under fire

Chapter 997 The meat delivered to the mouth

Chapter 997 The meat delivered to the mouth
The team marched on the narrow trail among the majestic mountains, with cliffs on one side and deep valleys on the other.

The sun from the west occasionally falls on the lush mountainside.

Three or five were in front, and more than a hundred people were carrying boxes and stretchers, pulling the elders along.

Luo Fugui, who walked in the front, had a gray hat and a gray military uniform, gray leggings, and new cloth shoes. He wore three large bags and carried a Czech-style light machine gun across his shoulders. Behind him were more than fifty people carrying large bags and small bags and carrying bicycles. team.

Behind, Chen Chong carried the stretcher and the burden.

The team was divided into two sections, carrying countless machine guns with long guns on their backs and short guns.

All of them had exhaustion and sleepiness on their faces, and they had been marching continuously for almost six or seven hours since they set off after dawn.

It is estimated that it took less than thirty miles.

At the end of the team, Chen Chong sat on the mountain path, leaning on a straight branch in his hand, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the other hand, looking at the correspondent who followed behind: "Is there any news about the battalion commander?"

"The vanguard sent by the battalion commander is very fast and has already reached the foot of the mountain. The brigade set off two hours ago and should be about [-] miles behind us."

"Have you got all the ammunition back?"

"It's all back, some guns, some mortar rounds."

"What did you say? Mortar shells?"

"There are several boxes, and one box was ruined by the wicked girl."

Tian Sanqi raised his head and looked at the sky: "Prodigal bastard, that's all right, you go back quickly and tell the company commander, we will cross this mountain and wait in front."

"Yes." The correspondent, who had only hung up the shell gun, turned around and walked back.


Hu Yi, who was bathed in the setting sun, faced the mountain wind and looked at the team walking down the mountain ahead, frowning deeply: "Are you sure?"

Crazy Yang, who was standing next to him, had no expression on his face: "It can't be wrong."

"Do you have any idea?"

"The one surnamed Gao" Crazy Yang's eyes were burning like a torch: "Leave a life."

This guy really didn't talk much, and finally three more words came out of his mouth.

Hu Yi turned to look at Xiao Hongying: "Do you understand?"

Xiao Hongying leaned against the mountain wall and kept staring at Crazy Yang, almost swallowing her saliva: "Hey, just watch it."

Ma Liang who was next to him hesitated for a moment, and suggested, "I think it would be better to capture them all?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "The enemies captured on the battlefield are called prisoners. Now they should be called spies. Remember clearly, there is only one end for spies."

"I understand." Ma Liang nodded: "To be on the safe side, I think I should lead the guard."

Hu Yi shook his head: "Your arm is injured, it's safer to be led by a big dog."

Xiao Hongying on the side murmured to Ma Liang: "Hey, it's up to you? Do you dare to compete with me for the task?"

Hu Yi put his narrow eyes on the binoculars and kept scanning down the mountain, as if he didn't hear Xiao Hongying's words.

Ma Liang was helpless: "When will we do it?"

Xiao Hongying looked around vigilantly: "Didn't you listen to what Brother Yang said? There is an elite team of devils hidden near here. Let's talk about it after we enter the mountain."

Hu Yi's brows were filled with deep worry, and he concentrated on observing the terrain below the mountain, ignoring Ma Liang's question.

Crazy Yang, whose torn military uniform was swaying in the mountain wind beside him, his dirty fisted hands loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again.




Go up the hill again.

Before I knew it, it was dusk.

The team slowly stopped.

Tian Sanqi started first, and was waiting at the col. When the brigade passed by, he stood in front of Hu Yi and said, "Hello, Battalion Commander."

Because of the nervousness along the way, he marched continuously for an afternoon, and time flew by. Hu Yi had long forgotten his exhaustion: "Did you meet any strangers along the way?"

"I didn't see a single ghost."

"Are there any abnormal footprints"

Tian Sanqi scratched his head: "The mule walked ahead. I have to ask him about this."

"Where's the mule?" Hu Yi asked.

"Uh, sleep in front." Tian Sanqi deliberately didn't let anyone wake up Luo Fugui who was snoring.

"Oh my mother, it's not even dark yet!" a new soldier behind Hu Yi murmured.

"I will definitely not go to the Ninth Company in the future." Another new soldier next to him agreed deeply. After the old Ninth Company was promoted to the battalion, Luo Fugui was the new Ninth Company Commander.

"What do you know?" The squad leader rolled his eyes at the two hundred and five.

Halfway up the mountain.

On a small flat ground, Wang Xiaosan was urging the soldiers to bury pots and boil water for cooking.

Most of the soldiers didn't know that the friendly team in the middle of the team was actually a devil and a spy.

Hu Yi glanced at the short gun team personally arranged by Xiao Hongying, casually surrounded the team of friendly troops, ordered to eat, and prepare for camping.

Ma Liang arranged for soldiers to take over the post that Luo Fugui had previously arranged, and the rest found a place to sit and rest.

After eating indiscriminately, Hu Yi, who had muttered to Luo Fugui for a while, stood up again.

Leaving the sight of the camping team, he immediately climbed to the top of the nearby mountain with both hands and feet, looking at the dark distant mountains in the setting sun, and the unobstructed dark gray mountain streams on the left and right are all in sight.

The binoculars scanned back and forth along the rough and vague path pasted on the mountain wall.

Everything is calm as usual.

Can't help but feel a little lost.

On the right is the Grand Canyon, it is impossible for devils to come up from there, and Tian Sanqi has never met a stranger along the way.

I asked Luo Fugui just now, and there were indeed cloth shoe footprints heading west along the way. Obviously, there were at least fifty devils who had already walked in front of the team.

A very important point, how did the devil know that Jiuying would go this way.

If the Ninth Battalion turned directly to the friendly defense area, this group of devils would be completely wasting their time.

Unless there are ghosts on every trail.

If this is the case, the situation is too serious.

Combined with the enemy's activities in the past few days, it can be confirmed that the Devil's advance team has been following the Ninth Battalion.

And now, ghosts appear ahead!

If the Ninth Battalion did not return to the station and took the little devil to the friendly defense area, what would be the result?

Just passed the friendly defense zone in this area yesterday, and the friendly troops followed to join the enemy.

In the middle, it is definitely not as simple as I thought.

However, what is the virtue of Jiuying, so that the devils pay so much attention to it?

It is absolutely impossible for the little devil's target to be only the Ninth Battalion. With a small group of devils in front and a double-team behind, it is almost impossible for the Ninth Battalion to escape.

Therefore, it is basically certain that the devil must have come for the secret service.

The situation is very serious, the enemy is still aggressively attacking the friendly defense area, diverting to the south, the consequences are unpredictable.

This little devil is also really daring, he dared to send people into the Ninth Battalion.

Now that they know their details, they have become a hot potato instead.

If they were killed or driven away, the devils in the mountains were likely to attack Jiuying.

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light. This feeling is very bad.

The only advantage is that they already know the details of this group of devils.

These guys even have radios. In other words, the devils can mobilize planes for precision bombing at any time.

Otherwise, just kill this group of devils and finish the job.

There is really no end to these dog skin plasters.

Even if all the devils who sneaked into the Ninth Battalion are killed now, what will be the final result?
Attract devils to attack Jiuying?
How many devils entered the mountain, what kind of equipment they had, everything is unknown.

No one knows if there are other ghosts who entered the mountain through other means.

Thinking about these questions back and forth is really a headache.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in my mind!
Since you can't find the best solution, report it to your superiors!

The superior has an intelligence system, at least it can analyze the real purpose of this group of devils.

Hu Yi finally calmed down and returned to the campsite.

Soon, Ma Liang, who had dinner, led a squad of soldiers and carried a large number of ropes, quietly headed north and disappeared into the night.

Even if Ma Liang had an arm injury, he had to be let on this trip.

Xiao Hongying followed, the two of them were in the downwind position, and they were not afraid of being heard when they spoke.

"Fox, I think it's better to kill them directly."

"and then?"

"Hey, isn't it just a small team of devils, we have guns, what are you afraid of?"

"Did you forget that their radio station can attract planes?"

"We were just a company half a month ago, with small arms and legs, how could the devils like it, is it worth them to use the plane?"

Hu Yi shook his head, staring at Xiao Hongying in front of him: "Strengthen your vigilance."

"Hey, they have been divided into two classes. One class will watch the first half of the night, and the other will watch the second half of the night. Their every move can't escape my eyes."

"Be careful."

"An order has been issued, and everyone is forbidden to talk about Jiulian's situation. Besides, I won't do it myself. Hehe, I'm just a yellow-haired girl now."

"Are the Taoists reliable?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. Most of them are from poor families, and they have to stick together to survive in enemy-occupied areas."

"The scout under Luo Fugui has all been arranged?
Xiao Hongying was old-fashioned: "Don't worry, he stayed in Li Huanzhang's row temporarily and changed his name. As long as he doesn't meet Li Xiaolian face to face, this matter will never go wrong."

Hu Yi sighed deeply, feeling a little tired.

Xiao Hongying didn't speak any more.

Hu Yi fell into deep thought again.

After finally leaving the battlefield, the soldiers began to show various complex emotions. Some were excited because they had enough bullets, and the soldiers who had a shuck for the first time wiped their guns with envious eyes.

Some soldiers silently mourned the sacrificed comrades.

The excited recruit Mosuo held the steel gun in his hand, homesick from time to time, and imagined how he would feel when he went back with the gun on his back.

Platoon Leader Gao had a smile on his face and was changing the dressing for Crazy Yang's brother on the stretcher.

Not far away, holding a rifle, the half-closed eyes of the big dog seemed to be dozing off, but it was actually as vigilant as a night dog hearing footsteps.

Beside him, Li Laosan, with his arms hanging on his chest, snored.

Crazy Yang squatted next to the tall platoon leader, feeling complicated.

This chapter is over.

I didn't expect to be able to write nearly a thousand chapters, so let me convince myself first.

Although not many people watched it, at least it made up for my regret for the deserting eunuch.

Writing this book hurts my body!Even the money for cigarettes is not enough.

At the starting point, there are really not many books that can be read on the Anti-Japanese War. By the way, I recommend a friend's book: Reckless Heroes of the Anti-Japanese War.

Because there are too many restrictions on the military category, you can't pass the trial after several consecutive openings.

The editor suggested to write about crossing the bright sword and head, just want to say, can it be called a book?

So I opened a new book: "Urban Dimension Administration".

The vicious and smoldering brazenly invites the deserters who are still at large to read a book next time, raise a rich hand and give it to a collection...

(End of this chapter)

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