War of Resistance

Chapter 1066: The Door Opens!

Chapter 1066: The Door Opens! (35, please subscribe)


Following the sound of scolding, a white porcelain teacup fell to the ground, and it immediately fell apart.

The adjutant didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to speak out. The last time he saw Chief Li Zongren get so angry was when Tang Enbo disobeyed orders during the Xuzhou battle.

Li Zongren calmed down for a while before he suppressed the anger in his heart. He forced himself to calm down and said, "Let Xu Zuyi and Chief Xu come to my office immediately to discuss something important. Let them come right away." !"

"Yes! Sir!" The adjutant responded, and then hurried out of Li Zongren's office, fearing that he would encounter a "catastrophe" and be scolded by Li Zongren.


About 10 minutes later, Lieutenant General Xu Zuyi, Chief of Staff of the Fifth Theater, appeared in Li Zongren's commander's office on time.

"Sit down! Brother Yan Mou!" Li Zongren pointed to the chair in front of his desk and said weakly.

Yan Mou, this is Xu Zuyi's watchword.

"The officer called me to the office late at night. It must be because of the loss of Xinyang, right? Adjutant Wang has already reported it to me just now." Xu Zuyi said straight to the point after sitting down.

"Yes, it is indeed because of this incident." Li Zongren nodded, noncommittal.

"It seems that the battle of Huaidian where the Sichuan army guarded the Dabie Mountain was for nothing." Xu Zuyi smiled wryly and shook his head.

"It's not just the Dabie Mountains that have been fought in vain, the battles on other fronts have also stopped, but in general, we have managed to consume the strength of the Japanese army's advancing troops." Li Zongren said with a wry smile.

"Hu Zongnan abandoned Xinyang, now Wuhan is over, and the door is completely opened." Xu Zuyi also had a wry smile on his face, "Then, sir, do you have any ideas?"

"What can I think? If I don't leave, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave. If I'm not wrong, the Japanese army may soon capture Yingshan. If they go south from Anlu and Yunmeng in the next step, my fifth war zone will be in the northeast ( The hundreds of thousands of troops fighting in the Northeast Region of the fifth theater will immediately fall into the enemy's encirclement." Li Zongren looked helpless, "What do you think about this?"

"What can I think? Get ready and mobilize now. We are not as fast as the Japanese army. Prepare to order the troops to retreat! The key point is where we should retreat." Xu Zuyi said, "The retreat of hundreds of thousands of troops It’s really not that simple.”

"Well, that's the only way to go." Li Zongren nodded, "There is no way to go on the east road, so we can only go west. After we decide on the plan, let's notify the chairman!"

That night, Chenjiazhuang, located between Anlu and Huayuan, was brightly lit. In one of the inconspicuous buildings, the two top officials of the Fifth War Zone talked about the future direction of the Fifth War Zone troops and the course of future wars.

That's right, this small town, which is hard to find on the map, is the headquarters of the commander of the fifth theater.


Not long after Xinyang fell, the commander of the Ninth Theater in Wuhan and the officers of the National Military Commission also received news.

Wuhan organized a military meeting overnight to deal with the change in Xinyang. Xinyang can be said to be the last gate to the north of Wuhan. The loss of Xinyang in advance made Wuhan very passive.

"Xinyang is lost, and the door to our north has been opened. Everyone, what do you think?" Chiang Kai-shek looked at the generals in front of him, his eyes full of seriousness. Of course, he was indeed a little angry at Hu Zongnan's behavior , but Hu Zongnan is one of his most trusted students, he will never be able to deal with Hu Zongnan, not to mention that there are not many people left in the first phase of Whampoa, not to mention, this is his fellow villager.

In the eyes of Chiang Kai-shek, the students in the first batch of Whampoa are different. Even the students in the second and third batches are not as important as the students in the first batch.

Why do you say that?Because when Chiang Kai-shek was appointed as the principal of the Whampoa Military Academy at that time, he really took care of these students as if they were his own children, and even talked to each student twice a week, so looking at the number of students in the first phase of Whampoa , but not many "betrayed" him, Chiang Kai-shek.

More importantly, whether it was the Eastern Expedition to Chen Jiongming or the Northern Expedition, the students from the first phase of Whampoa fought the most, endured the most hardships, had the oldest qualifications, and were the most loyal to him. Twice, I am afraid he would have been executed by shooting.

Of course, the two guys, Long Muhan and Xue Weiying, were too severe because of their faults, otherwise, Chiang Kai-shek would not be willing to shoot them.

Well, it can be said that as long as the first phase of Whampoa ran away after fighting a few tough battles with little devils, most of them would not be shot. Sun Yuanliang and Hu Zongnan are excellent examples.

It was also because Chiang Kai-shek didn't want to deal with Hu Zongnan, so he went straight to the point and didn't mention Hu Zongnan's abandonment of Xinyang at all.

Who are the people sitting at this conference table?In addition to their extremely high military talents, they are all human beings. Seeing Chiang Kai-shek like this, they will naturally not do such boring things-if Chairman Chiang really wants to deal with a person, He has already made up his own mind, and he doesn't need to worry about them at all. If you don't believe me, let's see Han Fuqu?If you don't believe me, let's see Long Muhan?If you don't believe me, see Xue Weiying again?These are real examples...

"Once Xinyang is lost, Wuhan cannot be kept. The iron hooves of the Japanese army can directly reach the outskirts of Wuhan through the Ping-Han Railway. The most urgent task now is to keep the main force of the fifth theater and our ninth theater." Director of the Operation Department of the Military Command Liu Fei said with a wry smile, there is no other way, the others are silent, he, the director of operations, will definitely not be able to escape.

"Director Liu is right. The most urgent task is to ensure the vitality of our army. The main force of the ninth war zone is on the south bank of the Yangtze River, which can basically be guaranteed. The main force of the fifth war zone is on the north bank of the Yangtze River. We must focus on protection." He Yingqin, Minister of Military and Political Affairs, agreed. Liu Fei's opinion.

Everyone present knew that the Japanese army on the middle road on the north bank of the Yangtze River had reached [-] kilometers east of Wuhan. If the Japanese army on the northern line went south again, Wuhan would be in danger.

As soon as He Yingqin's words came out, many people on the field nodded. Chiang Kai-shek looked at Chen Cheng next to him and said, "Cixiu, you are the commander-in-chief of the ninth war zone, and Wuhan is also your defense zone. I want to hear from you." Views."

Hearing this, Chen Cheng still couldn't figure out what Chiang Kai-shek meant. He was clearly bringing him out to suppress He Yingqin's limelight. It just so happened that he and He Yingqin were at odds.

Therefore, Chen Cheng said: "The main force of the fifth war zone must be preserved, but in the course of the battle, we have also weakened the enemy's troops to a certain extent. The troops on the periphery of Wuhan can gradually retreat, but Wuhan still has to fight. A dozen, even if there are not many troops. After all, this place is already in danger."

"I agree with Cixiu's opinion. While maintaining the main force of the fifth theater, we must also defend Wuhan. Wuhan cannot be easily handed over to the Japanese army. The scorched-earth war is indispensable!" Chiang Kai-shek said in a deep voice.


PS: The third update is here!There are two more tonight! !

Thank you for the 5000-point reward from starting point book friends, I am serious! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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