War of Resistance

Chapter 1073 Changsha Security First Regiment

Chapter 1073 Changsha Security First Regiment (43, please subscribe!)
As for the issue of replenishment and supplementation, it is not a big problem in the first place. It is just that some discussions need to be carried out on the general direction of which troops to replenish.

"No more."

"No more."

"No more."

The three looked at each other but had nothing to add.

"Okay, the meeting is over!" Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and said heartily.

With Zhang Tianhai's order, this short and hasty meeting was over.

After the meeting, Zhang Tianhai added an order: The first security regiment headquarters immediately count the firearms, store them in different categories, and also count the ammunition of each squad, vacate the vacant room, and prepare for the replacement immediately!

In the afternoon of the same day, the first regiment of Changsha security guards arrived in Yueyang from Changsha.

The difference from yesterday morning was that this time, in addition to Zhang Zhihe, the county magistrate of Yueyang, and Zhang Zhihua, the commander of the city defense, Zhang Tianhai also came out to greet him with the officers and soldiers of the cavalry battalion in person.

Since the officers and soldiers of the cavalry battalion did not participate in the actual battle in the Wanjialing battle, there were no casualties in the cavalry battalion. The whole battalion seemed to be full of energy, and the saber was wiped very clean, and it shone coldly.

And Zhang Tianhai was at the leading position of the cavalry, with a sword on his waist and a badge of blue sky and white sun on his head. He was originally tall and mighty, so he looked extremely mighty.

This was done on purpose by Zhang Tianhai. This was to give the officers and soldiers of the First Changsha Security Regiment a disarming blow—in order to make them feel that this was the "Number One in the World" in the Ninth Theater. The prestige of the "Regiment" gave these newly recruited officers and soldiers a sense of honor!
Zhang Tianhai was riding on the horse, looking far into the distance, he saw an army in gray-blue military uniform approaching in the distance, which was in stark contrast to the goose-yellow military uniform of the [-]st regiment of guards in the ninth war zone.

This is the difference between the direct line and the non-direct line!

As the troops got closer, Zhang Tianhai also began to see their formation clearly.

It is said that laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway. Zhang Tianhai can tell at a glance-these troops are marching in an orderly manner, and there is no scatter in the process of advancing, and their marching speed is not slow!
I found a treasure!Zhang Tianhai whispered in his heart, the smile on his face became wider and wider, and he became more and more satisfied with this army.

The two leading horses were advancing slowly, and each was riding an officer. Zhang Tianhai didn't need to think about it. They must be the head and deputy head of the security regiment, or the chief of staff. Transfer troops.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations. Those who came are the elite of the security regiment." Zhang Zhihua, the commander of the city defense and the head of the Yueyang security regiment, said, there was still a hint of envy in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do about it. This is the benefit of the direct descendants of the Central Army.

"This is inevitable. There will be fierce battles in the future, and it will be our first regiment of guards." Zhang Tianhai said confidently. He didn't believe that the National Military Commission had built his army so well, so how could it be possible to use it? What about showing off?Most of them were sent to the battlefield to fight tough battles. Even the teaching corps, which was used as the seed of officers, had already been taken to the Nanjing battlefield to fight, and all the German weapons were wiped out. This still doubts the national government's confidence in the war of resistance what?

Of course, Zhang Tianhai dared to say this based on his familiarity with history and the exact order he had received from the Ninth Theater.

"I'm really envious, if only I could lead troops to the battlefield." Zhang Zhihua's tone was sincerely envious, not the feeling of saying it casually.

"Commander Zhang, to be honest, if you don't have to go to the battlefield, it's best not to lead troops to the battlefield. If you can bear the kind of life and death, living a life of not knowing what tomorrow will be every day, and being surrounded by the enemy Now, you can also envy the despair of whether the friendly army can reach the battlefield to save your own troops. The officers and soldiers under your hands have all put their lives in your hands, can you be worthy of this trust?" Speaking of this , a wry smile appeared on Zhang Tianhai's face. Whenever he thought of this, he remembered the despair he felt in Nanjing. The large Japanese troops were outside. Nanjing had already been destroyed, and there were turmoil and refugees everywhere. .

"To be honest, Mr. Zhang, I have never experienced what you have experienced. I just want to do my part for the country." Zhang Zhihua sighed.

"There are many ways to do our best for the country. For example, do a good job in the construction of Yueyang City, and try our best to develop the security team. In the future, when the Japanese army's iron hooves step on Yueyang, they will add strength." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Okay, I see." Zhang Zhihua nodded and said, for him, there may be only so much he can do.

While the two were chatting, the officers on the two horses and the troops behind them also got closer and closer.

"Open the military flag!!" Zhang Tianhai said loudly. Behind him, a red flag with the words "First Regiment of the Ninth War Zone Guard" was unfurled in the wind.

As the military flag of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater was unfurled, so was the military flag on the opposite side. It was also a red flag with blue sky, white sun, and ground, but the designation on the flag was different.

The opposite team got closer and closer, and Zhang Tianhai could finally see the expressions on their faces clearly. He saw that these two people were not too old, probably in their thirties or nearly 40 years old, and there was no smile on their faces , very serious, as if performing a very sacred task.

Hmm... But from Zhang Tianhai's point of view, these two guys obviously have complaints in their hearts: Just imagine, you finally planted two peaches, which are big and sweet, but your father insisted that you give them away. Can you have a smile on your face?
The two officers stopped about ten meters in front of Zhang Tianhai. They were a little thin, maybe they were tired from traveling all the way.

One colonel, one lieutenant colonel.

"Your Excellency is Zhang Tianhai, Commander Zhang, right?" the colonel officer spoke first.

"Yes, I am Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first security regiment of the Ninth War Zone. Your Excellency should be the head of the Nongzizhou Nong regiment of the first security regiment in Changsha, right?" Zhang Tianhai asked back.

"Yes." Nong Zizhou nodded.

After receiving this reply, the two made a military salute to each other at the same time, which was a sign of respect for each other.

"Teacher Zhang, this time I have ordered from Shangfeng to hand over the brothers below to you for repairs. I also hope that Commander Zhang can treat these Xiangzhong children kindly." Nong Zizhou said that With a Hunan accent, one can tell that he is from Hunan.

"President of the farm, please don't worry, I will." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "It's windy here, it's not suitable for talking, why don't you go into the city first, and then talk! At least you have to have a cup of hot tea, right?"

"Okay, then it's better to be respectful than obedient." Nong Zizhou nodded, and finally there was a wave of fluctuation on that thin face.

"Let's do this! Head of the farmer, let your troops enter the city behind our cavalry battalion. You can go in with me!" Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"Okay!" Nong Zizhou nodded, and then asked his deputy head to lead the troops, while he himself followed Zhang Tianhai.


PS: The fourth update is here!This is even more updated, I didn't expect to be able to update four times today, don't say anything, let's update five times tomorrow!

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

Thanks for the 100-point reward from Qidian book friends who don’t know!

(End of this chapter)

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