under fire

Chapter 988

Chapter 988
The slope of the mountain is large, and the mountain road is rugged and difficult.

Even Jiuying, who was carrying big bags, small bags and even bicycles, walked for half an afternoon yesterday, but couldn't get far.

The path going up from the mountain stream meets the winding path from east to west on the mountainside.

Amidst the sound of hurried footsteps, seven puppet soldiers with guns trotted all the way on the mountain road and rushed to the front friendly positions.

Looking at the hillside from time to time, the group of deserters seemed to want to rush up to the mountainside ahead of them.

The pseudo-squad leader began to calculate that the other side should have reached the intersection first, and the deserter did not notice anyone on the mountainside due to the limited line of sight due to the limited sight line!
It seemed that the friendly forces would kill or capture those deserters before they arrived.

I just don't understand why there are friendly troops appearing at the three-fork intersection not far from the opposite side.

And even set up defenses in this place where the birds don't shit!

On a simple position that uses the natural turns of the mountain road to deploy defenses.

Li Xiang looked at the puppet army coming from the east with his gun in his hand, and casually ordered to the squad leader next to him: "Ask the identity of the friendly army below."

The person next to him immediately turned sideways, looked at the approaching "friendly army" down the mountain, and shouted loudly, "Hey, which part are you from?"

The high platoon leader looked up and saw the military cap of the puppet army. He immediately lay down on the hillside and shouted: "No, there are enemies up there!"

After speaking, there was an imperceptible look of joy on his face, and he whispered to the side: "Go back first."

The dozen or so devils next to him carried out the order resolutely, and then they slid down the mountain in both directions.

I can see a long black line in the high row: "Stop. Stop quickly"

The elites behind were a little confused. They climbed hard for a long time and almost reached the halfway up the mountain. You asked everyone to retreat, and now you asked them to stop. What do you mean?
However, no one asked on the battlefield, the devils were strictly disciplined, and the soldiers would execute whatever the superior ordered.

The squad leader on the hillside was a little stunned when he saw these deserters leaving, and suddenly thought of the puppet uniform he was wearing, and immediately realized it, and lowered his voice: "Don't be afraid, we are the Eighth Route Army, and we just passed through your defense zone yesterday."

This guy has such a big heart, he doesn't use his brain at all when he speaks, how could he declare his family name as soon as he sees someone?
It seems that he can't be blamed, after all, Li Xiang's platoon is now all in the uniform of the puppet army, and there are puppet soldiers guarding the foot of the mountain.
Each Eighth Route fighter has a different experience, so his attitude towards friendly troops is also different.

At least, Li Xiang didn't feel too cold about his allies.

Does anyone know if that Muren down there has participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Red Army before?

Although the two sides have cooperated to fight devils in the past few years, the other party has deliberately created several large-scale frictions.

Therefore, he did not have much affection for these friendly forces.

If it weren't for the fact that Hu Yi was also in the national army, he probably wished that these friendly troops and the puppet army would bite dogs at this time.

Everyone has a different standpoint, and it is natural to have subjective ideas when looking at problems.

At present, it seems that these friendly troops are probably because they are unwilling to surrender to the devils, and they still have a bit of backbone.

Li Xiang didn't intend to embarrass them, let them hang out first, and clean up the group of puppet soldiers in the back first.

The half-immortal at the back looked at those blue military uniforms down the mountain.

Feeling a little flustered.

If it weren't for survival, who would vote for the puppet army?
No one expected that the current situation turned out to be a tripartite party.

And he happened to have stayed in all three parties, so his mood was even more different from ordinary people.

After the little devil came, it was actually not easy for either party.

So, for the first time, I gave Li Xiang a suggestion: "There are only seven puppet troops in the east. We have so many people. Now that we directly reveal the identity of the Eighth Route Army, they will definitely surrender."

Li Xiang's scarred face showed no expression: "To be honest, I don't like your talking too much."

The half-immortal who had a bad nose knew Li Xiang's temper, and reminded him: "You know our discipline."

"What do you want to say?"

"Officer Hu is not here now, you have to make up your mind, let's play the leading role in the current situation, first take down both parties and then talk about other things."

"Then go and disarm those puppet troops now."

"I'm a heavy soldier, don't look for me about this."

"The supply soldiers are also soldiers, don't dawdle, hurry up."

More than ten miles to the east.

on the mountain road.

Crazy Yang's first bullet didn't hit the expected target, he didn't seem to care at all, he pulled the bolt again and pushed the bullet to fire in one go.


The puppet army machine gunner who was about to set up a machine gun fell to the ground when he heard the gunshots.

There was a crash, and another bullet was loaded. If it weren't for the fake company commander who waved his hand and shouted, he would be considered a veteran on the battlefield.

bang. bang. bang.
Five rounds hit four targets.

Seeing that Xiao Hongying next to her stared wide-eyed and gasped.

What kind of freak is this?

That thing doesn't seem to be aiming at much, does it?

Even if the opponent is crowded, the distance in a straight line is two to 300 meters, right?
Even though she thought she was good at marksmanship, she didn't dare to say that she could hit four out of five shots in a row.

Li Laosan next to him subconsciously handed over a five-round magazine.

Crazy Yang lowered his head, swiftly pressed the clip into the barrel of the gun, then pushed the bolt to load the bullet, turned his head and yelled at Xiao Hongying in a hoarse voice: "Not leaving yet!"

"What do you think?" Xiao Hongying retracted her head and asked in a low voice to Deputy Platoon Leader Tang who was wearing a military cap askew.

"Fuck, this guy's marksmanship is definitely better than you and me." The big dog stared at the dog and muttered: "He beat all the puppet soldiers to the ground by himself."

Xiao Hongying raised her small arms and waved: "We must get him into our platoon!"

The big dog carrying the horse Sihuan was a little helpless: "What the hell, you have also studied at the Anti-Japanese University, don't forget to check the identity of those who participate in the Eighth Route."

"I never tried you."

The big dog curled his lips: "Come on, you, what the hell, Sister Su has found out about me, so don't say you don't know."

"Hey, I really don't know"

"Pretend, those who don't know think you really trust someone."

"You heartless, dare to arrange me?"

"Smoke of wickedness, I didn't start it, did I?"

"That sweet-scented osmanthus."

"Stop, what are you going to do, just tell me what the hell."

Gunfire came from east and west.

A troop heading east trotted down the mountain path.

The vanguard at the head collided head-on with Ma Liang's platoon carrying the ammunition. The two sides briefly exchanged information.

Hu Yi looked at Ma Liang who was parked by the side of the road with his arms hanging from his chest: "What's going on?"

"It's okay, the big dog and the girl are behind to stop the attack."

Hu Yi's complexion became ugly: "Why is it the girl who fights and blocks?"

Ma Liang had long thought that Hu Yi might ask a question: "Don't worry, the girl's safety is absolutely fine. I think her platoon, if it doesn't fight a few battles, it will be difficult to form a fighting force, so..."

Hu Yi interrupted Ma Liang: "Can you persist?"

"It's okay, this injury is nothing, but I can't do it myself." Ma Liang understood the meaning of Hu Yi's words, but the Ninth Battalion only had such colors. Except for himself, other people led the team into the friendly defense area taken over by the devils. Hu Yi Don't worry, he obviously asked himself to act with the little girl.

Hu Yi didn't say any more nonsense: "Okay, you go back quickly. Li Xiang is guarding the north. The enemy's situation is unknown at present. You can take a detour from the south to meet him."


The two sides crossed.

Hu Yi led the team, accelerated the running speed, and ran head-on in the messy mountain wind under the sun.

The gunshots are getting closer and closer, but it doesn't seem to be intensive. It seems that the two sides should be shooting at each other from a long distance.

A whoosh sound suddenly sounded not far to the east after a cannon was ejected from the chamber.

The unique sound of mortar shell explosions echoed in the valley for a long time.

The heart of the vanguard who ran ahead sank: The girl platoon has met devils!

Devils generally do not equip puppet troops acting alone with mortars.

After turning a corner, I greeted the soldiers on guard.

Immediately see clearly the battlefield situation not far away.


Behind the boulder at the corner of the mountain road.

More than 20 people squatting against the cliff next to the mountain road to watch the excitement?

The platoon leader, a girl with braids on her head, was standing not far behind the mortar with the ammunition box next to it, waving a small flag to instruct the soldiers in front to stuff the shells into the muzzle.

Not far in front of the mortar, two machine guns seemed to show no sign of firing at all.

Farther to the east, there is also a corner of the mountain road. It should be a big dog, leading three other figures and shooting non-stop.

In the enemy's position farther away, a long line of yellow puppet uniforms lay on the large brown and green mountain road, and they were firing back with rifles.

The false company commander was simmering with anger. From the exchange of fire to the present, the machine gunners under him had changed five times.

Except for the last one who escaped forward without showing up, they all emptied a magazine indiscriminately.

Even failed to hit a serious burst.

(End of this chapter)

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