War of Resistance

Chapter 1030 Bloody Battle Zhang Gushan

Chapter 1030 Bloody Battle Zhang Gushan
"Military seat, the front line is already in fierce battle, do you want to send reinforcements to support the Eighth Division!" A soldier stepped forward and reported to the army commander Yu Jishi.

"No need! The troops of the Eighth Division are brought out by me, Yu Jishi, no matter what you say, they are a force with strong combat effectiveness. The Eighth Division cannot survive." Yu Jishi said with his eyes wide open. Full of stubbornness, as a representative of the first phase of Whampoa, he always allows himself to go longer and farther than others.

More importantly, it is impossible to withdraw the frontline positions now. Once they retreat, it will be messed up, because the battle has already begun, so if it continues like this, the result will be the same.

At the same time, Yu Jishi was already ready for the entire Eighth Division to stick to it, unless they were all wiped out!
"Military seat, my first division is ready for the whole division to support at any time!" Wang Yaowu stood at attention and saluted.

"Just wait!" Yu Jishi turned his head and patted Wang Yaowu's shoulder and said.

For Yu Jishi, the honor of soldiers comes first, and he brought out the Eighth Division alone. It is impossible to count how many soldiers were sacrificed in exchange for the title of "Hu Ben", but the current situation is far from dangerous, just casualties Bigger.

"Junzuo, although you didn't bring out our first division, the brothers in our first division are definitely not such cowards. You can give us a chance!" Zhang Lingfu, head of the [-]th Regiment, said.

"Wait! This battle will not end so quickly. The Eighth Division is far from dead and wounded. You have to complete more important tasks. Even if the No. The Songpu Division cannot be allowed to break through, otherwise, we will all be sinners of the nation through the ages. The brothers of the Eighth Division are just one step ahead of the brothers of the First Division." Yu Jishi said in a deep voice, looking like he was ready to lead the troops to fight to the end ready.

"Understood." Zhang Lingfu stood at attention and saluted, and at the same time the surrounding officers also immediately stood at attention and saluted.


The fierce battle in Zhang Gushan was still fierce, and the Japanese army bombarded Zhang Gushan's national army positions by virtue of their powerful land and air artillery fire.

All day long, the explosions on Zhang Gushan did not stop. It can be said that as soon as the artillery fire stopped here, the Japanese infantry had already started to charge, which was not so fast.

Shouts of killing and artillery bombardment rang out, and the Japanese army almost put all their hopes in the direction of Zhang Gushan.

That is to say, this fierce artillery fire and the strong and continuous Japanese offensive caused the Eighth Division to suffer heavy casualties. It took only one morning, and more than half of them were already lost.

"Put the troops up! Put all the reserves up there!" This was Yu Jishi's order after he received the tenth call for help from Feng Shengfa, the commander of the Eighth Division.

The ferocious offensive of the Japanese army made the troops of the national army in Zhanggushan almost difficult to describe.

If not, why would Feng Shengfa be so anxious to ask Yu Jishi, an old classmate, comrade in arms, and superior leader, to send more reinforcements so anxiously?

Of course, Yu Jishi also knew Feng Shengfa's character, after all, he was an old classmate, and he also knew very well that if the situation was not very urgent, why would this old classmate be so eager to ask him for reinforcements?
About an hour later, after the Japanese army launched another fierce attack, Feng Shengfa dialed the phone number of the military headquarters again: "Hello, I am Feng Shengfa, let the military seat answer the phone immediately!"

"Military seat, Commander Feng is on the phone." A combat staff officer said to Yu Jishi.

Without thinking about it, Yu Jishi answered the phone directly: "Hi, I'm Yu Jishi."

"Military seat, this place is about to be overwhelmed. Hurry up and send reinforcements! If you don't send them, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on anymore!" On the other end of the phone, Feng Shengfa's voice became a little hoarse.

Hearing Feng Shengfa's voice, Yu Jishi also knew that Feng Shengfa must have reached a desperate situation, so he looked at the guard camp outside the military headquarters and said, "Old Feng, listen to me, no matter what, you must hear the sun Go down the mountain, wait until the sun goes down, I will send a division to take over your position! One more thing, you have to listen carefully, I only have one battalion of reinforcements here, and that is my guard battalion! I leave one platoon, guard Military department, I will give you all the others! Listen, if the position cannot be defended, you have to come back alive for Lao Tzu!"

"Yes! Military seat! Old Feng thanked you here! The humble job promises to complete the task!" Feng Shengfa said seriously, this is the best he can guarantee.

"Okay, remember, you have to come back alive! I'll wait for you at the military headquarters!" After speaking, Yu Jishi hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Feng Shengfa looked at the hills that were already surrounded by gunpowder smoke, and said with a loud smile: "Little devil, wait! Even if I die here, you will not be able to escape. Many brothers and sisters in Huangpu are dead. In this battlefield, there is no shortage of me, Feng Shengfa! Fuck your ancestors!"

As he said that, Feng Shengfa waved his hand, signaling his officers and soldiers to enter the fighting state.

Although there are only more than 300 people left on this hill, they are confident enough to repel another onslaught from the little devil.

There are corpses everywhere on the ground, all of which are broken arms and limbs. If the national army on the hill wants to take a step, they must step on the corpses to move forward. The loess on the ground has long been dyed red. The remains, and the corpses left by the Japanese army.

The creek flowing down the mountain has already turned red, full of bloody smell.

This is the stream stained red with the blood of the officers and soldiers of both China and Japan!
"Kill!!" With the order of the frontline officer of the national army, the gunfire rang out again.

At this time, it was no longer the same as Nantianpu. This time, the breakout operation concentrated all the combat aircraft available to the Central China Expeditionary Army, in order to save the Matsuura Division.

It can be said that the top of Zhang Gushan was bombed by all the aircraft available to the Central China Dispatch Army, so how could it not suffer heavy casualties.

Regarding the situation of the Eighth Division, Yu Jishi sent a telegram to the First Corps and the Military Commission in Wuhan at the same time, probably saying that the No.70 Fourth Army suffered heavy casualties on the front line, and the Eighth Division was almost wiped out.

After the Military Commission received Yu Jishi's telegram, it immediately reported it to Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek saw that his direct troops were almost wiped out, so he hurriedly "replaced" the front line.

The difference from the reaction of the Wuhan Military Commission is that Xue Yue issued a death order to let the No. 70 Fourth Army stick to it. At the same time, he notified the First Regiment of the Ninth War Zone Guards to assemble immediately and prepare for a decisive battle with the Japanese army in Zhanggushan.

Xue Yue's reason is also very simple - if the No. 70 Fourth Army and the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone can't stand up to the ace troops, then the other troops can't stand up to it either, they will only miss their opportunity.

You know, if you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it will be difficult to have such a chance of victory.

Therefore, Xue Yue's order to the 74th Army is "do not retreat in a deadly battle, and if you retreat without fighting, you will be dealt with by military law"!

PS: Updates are coming!

Slow down, slow down, thank you for the 100-point reward from book friend Li Geshen from Qidian!

This book will not have eunuchs. Theoretically speaking, the existence of "The Weak Crown Asks for the Long Tassel" is also to make "The Flames of Fire" be written longer.

(End of this chapter)

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