War of Resistance

Chapter 1063 Important Information

Chapter 1063 Important Information
"It seems that your Japanese army is also afraid of sacrifice. Don't you have four and a half divisions in total? Why do you suddenly become so afraid of death?" Director Hu's tone was full of amusement, obviously not believing what they said.

"It is precisely because our Northern Route Army has brought a large number of imperial elites that our officers are afraid of paying more casualties. We did have 10,000+ troops before we set off, but on the front line of Fujin Mountain, our troops lost tens of thousands of casualties. , if we have another 3 to [-] casualties in Xinyang, and tens of thousands of casualties under the city of Wuhan, then our troops will not be able to continue fighting. This is not what our chief wants!" A person behind Imamura Momojiro The Japanese army replied.

"Souga, so what are you going to do?" Officer Hu said step by step.

In other words, there was no need for tricks at all, these three college student soldiers who had just graduated and joined the army cooperated very well.

"According to our superior officer, we are looking for a new direction of attack!" The Japanese soldier said it all out as neatly as if pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

"Okay, then we understand." Director Hu nodded, "You guys have a good rest first! I personally assure you, we will not kill you, and we will treat you preferentially!"

After hearing these words, Momojiro Imamura and the other two Japanese soldiers were very excited to pay homage to Officer Hu to express their gratitude.

After Director Hu returned, he immediately reported this important information to Xiong Shunyi and others.

Soon, Xiong Shunyi personally went to the brigade commander's headquarters to report the situation. According to the brigade commander's analysis, the Japanese army's attack direction was very likely to be Huaidian.

This information was quickly responded to.

No.20 Second Army Headquarters held a meeting overnight to discuss specific countermeasures.


The Japanese army's various forces pressed in, and the national army took countermeasures one after another. The battlefield in the north of Wuhan was already very violent like a frying pan that had exploded.

Song Xilian and others, who were closely watching the battle at Wushengguan in the south of Xinyang, were not idle. After all, if Xinyang couldn't stand it, their troops would bear the brunt.


"Little Japan is really not idle. They have started to make big moves again. The battle in Wuhan is already very difficult." Song Xilian looked at the military map in front of him and let out a long sigh involuntarily.

"Junzuo, from the map, the situation in Wuhan is already quite bad. With the loss of Tianjia Town Fortress and Fuchikou Fortress, the Japanese warships will be able to rush directly to Wuhan in a short time. Wuhan may not be able to hold on anymore. That's it." Shen Fazao, commander of No.80 Seventh Division, took up Song Xilian's words.

"If we can't hold it, we can only carry out the Scorched Earth War. One inch of mountains and rivers, one inch of blood, one hundred thousand young people and one hundred thousand troops. The principal has already prepared. Our main purpose now is to consume the main force of the Japanese army. We cannot let them It is so easy to obtain our land and resources, all we can do is to consume them to death." Song Xilian's tone was not without emotion.

"In the first ten days of the year, we severely damaged the enemy's troops in Fujin Mountain; and in late September, Commander Hu's First Army severely damaged part of the Japanese advance troops on the front line of Luoshan. If we can consume the enemy troops on the front lines of Wusheng Pass and Xinyang A large part of the main force, I am thinking, are we closer to victory in the War of Resistance?" said Zhong Song, commander of the No. 60 First Division.

"The ideal is very good. We also hope to focus on consuming the enemy's main force here, but can it be implemented? Is anyone willing to defend? We only think that we can resist their soldiers. It is already good. A big battle like this , I don’t know how many times I have to fight.” As he spoke, Song Xilian shook his head helplessly.

Indeed, for Song Xilian and others, this was indeed a very helpless thing. They were active main fighters, but the troops below were almost exhausted, and their position was not high enough.

"Then we can only fight for it! The defenders of Xinyang have artillery and mechanized troops. In places like Luoshan, they can still severely injure the Japanese army, killing more than 5000 people in total. If they defend Xinyang wholeheartedly, according to the current situation in Xinyang Strength, the Japanese army wants to take it quickly, I'm afraid it will break their teeth?" Shen Fazao said seriously, and at the same time he was full of confidence, which was obviously his confidence in the "No. [-] Army in the World".

"Wait and see! I hope we can have the result we imagined!" Song Xilian nodded, but the uncertainty in his eyes became stronger.

According to Song Xilian's understanding of Hu Zongnan, an old classmate, he may not obey the orders from above, because Hu Zongnan is not only the commander of the "No. !

One must know that Chiang Kai-shek did not favor the Zhejiang natives from Huangpu to such an extent. It can be said that because of this, Hu Zongnan would not necessarily listen to anyone's orders except Chiang Kai-shek's orders.

Of course, Hu Zongnan has such abilities, but it doesn't mean that he must disobey orders, he also came based on the timing.

Therefore, Song Xilian held a certain skepticism about whether Hu Zongnan would break out at the final moment of the Xinyang Battle.

In general, Song Xilian's evaluation of Hu Zongnan probably has only one sentence-a person who knows current affairs is a hero.


After the main force of the Japanese army arrived, they launched an oppressive attack on Xinyang, which caused heavy casualties in the south of Hu Zong, and even the armored troops suffered losses.

In order to preserve his own strength, at this critical juncture, Hu Zongnan made a decision he thought was very smart, that is, to retreat!Evacuate Xinyang!
"Military seat, we are going to evacuate Xinyang at this time. I am afraid that the chairman will blame us? If Xinyang is lost, it means that the gate to the north of Wuhan has been opened. If the principal wants to pursue responsibility, I am afraid we will be in trouble. "The Chief of Staff of the No.17 Legion persuaded Hu Zongnan.

I saw Hu Zongnan stare, and said in a pure Zhejiang-accented Mandarin: "What do you know? We don't call it a retreat, we don't call it an escape, it's a change in the way of fighting, not sticking to the way of fighting the enemy for one city and one pool. !"


PS: The fifth is sent!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Kailong 183 for the reward of 100 points!

(End of this chapter)

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