War of Resistance

Chapter 1059 Process change?

Chapter 1059 Process change?

I don’t know if I don’t list it, and I’m startled when I list it. When the staff listed the record of the first regiment of the guards, they almost didn’t startle Yamashita Matsuzawa.

"Nani, this Chinese army can cause so much damage to our army on the front line! Why is this! Are our imperial officers all horse dung?!" Yamashita Matsuzawa cursed angrily.

However, he immediately came to his senses. For others, he may be a strong enemy, but for him as the temporary division commander, it might not be a good time to defeat the enemy!
That's right, Yamashita Matsuzawa needs military exploits too much at this time, and at the same time, he is too close to the position of division commander, so close that he is already performing the duties of division commander.

Major general and lieutenant general, it seems that there is only one word difference, but in fact it is not. The difference is power, the difference is status, and the difference is the admiration of others.

"The order continues. The [-]st Guards Regiment of the Ninth War Zone of the Chinese Army must be the prey of our [-]st Division. At the same time, if other divisions encounter this unit, they must do their best to destroy it." Matsushita Yamashita Ze said in a deep voice, for him, he has already expressed a lot of interest in this army.

"Hay!!" The Japanese officer didn't know why Yamashita's acting division commander initiated this boring order, but he still chose to agree, not for anything else, just to avoid being slapped.

Yes, from the perspective of the Japanese army, most soldiers can obey orders as their bounden duty, but some people want to be subdued and superior.


Zhang Tianhai just woke up when the Japanese troops were trying to clean up the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone of the National Army. He was lying on a stretcher, looking extremely weak.

"Where is this..." Zhang Tianhai asked in a hoarse voice.

Maybe it was because the voice was too quiet, so the people around couldn't hear it, so Zhang Tianhai was a little sullen, and he said, "I'm fucking asking you where this place is now, and do you think I'm the leader!"

However, it was this sentence that made everyone around him look at him, but the voice was too hoarse.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's voice, the people around came to their senses: "Give the leader a drink of water, the leader is awake!!"

Soon, the surroundings were in a hurry. In fact, many people thought it was because Zhang Tianhai was the head of the regiment, so everyone loved him so much.

In fact, this is not the case, because Zhang Tianhai was able to lead the troops to win the battle, and most of the people who followed Zhang Tianhai to fight were because of the Japanese invasion, which caused their families to be ruined and their wives to be separated.

Going to war with Zhang Tianhai can give them a feeling of holding their heads up high. Even if they sacrifice their lives, it is worth it.

During times of war, many things are lost and cannot be retrieved, especially backbone and ambition, and these two things require blood to be exchanged.

The national army has fought so many defeats along the way, but with Zhang Tianhai, the regiment leader, they have won many battles along the way, so for these national army officers and soldiers, regiment leader Zhang seems to have become their belief up.

Head Zhang's waking up surprised them all. Some offered water, some put down the stretcher, and some stuffed thatch under the stretcher.

But their greatest wish is that Captain Zhang can continue to lead them to victory without incident.

Soon, Zhang Tianhai's throat was moistened, and he asked, "Where are we now?"

"Reporting group, our troops are about to withdraw from Xiushui County, and the large troops are not out of touch!" An officer next to him reported.

"Then how long will it take for us to reach the border of Hunan? I remember that Commander Chen ordered our troops to withdraw to Yueyang County for repairs as soon as possible." After Zhang Tianhai's throat was moistened, he spoke much more fluently.

"Report sir, after crossing Xiushui, we will be able to cross the Hunan border within three days, and within five days, we will be able to reach Yueyang." The officer reported truthfully.

"Then is there any order from the superior?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"Reporting to the group, there is no superior officer for the time being, just let us rush to Yueyang County as soon as possible to make repairs and restore." Zhongweihui reported.

"Recover as soon as possible." Zhang Tianhai murmured, "It seems that there are still tough battles to be fought, otherwise Chief Chen would definitely not issue such an order."

The people next to them didn't dare to make a sound. After all, they were not high-level or middle-level members of the regiment, and they must have some incomprehension about the orders of their superiors.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai understood a little bit, so he said, "Immediately, inform Deputy Head Guo and Deputy Head Li Chunfei to come to me. I have something important to ask."

"Yes! Sir!" The lieutenant responded, "Then our troops, shall we temporarily stop advancing?"

"You can't stop moving forward. Let me go at full speed immediately. If anyone delays the process, I will kill him!" Zhang Tianhai said angrily. After all, in his opinion, everything can be changed, but the process cannot be slow. It is slow, and it will affect the general historical direction of the Wuhan battle anyway.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" The lieutenant tensed up immediately after hearing this, because he also knew what the result would be after the Tuan Zuo had issued such an order.

About half an hour later, both Li Chunfei and Guo Qiliang arrived in front of Zhang Tianhai, accompanied by Li Yinglun, the deputy leader who had been selectively ignored by Zhang Tianhai.

"The three members of the reporting group, the junior class, are ordered to report to you!" Guo Qiliang stood at attention first and saluted, followed by the other two.

"It's good that you guys arrive, I'm relieved. I want to know, did my superiors give any orders during my sleepy period?" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice. He had already sat up and was eating fruit, he asked the people in front of him.

"Old Zhang, to be honest, during the period when you were asleep, the orders issued by your superiors were not rare, but in general, our process has changed." Guo Qiliang said very carefully, because in his opinion, if Zhang Tianhai would be very unhappy when he heard the news.

Sure enough, after hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai's expression changed, and he said, "What did you say? Our process has changed?!"

"Yes, we were supposed to go to Yueyang to rest, but judging from the orders of the chief later, it seems that we didn't want to do that." Guo Qiliang nodded and said.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks to the QQ reading book friends Shadow Hacker, Sorrow Against the Current into a River, Misty Road to Immortal, Looking Back and Smiling for rewarding 100 book coins each!

(End of this chapter)

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