under fire

Chapter 995 The highest realm of stealing

Chapter 995 The highest realm of stealing

The county is not big.

In broad daylight.

Men in black dressed as traitors from the two masked detective teams ran around the roof, immediately attracting countless curious eyes looking out from behind the windows.

Shout out timidly.

Those guys are almost all bad bastards who are extorting and extorting for tigers to eat people without spit out their bones!
Fortunately, those two shadows disappeared soon
The monkey turned over and got off the roof, and went straight into the attic through a window that seemed to have been forgotten to close.

Go directly from the second floor to the first floor.

An old man and a young man were lying at the gate and looking out through the gap.

Hearing footsteps at the top of the stairs, he turned his head quickly.

The monkey shook the shell in his hand: "Don't talk, or this guy won't be sympathetic."

The old man shivered for a moment: "The small business is small and the profit is small, I hope the commander will show mercy."

Monkey's tone was flat: "Are you the shopkeeper?"

The old man hurriedly cupped his hands: "Excuse me. What's your order?"

The monkey was not talking, and in front of the shopkeeper, he unloaded the double magazines tied together by the [-]-gun bastard in his hand, loaded a [-]-round magazine, and then put the buffalo into the wooden gun box. Almost all of China's shell guns, even the speed machines, use ten rounds of magazines.

Twenty-round magazines are too long to carry around, and... they are rarely used.

Seeing that there was no movement downstairs, Liu Wenxia, ​​who was on guard on the roof, followed her into the attic.

She didn't go downstairs, she approached the window facing the street on tiptoe, and carefully pushed the window open a crack.

Monkey heard the imperceptible footsteps upstairs, so he slapped the dust on his body, and suddenly said, "Treasurer Bai asked me to bring you a sentence."

The originally nervous shopkeeper's eyes suddenly lit up: "I don't know a white shopkeeper or a black shopkeeper."

"Give me seven Liang Yuqian Longjing"

"Either one catty or half a catty, what do you want seven taels for?"

"Isn't it good for nine people to drink seven taels?"

The shopkeeper no longer doubted: "Just you?"

"Don't be verbose, tell the situation quickly."

"Half an hour ago, news came from inside that the detective team led the arrested comrades into the compound."

After the two muttered for a while, the young man took off a door panel with a bang.

Then, the monkey slipped out of the gate through the very narrow gap in the door.

Swaggeringly, he went straight to the gate of the detective team diagonally opposite.

The shopkeeper hurried up to the second floor, went straight to Liu Wenxia, ​​looked around, and said, "Are you alone?"

Liu Wenxia was looking at the monkeys going to the gate of the detective team on the street, and turned to look at the shopkeeper: "This is saving people, not storming the detective team. Why do you need so many people?"

"But, he went in alone, isn't this like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, it's just playing the piano!"

Liu Wenxia got angry: "Then how many people do you want? One class, one platoon, or one regiment?"

The shopkeeper was speechless for a while, as if it was the case, the more people there were, the bigger the goal would be.

But it's okay, there are internal responses in the detective team, there should still be a chance to act after dark
There was a big commotion in the city, and there were many people in black riding bicycles and jogging in and out in the compound.

The investigative team usually arrests a lot of people, and naturally has many enemies. The two traitors who are on duty at the gate are also dedicated to their duties.

One was guarding the side of the door.

On weekdays, there are also traitors from various townships and villages below the county seat who go to the city to report to the compound, and there are already many faces.

The traitor at the gate naturally couldn't remember the faces of every detective team member.

The familiar face card is swiped directly, and from time to time, he greets those familiar dogs and traitors who come in and out.

Those who don’t know each other will naturally have to check whether the certificate matches the person’s identity, and the check can be described as watertight
One of the monkeys who saw a strange face shook the ID card in his hand, and nodded to the monkey calmly.

Hou Zi didn't say a word, and strode directly into the compound with other detective team members.

Opposite the gate, the other person on duty was too busy checking the IDs of those traitors from the strange detective team who passed by him, so he didn't care about the other side's business.

Although these days, no one is too impatient to come to the detective team to make trouble.

But a few years ago, many students went to the police team to demonstrate and throw rotten eggs. Later, a few batches were arrested and sent to prison, and after those students’ families were punished and bankrupted, no students dared to come to the tiger’s den to act as heroes.

However, the Eighth Route Movement was rampant, assassinating many colleagues who should have been promoted and made a fortune, so that the detective team did not dare to relax their protection measures at all.

Monkey seems to be quite familiar with the compound, obviously, it is definitely not the first time he has sneaked into the detective team!

The compound of the detective team is a den of ghosts, snakes, gods and traitors. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a den of dragons and tigers.

Just because it brings together all kinds of ghosts and ghosts, no matter who puts on that layer of black dog skin, they can pretend to be ghosts and snake gods.

Monkey has understood this truth since he was a child. If he didn't know how to speak bird language, he might be able to go around the Devil's Gendarmerie a few times, but... he can only climb over the wall.

The purpose this time is to save people, to save those two idiots who don't know the importance.

With a clear sword and a bright gun, a hundred monkeys can't please them.

But to play this kind of job of stealing people from the detective team seems to be his strong point.

Although the difficulty is not small, as a thief, he doesn't think it is difficult at all to do his old job!
Therefore, he defined this action as stealing!

What is the highest level of stealing?
everyone has their own opinion
Four courtyard walls surround a large square.

The east, west and north sides are all two-story buildings, and there is a backyard in the north.

There are warehouses, detective team dormitories, and detective team dungeons in the backyard.

The office of the detective team, which is connected by three buildings, is not small.

The monkey didn't hesitate at all, and walked directly to the room with the interrogation room on the first floor to the west.

In the corridor under the eaves of the first floor, traitors from the detective team come and go from time to time.

Seeing a monkey dressed in black, I naturally thought it was the same kind, and didn't bother to pay attention at all.

Besides, there are so many detectives in a county, who can recognize them all?
After passing through the security department and the reconnaissance department, the words "interrogation room" suddenly appeared in front of my eyes on the house number.

After listening carefully at the door for two seconds, he pushed the door open and entered without hesitation.

The door opened, and the light suddenly brightened.

Behind a table in the room sat two traitors in black with writing brushes in their hands.

Across the table, on a stool sat a young man with his hands handcuffed.

Behind the young man stood a detective team member.

Hearing the sound of the door, the person sitting behind the table immediately turned around: "Who are you and what are you here for?"

On the other hand, the traitor of the detective team who was standing in the young man's hands should have often eaten in restaurants, so he recognized the impostor Hou Zi at a glance: "Hey, is it you?"

The monkey looked serious: "Shut up, if you dare to reveal my identity, I will pull out your skin."

The two traitors behind the table were a little confused and didn't speak.

The traitor who knew the monkey immediately came to his senses, the one being interrogated right now was the restaurant guy, could it be that the one in front of him was an accomplice?
He threw himself into the trap and immediately prepared to draw his gun.

"I'm undercover in the restaurant, and the captain has resumed my identity."

"So that's how it is." The dog who took out the gun finally figured it out, could this be the eye placed in the restaurant?

"There was a shootout in the restaurant, and many people died. What did you eat?" Monkey became emotional: "If I hadn't acted so fast, I might have died."

The one who took out the gun put the gun back into the holster: "Isn't there a shortage of manpower over there, why are you back at this time?"

"Hehe, didn't you arrest the two people from the restaurant? I heard that they refused to speak up. The captain said that I knew them well, so he asked me to come and persuade them."

"The captain's skills are really good. It seems that you have already grasped their criminal evidence. Well, it's not bad for you to interrogate them!"

The traitors of the two detective teams behind the table were a little unhappy, and sarcastically said: "Hey, I said, what are you doing? If you say change people, just change people?"

(End of this chapter)

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