of the mountain pass protrude, and there seems to be no way out except entering the mountain from the pass.

The company commander who commanded the pursuit was a little dumbfounded. It's not like this has never been done before, but it must be done in a concealed way without leaving any traces, right?

You bastards are about to put up your guns and shoot into the sky. Do you really think the imperial army behind dare not take you with a knife?

The false company commander only felt a chill on his neck
That person should be called those two people. They didn't run to the mountain pass two miles away, but ran directly to the cliff on the right.

Two 30-meter-high cliffs are almost vertically cut.

The two fleeing didn't stop at all.

Blood dripped down the road.

The last devils stopped shelling, and the captain put down the binoculars.

A ghost gendarme is talking birds next to the captain, which basically means: "All his tactical actions come from the training content of the imperial gendarme."

"What do you mean?"

"If my guess is correct, this person should have been trained in the Empire."

"What do you want to say?"

"Take care of yourself, please."

"What if he resists?"

"That's your problem."

"Interesting!" Captain Guizi raised his hand over his shoulder, bent his palm, and swung it forward.

A group of devils squatting on the ground got up, trotted towards the mountain pass, crossed Juma, and soon came behind the puppet soldiers who kept shooting.

Directly clamoring to squeeze away the puppet army about 50 meters away who was close to fleeing.

The devil commander who followed seemed to have completely ignored the scene of the puppet army shooting into the sky.

The soldier carrying the corpse was 50 meters away.

The devils stretched out into an arc, with their guns pointing to the ground.

The captain swung an upright finger forward again, followed by a class of devils led by the sergeant to come out immediately.

The one who fled towards the mountain wall approached.

Crazy Yang looked at the cliff carefully, feeling a little desperate.

There seems to be some kind of animal footprints on the cliff?

Unlikely, a leopard can climb trees well, but it may not have the ability to climb such a cliff!

I can't control that much, it's a death anyway, a run-up, fingers stuck into a small depression.

The arm muscles contract, the hands slowly bend, and the two bodies rise slowly.

Logically speaking, if you want to climb this kind of cliff, you should put down the corpses of your comrades behind you first.

However, he didn't do that.

The puppet soldiers standing behind the ghost were dumbfounded and shook their heads.

Faced with this kind of cliff, if a brother pulls on it with a rope, it will be no problem to climb up and down.

You carry more than 100 catties, are you kidding me?
My heart was hairy, my palms were full of sweat, and my eyes were fixed on the slowly rising body.

The head of the person behind his back has been drooping, and the blood has been dripping down. It seems that he has died a long time ago.

With such a brother, it is worth dying, some puppet soldiers can't help but think wildly.

The puppet army guarding the mountain pass couldn't turn their eyes, and saw more and more people on the cliff outside, so they didn't understand, so they asked, "What are they looking at there?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"Do you want to go and see?"

"The imperial army is watching from the side. Those who leave their posts without authorization will be shot. If you are not afraid of death, go and watch."

"That's fine."

In the traditional culture of ghosts, mountains are symbols of religion and the body of gods, and mountain climbing is the highest form of sacrifice.

So much so that the devils who had already come to the two below the mountain wall were sternly stopped by the captain who followed up at the risk.

"No order, don't prepare to shoot!" a devil yelled in broken Chinese.

Crazy Yang didn't care about it at all, he only had one thought: climb up!
I have completely forgotten the hundreds of devils below and the muzzles of hundreds of puppet soldiers.

The location he chose was not the lowest point of the cliff, at least it had to be nearly 30 meters away!

I have never carefully observed the whole picture of this cliff before, so I can't find the climbing route at all.

There is no safety rope used in training at all, and if one misses, the greatest possibility is to fall to death.

Either way, it's better than dying in the hands of devils!
"Climb, there is no retreat now." This is not mountain climbing, this is climbing a cliff, and what is needed most is courage.

If you go back, you will definitely die.

A gust of mountain wind blew and rattled the clothes of the brother's body behind Crazy Yang.

Fingers grasp the horizontal natural stone ridges, crevices, and occasional protrusions formed by weathering and peeling.

The two bodies also went up a little bit, and soon, they were close to ten meters from the ground.

The cliff has a slightly convex arc, and the slope becomes smaller as it goes up, which is relatively easier to climb. The key is that his physical exertion is too great.

Looking around, it seems that there are no natural stone ridges, stone crevices, or raised stones that can be grasped.

The bodies of two people are completely different from those of one person. First of all, the center of gravity will be far away from the cliff, and the force is not at all what ordinary people can bear with just their fingers.

It has stopped like a gecko for nearly a minute, and the arm muscles are shaking.

Still haven't found a place to leverage.

Crazy Yang firmly grasped the rock crevice with his fingers, and looked back at the dark figure below, the little devil turned his face so close.

The land in the distance seems to be vast, and the desolate land seems to be alive in the sun.

He knew very well that he couldn't hold on for long, his physical strength was being consumed rapidly, and the soreness and exhaustion of his muscles were constantly eroding his will.

He tried his best to look at the devils behind him, but unfortunately, the devils were a little far away from the mountain wall, even if he pushed on the mountain wall hard, he would not be able to hit a devil if he fell off.

He's desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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