War of Resistance

Chapter 1014 Rectification

Chapter 1014 Rectification
After hearing the news, Wang Liang finally felt a little more balanced: There is no way, the first-level official crushes people to death, and the head of the group said it was a good discussion because he gave you face, and if he didn't give face, he just grabbed it.

However, after being robbed, there was finally some compensation, which gradually reduced the resentment in Wang Liang's heart, and the resentment of being picked peaches was finally not so great.

If it is really calculated according to the conditions given by the head of the regiment, Wang Liang still made the money: because this is not training for him?If he practiced well and went back to his sixth battalion, he would have gained a group of elite backbones.

It will be a good thing to build up another batch of troops based on this group of backbones. At least the next sixth battalion will become stronger and stronger.

If you have to use modern language to summarize, it is to be sent out to experience the combat atmosphere of advanced combat and powerful troops and learn relevant combat experience.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Wang Liang chose to immediately agree to Zhang Tianhai's conditions: "Report to the team, I am willing to obey the orders of the commander, and immediately arrange for the troops to be demobilized... Oh no, it is a matter of splitting up!"

Wang Liang is a smart person, and he also knows that the Tuan Zuo has already given him face, so he should have been notified directly.

"You boy, there is something in your words!" Zhang Tianhai smiled and pointed at Wang Liang, "It's still dismissed, and you won't return to the original army after you split up."

"Well...hehehe..." Wang Liang scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled.

"Xiao Xu, immediately notify Deputy Commander Guo and Deputy Commander Li to come here, and call Chief of Staff Li!" Zhang Tianhai turned his head and said to Xu Xun.

"Yes! Group seat!" Xu Xun responded.

"Wang Liang, you kid, sit here for a while! Let's talk about it. What have you gained during this time? Especially in leading troops." Zhang Tianhai said to Wang Liang.

"Yes, group seat." Wang Liang replied, and then sat down on a mound of soil next to Zhang Tianhai.

After sitting down, Wang Liang began to make a report while beating his stomach: "Reporting team member, in recent days, I have been focusing on the training of a strong army, focusing on the weakness of the army's large number of recruits and weak combat effectiveness, and started targeted training. .Significantly improved..."

But before Wang Liang finished his report, Zhang Tianhai yelled: "Stop! Are you writing a report to me? Don't show off to me. I taught you your ink. Just say it!"

Hearing what the head of the group said, Wang Liang also knew that if he continued to be so sloppy, the head of the group might have to dismiss him when he turned around.

So, Wang Liang changed the subject and said: "Reporter, to be honest, apart from catching recruits for training, I have not done anything else, basically it is the company formation, training with guns, and shooting with live ammunition twice. The note was specially approved by Deputy Head Guo and Chief of Staff Li, and Director Zhu Shaohong distributed the ammunition to us, and a total of [-] rounds were used. Each shot ten rounds."

"That's okay, at least my soldiers won't just go to the battlefield and rush up without knowing anything." Zhang Tianhai nodded.

"Well, group seat... don't you blame the humble officer for sending notes to deputy head Guo and chief of staff Li?" Wang Liang asked cautiously.

Seeing that Wang Liang asked such a petty question, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said, "Hmph, does I seem to be such a petty person? Besides, what bastard can do it without even firing a single bullet from the recruits?" Let them go to the battlefield? Besides, I, Zhang Yulin, can still afford ten bullets per person."

"Thank you for the group seat!" Seeing this, Wang Liang immediately got up and stood at attention to salute.

Before Wang Liang woke up, Zhang Tianhai immediately stopped Wang Liang's movements, and shouted almost subconsciously: "You boy, sit down for me! If you salute on the battlefield so frequently, if I am collapsed one day, It was you who caused it, and before I die, I must first order you to be destroyed!"

Hearing what Tuan Zuo said, Wang Liang also realized his mistake and immediately corrected it.

Not long after, Guo Qiliang, Li Yinglun and Li Chunfei arrived.

"Tuan Zuo, are you looking for us?" Li Chunfei spoke first.

"Yes, all three of you, sit down for a while! Xiao Xu, get ready and take minutes of the meeting." Zhang Tianhai ordered.

"Yes, Tuanzao!" The four responded at the same time, but they did not salute, because it was in Nantianpu, and this is the center of the target. die.

After Xu Xun took out his notebook and pen, Zhang Tianhai said: "Everyone, I also know that this is the busiest time, and it is also the commander-in-chief of the Corps, Chief Xue, who ordered our troops to rest in peace, and other troops will take over for us." When the troops attacked Leiminggu Liu's direction, I called everyone back at this time because of the next battle plan."

Zhang Tianhai looked around the crowd, seeing that there was no disgust on their faces, he continued: "According to Chief Xue's order, we can know that our army has formed an absolute advantage over the enemy, and has initially completed The encirclement. The next step will be a very brutal battle. Indeed, in this battle, we can be said to have won a greater victory with fewer casualties, but it also exhausted our regiment's artillery reserves. We have to be ready for the next step.”

"Now our first battalion, second battalion and even third battalion have reached the standard of more than half of the casualties, which will have a great impact on combat effectiveness. Just now, I called battalion commander Wang Liang of the sixth battalion here. It was decided to split the Sixth Battalion into other main forces, and after the battle of Wanjialing, these troops will be reorganized. I want to hear everyone's opinions." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai turned his attention to Li Yinglun.

"Tuan Zuo, my opinion is that let the sixth battalion be split into the first battalion and the second battalion first. By then, the troops of these two battalions will be ready to fill up. In addition, the guard company will be divided into two battalions. Temporarily assigned to the command of the third battalion, with the third battalion as the general reserve, this is enough." Li Yinglun said.

After hearing Li Yinglun's suggestion, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Oh? Tell me the reason why you want to make such an adjustment."

"Tuan Zuo, this is what I think. Even if it is difficult to fight the Wanjialing battle in the future, it will not be very difficult. After all, our army has already formed an absolute advantage over them. If we fight, our regiment will not be able to fight." If we choose the absolute main force of the enemy army to fight, we must fight against their stragglers. Therefore, four main battalions are enough to deal with it, not to mention, when the fight is critical, we still have cavalry battalions and special service companies that can fight!" Li Yinglun spoke eloquently.

"That makes sense." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "Indeed, if we count the five main battalions, plus the cavalry battalion and the special agent company, we still have nearly 500 combatable soldiers. Counting the troops, we can reach [-], and I think it is enough to fight a battle to protect ourselves, everyone, what do you think?"

"Reporting to the delegation, I have no objection to the humble position." Li Chunfei responded.

"Tuan Zuo, I have no objection." Guo Qiliang said.


PS: Updates are coming!

There is a new book called "The Weak Crown Asks for the Long Tassel", which is only 0.4 words.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Pauline Zhizun for the reward of 1500 points! ! !

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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