War of Resistance

Chapter 1056 Guarding Wuhan

Chapter 1056 Guarding Wuhan
In order to celebrate the victory of the Wanjialing Battle and the coming of the "Double Ten" (National Day of the Republic of China) in the Republic of China, the three towns of Wuhan held parades during the day and set off fireworks at night for three days. vast.

The whole country celebrated this victory, and the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater, which had made great achievements on the front line, began to come into people's field of vision, and as the regiment leader, Zhang Tianhai was even more admired Known as the "Victorious Commander" in the national army, he is vaguely already the No. 1 commander in the national army.

At the same time, because Zhang Gushan was captured by flying, Zhang Lingfu's reputation also rose to fame among the national army, but Zhang Tianhai finally suppressed him.

What Zhang Tianhai didn't know was that his name had become very famous after the fifth phase of Whampoa, and he even became the student representative of the seventh phase of Whampoa.

Of course, these are just undercurrents, and I will not show them for the time being.

The main forces of the [-]rd Division and [-]th Division of the Japanese Northern Front Army, led by their commander Higashikurimiya Toshihiko, broke through the Luoshan position in one fell swoop, and were heading towards Xinyang at high speed. The commander in charge of guarding Xinyang It was Hu Zongnan.

The Japanese army's central troops also broke through Guangji and directly threatened the Tianjia Town fortress in the south. The forward troops had launched several attacks on Songshan Pass, the frontier position outside Tianjia Town, but failed due to the tenacious resistance of the national army.

One of the Japanese troops on the southern front, such as the Ninth Division, had already entered the front line of Heshangnao and Bijiashan, and the Botian detachment occupied Fuchikou.

Although Wuhan is in the midst of a great celebration, the senior officials of the National Military Commission and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth War Zone have not lost their minds. They are studying how to ensure the maximum benefit in this Wuhan battle.

The first conference room of the Commander's Department of the Ninth War Zone.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was closed. As the supreme commander of the National Revolutionary Army, Chiang Kai-shek was sitting in the middle of the conference table. His eyes were closed, as if he was resting his mind. He was waiting for Chen Cheng to speak.

Chen Cheng was not the only one present here. Chen Cheng was sitting on Chiang Kai-shek's right hand side, while He Yingqin, Minister of Military and Political Affairs, was sitting on Chiang Kai-shek's left hand side. There were a bunch of senior officials from the Ninth War Zone underneath, about a dozen of them.

"Committee, the current battle on the front line is not good. The main force of the Ninth Division of the Japanese Army on the Yangtze River South Line has already entered the Monk Nao and Bijiashan lines. If they move forward, they will cut off the Wuhan South Line. In addition, the Xinyang Line is also in Bearing great military pressure, the Japanese North Route Army has nearly [-] soldiers pressing down on Xinyang. It is not known how long Xinyang can hold out. Our Tianjia Town Fortress, the gateway to the east of Wuhan, is also in great danger. Please chair the meeting !" Chen Cheng said in a loud voice, and the field was full of chills.

At this moment, Chiang Kai-shek opened his eyes, and when he spoke, he still spoke with the familiar Jiangsu and Zhejiang accent: "The Japanese army is coming fiercely, and there are about three armies of our army in the direction of Xinyang. There are only 6 to [-] people left, and I think it is impossible to defend the northern fortress of Xinyang with just this few people, and we can only delay. Minister He, what do you think?"

After Chiang Kai-shek finished speaking, he turned his attention to He Yingqin who was next to him. He Yingqin took a deep breath and said: "The commissioner's words are indeed very reasonable. Our troops in the north are quite weak. If the Japanese army breaks through Xinyang, then their main force will be able to follow the route." The Ping-Han Railway goes all the way south and directly hits the city of Wuhan. We should be prepared for the fall of Xinyang. I'm done."

After listening to He Yingqin's words, Chiang Kai-shek nodded. He looked at Chen Cheng solemnly and said, "Cixiu, you are the commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone. I want to hear your opinion."

"In the battle to defend Wuhan, counting Chief Zongren's Fifth Theater and our Ninth Theater, our army invested a total of 110 million troops in the battle, but most of our main force was involved in the southern and central routes. Our troops have already It has been over-consumed, with hundreds of thousands of casualties, and there is no reinforcements to support Xinyang. I propose to mobilize the troops that can be mobilized to fight a city defense battle with the Japanese army, and use the city of Wuhan to consume the Japanese troops.” Chen Cheng Said.

"This proposal is fine. What if Wuhan falls?" Chiang Kai-shek asked, with a heavy look in his eyes.

"Then burn the city!" Chen Cheng's tone was very firm. He had already communicated with Chiang Kai-shek privately and received strong support from the latter, "If the Japanese army invades Wuhan, we will immediately burn the city! We will not leave any useful material to the enemy. !"

"Do you have anything to add?" Chiang Kai-shek looked at everyone.

At this time, Liu Fei, the director of the first department of operations of the Military Command Department, said: "I am appointed to defend Wuhan. I think it is feasible, but most of our troops have suffered heavy casualties. If we want to deploy troops to defend Wuhan, it must be There will be a large number of troops to guard it. It is not yet determined which troops will guard it."

After hearing Liu Fei's words, in order to ensure that the proposal could be carried out smoothly, and that Chairman Jiang's intentions would not be rejected on the spot, Chen Cheng said: "As long as the heart of defending the greater Wuhan is determined, it is not a problem to deploy troops. I would like to be the first to set an example, and take the lead in participating in the battle to defend Wuhan with the combat troops directly under the theater as the main force!"

As soon as Chen Cheng's words came out, most of the generals present were a little surprised: After all, the main forces of the troops directly under the ninth war zone were not many, only about one division. How dare you have such courage!
Don't forget, the army directly under this theater is the only army that Chen Cheng can control besides the troops of the civil engineering department. Although the number is not large, it is better than the elite.

Now that Chen Cheng had already talked to this extent, He Yingqin couldn't say anything more, so he said: "The humble job thinks it's feasible."

The two big men in the national army had already expressed their opinions, and the opinion of the supreme commander seemed to be relatively close, so all the senior generals at the conference table agreed with Chen Cheng's opinion.

The voices in favor at the conference table have almost become one-sided.

Seeing that the time had come, Chiang Kai-shek said: "Since everyone has agreed with the plan to defend Wuhan and burn the city, then the meeting will focus on defending Wuhan and the plan to burn the city as the main guidance!"

"Yes!!" The generals straightened their backs and responded.

"Okay, very good. Let's start!" Chiang Kai-shek nodded.

"Commissioner, now that the battle direction has been determined, we should quickly draw up the troops to participate in the battle, and quickly restore the strength of the troops to participate in the battle, and then draw up the defense plan and the plan to burn the city. Once the Japanese army approaches the city, Wuhan will definitely not be able to defend it. We The combat direction should also be the premise of ensuring the consumption of Japanese troops, and try to ensure the integrity of the main force of our troops." Liu Fei said, as the head of the think tank from the Gui family, his proposals are generally very constructive.

Well, like this proposal.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you Qidian book friend Supreme True Ghost for rewarding the character "Zheng Man" with 1000 points.

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks to the starting point book friends Kailong 183 and Mr. Tan for their rewards of 100 points each!

(End of this chapter)

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