War of Resistance

Chapter 1054 The Great Victory

Chapter 1054 The Great Victory
The news that Matsuura Junrokuro was injured was quickly transmitted from the secret service company back to the regiment headquarters of the First Guard Regiment.

Zhang Tianhai didn't dare to hesitate either. After all, this news was a shot in the arm for the frontline troops. The key was that this thing was time-sensitive.

"Immediately convey it to the General Headquarters of the First Corps! And inform Chief Xue that the main force of our regiment is already on the way to retreat, please rest assured, Chief!" Zhang Tianhai made a decisive decision. He would never let such a low-level mistake be made by himself.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Xun, the adjutant next to him, responded. He has been with Tuan Zuo for so long, and it is impossible for him to not know Tuan Zuo's temper. of.

After issuing this order, Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief—I don’t know when he started to pay less attention to life and death. After all, there will always be casualties in wars. The only thing to do is to stay awake and organize troops to kill and injure the Japanese army more. Besides, who knows that one day I will sacrifice myself?The brothers who died in front were just going on the road first.


The news of the injury to Junrokuro Matsuura spread quickly to Xue Yue's headquarters, and Xue Yue couldn't close his mouth when he heard the news.

"Damn it, the little devil has his day too. Hahahahaha..." Xue Yue laughed while holding the telegram in his hand, looking very unhappy.

"Congratulations, sir, these are all achievements under your leadership..." The officers next to him congratulated one after another.

"You don't need to flatter me. Immediately retweet the news of our victory in Jiangxi's frontline, and tell them the news of our victory at the Jiangxi front, haha!" Xue Yue's words were full of pride, and he wanted the people of the whole country to share this great victory with him. !
"Yes! Sir!!" The people around responded.


The dark sky is gradually brightening, and newspaper offices in Wuhan are already crazy busy.

Because of the exact news from the military, the frontline troops wiped out the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, and only the division commander broke through, and the division commander of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, Matsuura Junrokuro, was also injured.

The significance of this kind of victory is comparable to the Taierzhuang victory, and even greater than the Taierzhuang victory - because what was wiped out in Taierzhuang was a strengthened brigade of the Jigu Division, and this Wanjialing victory was annihilated by the Japanese army. One of the formation divisions!

You know, although the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army had a regiment outside for supplementation, the [-]st Division put another regiment in, so judging from the total strength, the Japanese army was still wiped out. A division!
Division, this is the cornerstone of the Japanese army. If one is killed, it must be severely damaged, and it will shock the Japanese government and the public!
"Hurry up! Speed ​​up the printing!!" Lu Shi, the person in charge of printing the newspaper, was full of excitement, because once his report was published, how many people would be inspired to fight against the war. , A major victory in the anti-corruption struggle!

two hours later.

"Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers!! The national army wiped out the Japanese Matsuura Division on the front line in Jiangxi. The commander of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, Junrokuro Matsuura, was wounded and fled in panic!!"

"Selling newspapers! Selling newspapers!! The national army wiped out the headquarters of the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army on the front line of Wanjialing, Jiangxi. The commander of the division, Matsuura Junrokuro, was injured and fled in a panic!!"

The clear and loud voice of the newsboy resounded in the streets and alleys of the streets of Wuhan, and there was a burst of cheerful voices from the crowd.

"Hahaha! Little Japan! Damn it! Come on, I want a newspaper!"

"I want one too!!"

"I also want!"

Those who sell newspapers are scrambling to be the first, for fear that they will not get the newspapers, and will not be able to catch up with the prosperity of sharing this universal celebration. This battle has shown the tolerance of the Chinese people, and it has straightened the backs of the Chinese people...

The news of victory, like dropping a stone on calm water, turned into a huge wave, sweeping the entire Wuhan!
The whole of Wuhan is a sea of ​​celebration!

"Good news, the front line has won! Yulin and the others have won!" After hearing the news, Yu Zhiyun immediately returned home and told her daughter-in-law Zheng Man the news.

"Okay, this is good news." A tear dripped slowly from the corner of Zheng Man's eyes, unable to comprehend the suffering - the child in her stomach was still young and had not yet been born, but her husband was going through life and death on the front line, facing An enemy that is several times stronger than our own, but I can do nothing, can only silently stand behind and hope to hear news of his safety.

"Here, Xiaoman, take it. This is the newspaper I bought in the market today. Let me show you." Yu Zhiyun handed the newspaper to Zheng Man.

Zheng Man opened the newspaper, and saw that the newspaper read: National Army troops wiped out the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army on the front line in Jiangxi. It is the greatest victory since the beginning of the War of Resistance...

"There are more than 9000 people. This is an entire Japanese division. The [-]th division of the Japanese army fought from Nanjing to Jiangxi, and it must have lost a lot of people. Even if it is supplemented, it is impossible to complete it. This is a war Absolute victory. Mom, I still have a little money here, go and buy some meat and come back! Let’s eat better tonight.” As he spoke, Zheng Man took out ten yuan from his pocket, and handed it to Yu Zhiyun.

"Okay! Mom, let's go buy it now! Mom will cook your favorite braised pork tonight." Yu Zhiyun had a smile on her face, full of kindness.

"Okay." Zheng Man smiled sweetly.

After Yu Zhiyun went out to buy groceries, Zheng Man slowly returned to her room and took out her long-collected radio station.

"Drip, drip..."

A telegram was sent from Wuhan to the regiment headquarters of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone...


At this time, the first regiment of the guards had already withdrawn [-] kilometers away from the Wanjialing theater, and the retreat speed was not so fast.

But don't forget, they still retreated with a large number of guns and wounded, not just retreated cleanly.

"Tuan Zuo, is our retreat speed slower? If we follow our current retreat speed, if the Japanese army wants to catch up, we will be in trouble." Chief of Staff Li Chunfei said.

"Don't be afraid, our troops are not dead. We will fight once they come up. Besides, Little Japan is busy cleaning up the battlefield now. The secret service company will leave them some surprises." Zhang Tianhai sneered. , This is also his order. When cleaning the battlefield, it is also a great opportunity to kill the Japanese army.

Because the Japanese army wanted to clean up the battlefield, there would always be a few unlucky ghosts who accidentally slandered them. As long as they didn't clean up carefully, the booby traps would have an effect.

"Since the group seat has already reached a conclusion, it's not easy for me to continue talking about it." Li Chunfei nodded.

"Chunfei, you have to remember that we go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, we don't miss any chance to inflict damage on the enemy, even if there are not many, it's just one kill!" Zhang Tianhai's eyes There is a ruthless look in it, as the saying goes, no poison and no husband, especially in this important position of foreign wars.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks to Qidian book friends Leggeshen and Kailong 183 for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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