War of Resistance

Chapter 1043 Decisive Battle!

Chapter 1043 Decisive Battle!
In the darkness, the entire Wanjialing area is like an Asura hell full of murderous aura.

Although the war has not yet started, the murderous aura has already filled the air.

Zhang Tianhai looked at his watch, there was still half an hour before the decisive battle would begin!

Lei Minggu Liu, the headquarters of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army.

There was no surprise attack on the position by the national army tonight, which made Lieutenant General Matsuura Junrokuro feel that something was wrong: Shouldn't they be killed early at this time?

Although he didn't want to admit this cruel fact, judging from the current situation, it was not that simple.

Especially now, Matsuura Junrokuro's deployment of troops has reached the point of stretching, and even the reserve team is gone-if it weren't for the airdrop of troops that day, I am afraid that Lei Minggu Liu would have fallen by now.

"Sanchi-kun, do you feel a murderous aura?" Matsuura Junrokuro asked the Major General Sanchi Tan next to him. Yes, Sanchi Tan is the head of the brigade just like Aoki Keiichi.

Ever since the head of Keiichi Aoki's brigade died on the front line, Matsuura Junrokuro would always ask Yamachi Tan for his opinions on matters large and small in the division. After all, no one in the [-]th division could reach this level There are too many, and there are not many people who have such attainments in conducting art and experience.

Shan Ditan, who was still full of flesh, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Reporting to your Excellency, the head of the division, I have never felt it before."

"Then wait! I believe that our reinforcements will arrive tomorrow night, as long as we can last until tomorrow." Matsuura Junrokuro said in a deep voice.

However, will things really go as he expected by Matsuura Junrokuro?Not necessarily!


Half an hour later, with a loud gunshot, the battle began.

First, there was the sound of guns from the direction of Zhang Gushan, and then there was a sound from all directions.

"The battle has already begun. Whether we can hold it depends on tonight. Immediately send a power call to General Neiji Okamura and tell him that we have been attacked by the absolute main force of the Chinese Army." , he is ready for the headquarters to be captured.

"Hay!!" The Japanese officer next to him responded.

"In addition, order the troops around the headquarters to prepare for the breakout. All officers of the headquarters are ready to burn documents and destroy communication facilities!" Matsuura Junrokuro's face is getting darker and darker. Everyone knows that this battle is already over. No chance.

"Hay!!" Another junior Japanese officer responded.

The issuance of these two orders made the remaining troops of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army ready to break through with all their might.

Maybe the Japanese army didn't expect them to face such an embarrassing situation at first, but the fact is so cruel.

The camera turns to the foot of Zhang Gushan, and the time goes back to 10 minutes ago.

For Zhang Tianhai, this was a very dangerous battle. After all, as a regiment commander, he was supposed to command the battle from the rear, not lead the charge.

It is precisely because it is leading a charge that there is a risk, and it is a risk of death.

But Zhang Tianhai has already ignored everything. In his opinion, this may be the last battle of Wanjialing. History has already changed a part because of his arrival - without his arrival, it would be impossible With Nantianpu's brilliant record of annihilating [-] enemies, without this record of annihilating [-] enemies, the Japanese army would not have been so difficult; without such difficulties, the Japanese army might have reached the end.

Zhang Tianhai also knew in his heart that the date of the national army's general offensive was a full day earlier than the time of the general offensive in history.

This time of day may not be conspicuous in normal times, but in a place like the battlefield where soldiers are extremely fast, it is the golden time to save lives-especially for the Japanese army, this is even more fatal.

"Since I have come to this era, it is impossible to let the regrets of this era repeat itself. Matsuura Junrokuro, want to run away? It's not that easy." Zhang Tianhai murmured, the voice only he could hear.

Before he knew it, Zhang Tianhai already had a few more mosquito bags on his body, but he felt that this was nothing to worry about. After a while, he would get more energy, and he had to vent it on these little devils, to nail them down. die in this area.

In order to ensure a smooth general attack, Zhang Tianhai also added an order: Anyone who wears clothes will be killed!

This was not because Zhang Tianhai was impulsive, but because he knew that this was the practice of the national army's night raids in Wanjialing!

Seeing the time on the clock getting closer and closer, Zhang Tianhai felt that he had to take the initiative in his hands—especially when the first regiment of their guards had been confirmed by their superiors as the main attacking force. be held accountable.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai made a bold decision: he wanted to advance the time of the general attack, but advanced it without authorization!

As for the advance time, it is actually not too much, that is, 2 minutes earlier, which is enough time for other troops to react. If they don't even seize this opportunity, they deserve to be held accountable in the end.

Seeing that it was 2 minutes before the general attack, Zhang Tianhai, who was shirtless and showing off his muscles, held a Browning pistol in his hand, and then pulled the trigger.


With a loud gunshot, Zhang Tianhai shouted: "Charge!!"

At this time, the light machine guns and rifles of the first regiment of the guards had already been set up, and even the grenade grenade had been arranged at the front line, and some heavy machine guns were aimed at the front line of the Japanese army.

Following Zhang Tianhai's order, the troops of the First Guard Regiment launched a general attack on the Japanese army 2 minutes earlier, and the gunfire was as dense as the firecrackers during the Chinese New Year.

In the darkness, the bullet that flew through the air was like the scene of the Leonid meteor shower, majestic and beautiful, and full of murderous aura!
The Japanese army was caught off guard. They did not expect that the opponent's attack would be so fierce!
In fact, not only the Japanese army was caught off guard, but even other troops were stunned: Wasn't it agreed at 12:30?Why is it 2 minutes earlier? !
However, since the battle has already started, the commanders also know that if the timing is missed, it will be very troublesome, especially if the Japanese army takes advantage of this gap to prepare for battle, it will be really troublesome.

Thinking of this, the commanders of the national army all chose to start the battle ahead of schedule.

"Hit! Give me a hard hit!!" a national army commander said harshly.

At the commander's order, the death squads began to charge...


The same scene also appeared in other battlefields.

"Damn it, what is the problem with the step?! The battle has started! Don't worry about it, I can't control so much, everyone has it, charge immediately!!" A national army commander ordered in a deep voice, and then took the lead Launch a charge.

After the commander gave the order, hundreds of officers and soldiers behind him immediately swarmed up, very fiercely.


Also confused is the frontline command of the national army.

"Damn it, the attack was delayed by 2 minutes! Which army did this! You don't want to mess around, do you?!" A lieutenant general slammed his hat on the table.


PS: One update will be delivered!The second watch is at twelve o'clock, and the third watch is after twelve o'clock!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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