War of Resistance

Chapter 1047 Su Machinery Equipment?

Chapter 1047 Su Machinery Equipment?

"The commissioner's words are serious. With the commissioner's ingenuity and high level of thinking, he will definitely not fail to understand. Commissioner, you called the humble post to your line of work. I'm afraid there are important things that you haven't made up your mind about?" Chen Cheng smiled. , for him, the art of speaking in this way is just opening his mouth.

Well, for a person who can be the commander of a theater, if he doesn't have this bit of EQ, it may be very difficult for him to have room for improvement... No, it should be said that he can't even be the commander of a theater without this bit of EQ This is the position of the chief.

"Those who know me, Cixiu. Sit down! My attendant has made tea for you, sit down and talk slowly!" After speaking, Chiang Kai-shek walked slowly to the big sofa and sat down, letting Chen Cheng sit on his left on the sofa.

"Thank you for your seat." Chen Cheng was not polite, and sat down immediately.

After Chen Cheng sat down, Chiang Kai-shek said, "I believe you have received the latest news from the Jiangxi front, right?"

"Reporting committee member, yes, I have already received this news before departure." Chen Cheng replied truthfully.

"About the No. 70th Fourth Army and the replenishment of your theater security forces, do you have any countermeasures in mind?" Chiang Kai-shek asked Chen Cheng.

Chen Cheng also knew that since Chiang Kai-shek had already said this sentence, it proved that he already had a plan in his heart, but he just wanted to hear Chen Cheng's personal opinion.

So, Chen Cheng said: "Committee, after verification, the Wanjialing battle ended early, and the two elite units of the Central Army have made great contributions, especially the No. 70 Fourth Army, the Eighth Division is close to The first division is not feeling well, at least more than half of them were killed or injured. On the other hand, the theater guards fought a beautiful battle at Nantianpu. In just one day, they wiped out the [-] Japanese defenders. In the attacking battle, this unit also acted as the main force, taking the lead in breaking through the enemy's positions. Both of these two units should take the lead in replenishing, and as for the strength of replenishing, it should be determined by the committee."

Chen Cheng's words were well proportioned, he said what should be said, and what should not be said, and he would not cross the line in a word.

Chiang Kai-shek nodded, and said: "With regard to the No.70 fourth army's repair, the intensity must not be small. If it is small, how can our officers continue to fight? How can we have the confidence to fight? After a while, there will be a batch of Soviet-style equipment , I am going to equip all this batch of equipment on the No.70 Fourth Army."

"Oh? And Soviet-style equipment assistance?" Chen Cheng was a little surprised.

"Yes, the amount of this batch of equipment is not too much, and it can probably equip an army, and there will not be too much surplus." Chiang Kai-shek did not deny it, and directly admitted it openly.

"Oh, I understand that humble job." Chen Cheng nodded.

"By the way, do you have any ideas about the development of some troops on the front line?" Chiang Kai-shek asked without naming names.

"To be honest, there are some, but these departments have expanded too fast. According to what we know, some troops have grown from four combat battalions at the beginning to eight battalions now. If you count the troops directly under the headquarters, it is There are more than nine, nearly ten battalions. However, they were also severely injured in this battle. If there are no accidents, their combat troops will lose at least more than 4000 people this time. After this repair, let's talk about development! "Chen Cheng said truthfully.

"I don't care how many people are lost. The point is to win the battle. If I lose the battle, I will ask him to settle the score."

This is Chiang Kai-shek's sincere opinion. No one likes to lose a battle.

"Then about the commander of the guard force, what are your plans? After all, he has won many battles, and we have defeated him many times, including the victory in Tangtou, and many other times. If you don't promote him, it won't make sense, right? "Chen Cheng couldn't help but say something. After all, the promotion of Zhang Tianhai was not approved by Generalissimo Jiang, so it might be inappropriate.

Chiang Kai-shek thought for a while and said: "Even if it can fight, it can fight better than the No.70 Fourth Army? Besides, no matter what, this is a grassroots army. He won the battle this time. I can give him the establishment. But at the level, he still lacks a bit of heat."

Hearing this, Chen Cheng couldn't help but tremble: The chairman really knows everything well. Fortunately, he didn't make his own proposal to promote that guy to a military position.

"That's right, the commissioner is really planning a plan, and the decisive victory is thousands of miles away. Indeed, in this respect, that kid still lacks a bit of talent." Chen Cheng did not forget to report the truth while flattering him.

"Let's not talk about anything else. Which army can be as cool as the guard of the Ninth War Zone? Don't look at this kid as weird. If he is transferred from this post, he will definitely complain. It's better to stay in the current position. Didn’t he also suffer heavy casualties? Give him enough combat battalion establishments, and give him all the casualties, better soldiers, and lost weapons and equipment, all of which will be replenished in proportion.” Chiang Kai-shek, as the supreme leader of the Republic of China , His words are a decision.

"Maybe some of the Soviet equipment will be given to the guards in the war zone? These troops can be regarded as troops that can fight. Give them some Su equipment, and their combat effectiveness may be greatly improved." Chen Cheng should not have said this sentence at all. After all, the chairman has made a decision, but he feels that these troops are still under his name, and they are obedient and able to fight. There is no reason for him not to like them and not to say a word about them.

"How can it be possible to give them Soviet equipment in this situation? This batch of Su equipment is extremely limited, and our weapons should be concentrated in military-level units. A regiment or a brigade alone is We can’t do anything. It’s better to focus on the development of military-level troops. Our focus should still be on the No.70 Fourth Army.” Chiang Kai-shek said very firmly.

"Yes, commissioned seat! I understand the humble position. What if the ministry makes meritorious service again next time? How to reward meritorious service?" Chen Cheng asked for instructions.

"We'll talk about it at that time. Young people still need to be trained more. It doesn't matter if they make more contributions. The focus is on cultivating talents. Our focus should be on the No. 70 Fourth Army." Chiang Kai-shek looked at Chen Cheng and said with a smile.

"If you want to develop the No. 70 Fourth Army, it is better to form another division to incorporate it. In this case, the No. 70 Fourth Army will be a proper three-division army." Chen Cheng made a suggestion.

Chiang Kai-shek thought about it and said, "Yes."

"The seat is wise!" Chen Cheng said with a smile, he is good at flattering, isn't he?

PS: The second update is here~!

Thank you for the 500 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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