War of Resistance

Chapter 1051 Jungle Pursuit

Chapter 1051 Jungle Pursuit
The jungle is rugged, the trees stand tall, and the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves. The forest is shaded and looks a little gloomy.

In this dark jungle, a battle of unequal strength is about to start.

For the commander of the Japanese army, he also didn't know how many people and how strong the opponent was. He only knew that the opponent had at least 100 people, and the weapons and equipment were extremely sophisticated.

"Warning! The enemy must have launched a tentative attack." The Japanese commander said. Obviously, he did not have the tactical gestures of the secret service company, so he could only notify through his mouth.

However, it was this cry that probably exposed the position of the Japanese commander.

Soon, the direction of countless muzzles suddenly aimed at the direction where the Japanese commander existed.




The sound of hitting the bottom of several grenadiers in a row sounded, and the general direction where the Japanese commander was hiding was immediately retaliated.





Soon, an explosion sounded in that direction, and several nearby trees were also collapsed by the explosion.

Seeing this scene, the Japanese soldiers around were terrified—they had never seen such a cunning and capable opponent, and with just one sentence, the general position was revealed, followed by a small grenade launcher. Bombardment of shells.

The point is, the bombing came fast, accurate, and ruthless. This is the most terrifying thing. They seem to be able to see that if they shoot themselves, will they also face this bombing?

The biggest fear of fighting in the jungle is never that the enemy is strong, but that you don't know the strength of the enemy army at all, and all temptations will have to pay the price of blood!
A shadow shrouded the hearts of these already defeated Japanese soldiers. They wanted to find the enemy on the opposite side to fight for their lives, but their task was not to kill the enemy, but to delay time.

At the same time, these Japanese soldiers also knew that the sound of the explosion would inevitably attract more enemy troops to follow, so they couldn't run away no matter what.

This is the real despair. For these Japanese soldiers, they seem to be unable to see the sun of tomorrow.

"Damn China Army, take your life!!" A Japanese soldier who couldn't stand the torture finally couldn't bear it anymore. He got up and cursed in Japanese, and then charged with a bayonet.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

In the next second, countless bullets penetrated his body, splashing bright red blood in the air.

"Ozawa-kun!!" Witnessing that the Japanese soldier was shot and died in such a miserable state, his comrades beside him couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately picked up a machine gun and fired in the direction of the Chinese army.


The muzzle flame was protruding, and the bullet casings were thrown out of the machine gun's ejection window, but it didn't seem to do anything—because he didn't hit anyone at all!

However, just because he missed others, it doesn't mean that others didn't aim at him. Soon, there was another burst of intensive fire coverage, and the Japanese soldier died tragically on the spot!
The Japanese soldiers nearby witnessed this scene, and finally some people couldn't help it, and quietly ran away: because these people also knew that the commander was dead or alive at this time, not to mention that there was no one at all. Dare to make a sound, if you make a sound, it is very likely that you will be targeted by the enemy's firepower, and then you will really die.

Seeing that some people escaped, some Japanese soldiers also began to move around - after all, no one wants to die, and no one wants their good time to be buried here.

Although it is true that the Japanese army's fighting will is strong, it is actually based on the premise that their commander is not dead. Among them, they are not so stupid that everyone will be buried for the Japanese Empire.

But in the world, one kind of rice feeds all kinds of people, and there are those who run away, and naturally there are also those who are foolish and loyal.

Seeing that some teammates ran away, some Japanese soldiers chose to stick to it, and they must stick to it to the end.

Of course, there are also those who can't run, such as those squatting at the front of the team. They have to face the enemies that are close at hand, and these enemies often want to crucify them to death.

In jungle warfare, whoever takes the initiative does not have the initiative on the battlefield. Whoever moves his position means that the risk of exposure will be greater, just like the current spy company.

A team of nearly 200 people marched, how could it be possible that there was no sign of exposure?

A Japanese soldier had already aimed his gun at a gap a few meters away. He knew that there would be officers and soldiers of the national army passing by, so he had loaded his bullets and waited for the officers and soldiers of the special agent company to pass by.

Needless to say, it really gave him an opportunity - while the figure was walking, he pulled the trigger decisively.


A bullet burst out from the muzzle of the [-] rifle, and a shot hit an officer and soldier of the secret service company who was moving.

"Ah!" The national soldier couldn't help but yelled out, and fell to the ground, not in ordinary pain.

Regarding this shot, the soldiers of the national army also quickly turned the muzzle and fired at the place where the Japanese soldier who fired the shot was.





There was another explosion, and an echo echoed through the woods.

Taking advantage of this gap, the secret service company's troops also quickly surrounded the place where the Japanese army was located. This is the experience gained after countless drills and actual combat.

The battle lasted about ten minutes and ended. A total of 20 Japanese soldiers were killed, eight were captured, and 12 escaped.

"Damn it, these little devils are so fucking cunning. They sent these people to drag us for 10 minutes. Damn it! Send people to send the wounded back, and the captives are also going back, The rest, keep chasing after me, I don’t believe it, his grandma’s Matsuura Junrokuro can still run from here with wings? I can’t kill him, an old bastard!” While looking at the time in his hand, Liu Houming Cursing, he really didn't expect that such a small number of people would delay him for so long.

In general, the officers and soldiers of the first guard regiment did not suffer. At least four casualties were reported. For ordinary troops, this is definitely a great military victory.

But for Liu Houming, he felt that he still suffered a loss. If nothing else, he said that he had missed the best time to capture Matsuura Junrokuro. This was the biggest loss he suffered.

"Yes! Sir!" The officers and soldiers of the secret service company beside him responded.

"Company commander, what should we do now? Do we want to continue the pursuit?" A platoon leader next to him asked.

"Chasing! Why don't you chase! Can you let this old boy run away at this time? Impossible! Gather your troops immediately and continue chasing!" Liu Houming said angrily. He had already discovered that these must be the blocking troops of the Japanese army, so he just Let alone let these Japanese troops go.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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