Chapter 1041
The call was quickly connected.

"Hey, pick up Xue Boling for me right away, I'm Jiang Zhongzheng." Chiang Kai-shek said in a deep voice.

After hearing that it was Chiang Kai-shek's voice, Xue Yue on the other side of the phone immediately responded, "Hi, my seat is good, Xue Yue is the humble one, greetings to you!"

The surrounding officers immediately fell silent after hearing the call from the Chairman.

"Boling, I now order you to withdraw the No.70 Fourth Army. If the No.70 Fourth Army continues to fight like this, it will be wiped out! In addition, the first regiment of the guards in the ninth theater should also be withdrawn. !" Chiang Kai-shek did not directly explain his intentions, but adopted an imperative tone.

Regarding Chiang Kai-shek's thoughts, Xue Yue is naturally very clear: Isn't it because he loves his Central Army?Whether it is the first regiment of the theater guards or the No. 70 Fourth Army, they are all direct descendants of the central army's direct descendants. If these troops are really wiped out, they will have to be rearranged again.

However, Xue Yue did not carry out Chiang Kai-shek's order. Instead, he objected: "Chairman, this is not acceptable. The Japanese invaders are now at the end of the road. Neither the No.70 Fourth Army nor the First Regiment of the Theater Guard can withdraw." , that means they withdrew, and all the arrangements we made before, all the brothers who sacrificed were sacrificed in vain!"

The other side of the phone did not immediately agree, but hesitated for a while, and soon responded: "Okay, then I will give you two more days, you must complete the task, otherwise I will dismiss you! "

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Xue Yue promised in a deep voice. If the people next to him listened, they would know how much pressure Xue Yue was under at the moment - this was a death order directly from Generalissimo Jiang...

After hearing what Xue Yue said, Generalissimo Jiang just said "I'll wait for news of your victory" and then hung up the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Xue Yue looked at the people around him: "Comrades, colleagues, no matter whether it is the Japanese army or the commissioners, there is not much time left for us. We must do our best to take down the Wanjialing area." A tough bone!"

"Yes! Commander (Jun Zuo)!!" There was a resounding response on the field.

"Order all the troops, in addition to sticking to the position, if there is a possibility of attacking, please step up the attack immediately! The first to attack the thundering drum Liu's troops, this is the first victory in this battle!" Xue Yue ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir!"


Soon, each unit received a telegram from the First Corps of the Ninth Theater.

Various units launched attacks on the Japanese positions one after another. However, due to the limited counter-offensive force and the fact that they fought independently, they did not form a unified counter-offensive direction.


Zhang Gushan is on the front line.

As the Japanese army continued to launch fierce counterattacks against the national army, the No. 70 Fourth Army of the national army was not able to participate in the counterattack, and could only seize the time to build positions.

"Mr. Yu, all the troops have launched counterattacks one after another. Do you agree that our department will carry out the counterattack mission?" Zhang Tianhai asked Ying on his own initiative.

Yu Jishi thought for a while: "Although all the troops are attacking at this stage, the artillery fire of the Japanese army is aimed at us at Zhang Gushan. If we launch a counterattack at this moment, then the artillery fire of the Japanese army will cover Zhang Gushan again. If so, you How many people are left in your army?"

After finishing speaking, Yu Jishi looked at Zhang Tianhai with a smile in his eyes.

After Zhang Tianhai thought about it for a while, he also felt that what Yu Jishi said was very reasonable. After all, the Japanese infantry might have had a hard time defending, but the Japanese artillery was idle, and it was easy to fire. The muzzle of the cannon is facing Zhang Gushan, which is very uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Chief Yu, for your reminder." Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.

"Okay, just wait! Since the Corps Command has issued this order, they must be facing great pressure, just wait! Soon, the general attack order will be issued. At that time, your guards will be the first The regiment is the main force, and you are the trump card of our southern troops! Before our No.70 fourth army withdraws, your first guard regiment is not allowed to take over the position!" Yu Jishi's tone was very firm, and there was no room for refutation.

"But..." Zhang Tianhai still wanted to speak, but was stopped by Yu Jishi's eyes.

Suddenly, Zhang Tianhai seemed to understand Yu Jishi's intentions - this was already a preparation for leaving the 70th Division of the Japanese Army in Wanjialing after the No.[-] Fourth Army was wiped out.

"Sir, I understand the humble position!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai solemnly saluted Yu Jishi with a military salute. This was what he wanted to respect from the bottom of his heart, because he was an admirable officer.


After the counter-offensive of the national army stopped, the Japanese offensive resumed.

The target is still Zhang Gushan. For these national army troops, it has already been miserable - the Japanese artillery and aerial bomb attacks are so fierce that by the time the Japanese army rushed to them, the fortifications had already been destroyed up.

Therefore, these national army officers and soldiers can only fight desperately with these Japanese death squads that are already full of death will. The casualties of the troops of the first division are already very heavy. They are about to face the same tragic situation as the Eighth Division.

During this day, Zhang Tianhai has been at the No.70 Fourth Army Headquarters in Yu Jishi, waiting for the news from ahead.

Zhang Tianhai's troops have also been prepared and can be assembled at any time, and they can come to support the No.70 Fourth Army's position as quickly as possible.

All in all, the troops of the First Guard Regiment are ready to reinforce the No.70 Fourth Army at any time.


"Mr. Yu, this is the fourth time you have sent reinforcements today. Otherwise, let us go! If the fight continues, the No. 70 Fourth Army will be wiped out!" Zhang Tianhai was trying to persuade Yu Ji. No.70 The Fourth Army's military headquarters has been staying, and he also knows how bad the situation on Zhang Gushan is.

At the same time, Zhang Tianhai is also very clear that if his first regiment of guards is allowed to join, the situation will not be much better than that of the No.70 Fourth Army-this is a tug-of-war, and the strength of both sides must be used as a pull. The artillery fire was fierce, and the national army, as the defensive side, suffered a lot.

In other words, even if the first regiment of theater guards is placed in the position of Zhang Gushan guarded by the No.70 Fourth Army, it can only be used as cannon fodder, and they are not necessarily the No.70 Fourth Army. Not to be beaten!
If the Sixth Battalion of the First Guard Regiment were to go up, they would have to set up camp in less than a day!


PS: Updates are coming! !
Thank you for the 100 point coins at the end of the starting point book friend Leggeshen, etc.!

(End of this chapter)

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