War of Resistance

Chapter 1077 Wuhan!Wuhan!

Chapter 1077 Wuhan!Wuhan! (45, please subscribe)

I saw ten small steamers parked at the pier. Obviously, this was a preparation for the first regiment of guards to reach Wuhan as quickly as possible.

"Tuan Zuo, according to my humble opinion, Wuhan is already very anxious. I guess we will arrive in Wuhan tonight." Xu Xun said with a wry smile.

To be honest, when Xu Xun saw ten small steamers for the first time, he couldn't help being very surprised. You must know that with the current strength of the Republic of China, it would be quite difficult to mobilize so many small steamers at once. Difficult, especially when the Japanese army gradually approached Wuhan.

"Yes, I'm not in a general hurry. With the fall of Fuchikou Fortress and Tianjia Town Fortress, Japanese warships can already be seen on the Yangtze River. If luck is unlucky, our regiment may have to sink in the Yangtze River. "Zhang Tianhai also had a wry smile on his face. It's not that he doesn't know the situation in Wuhan now.

"Then shall we leave on the small steamer?" Xu Xun asked.

"Of course we have to take it, the military order is like a mountain. What if the situation in Wuhan hasn't gotten that bad yet, and we've delayed our fighter plane, can't we be shot?" Zhang Tianhai said rather helplessly. It doesn't look small, but it's actually not big, especially when the order to go up to the peak is in full swing, let alone violate the military order.

This is not just a matter of military orders. If you go by land, it will take at least a week to arrive in Wuhan. By then, the charge of delaying a fighter plane will no longer be possible. " and "Historical Sinner" and "National Sinner", is this something he can afford?This is a crime that no one can afford!But if you want to be like Qin Hui, you will be infamous for thousands of years!
"I understand." Xu Xun nodded.

Afterwards, Zhang Tianhai and the others turned back to the north of the city, had breakfast, and supervised the distribution of firearms to the main infantry battalions. Everything was so orderly.

Naturally, all these actions could not be concealed from the eyes and ears of the two brothers Zhang Zhihe and Zhang Zhihua. After learning that the troops of the first security regiment were about to withdraw from Yueyang, the county magistrate Zhang Zhihe and the city defense commander Zhang Zhihua immediately rushed to the first security regiment. The resident said that he wanted to see Zhang Tianhai and head Zhang.

In front of these two old brothers who helped him a lot in a short period of time, Zhang Tianhai still gave them a three-pointer, and decided to meet them.

"Magistrate Zhang, Commander Zhang, what kind of wind brought you here again today?" Zhang Tianhai asked knowingly.

Due to the urgency of time, Zhang Tianhai met the two brothers directly in a private room of a teahouse outside.

"Mr. Zhang, you have kept us a secret...it's going to be done so quietly. We're not even prepared for it." Zhang Zhihua complained.

"I'm sorry, Commander Zhang, we also received an urgent combat mission and were going to Wuhan to fight. Due to time constraints, I didn't report to the two old brothers. Please forgive me. Haha..." Zhang Tianhai laughed , very hearty.

"Hey, to be honest, we people in Yueyang really miss you. Mr. Zhang, you see, our troops in Yueyang are pitifully small. We are neither close to the provincial capital nor a battleground for military strategists. We want to It’s really impossible to develop the local security forces. You don’t even have guns. You are in Yueyang, we can sleep more safely, and don’t worry about that damn little devil who will kill us at the foot of our Yueyang city at some point.” Zhang Zhihe also complained.

"It's okay. We are going to Wuhan to fight in front. As long as Wuhan is defended, the Japanese soldiers will not be able to point directly at Yueyang. Yueyang is still safe." Zhang Tianhai comforted the two brothers of the Zhang family. How about it, the two brothers still love their hometown very much at present, and they have at least put in a lot of practical actions. Although many actions may seem ineffective, their spirit is still quite good.

"Mr. Zhang, don't fool us. How can it be the same as not having a strong army guarding your door with a strong army guarding your door? Maybe one day, these little Japanese will try to cut off For the retreat of the Wuhan defenders, they sent warships to land at Yueyang Wharf." Zhang Zhihe sighed.

"Major Zhang, don't worry! Even if we're not here, there will be other troops." Zhang Tianhai said solemnly, "How about this! I'll take a hundred Japanese-equipped 08s from the supplies of our first regiment of guards." Da Gai and 30 rounds of ammunition are here for you, and you arrive at Yueyang Wharf before [-]:[-], and then just ask our Adjutant Xu to handle the matter."

Upon hearing this, the two brothers Zhang Zhihe and Zhang Zhihua became very excited. They looked at each other, then stood up and bowed to Zhang Tianhai, and then the former said: "Our two brothers, the modern representative The people of Yueyang City have thanked Chief Zhang in advance! Great kindness, great virtue, unforgettable..."

This move of the two brothers obviously made Zhang Tianhai feel a little uncomfortable. He was slightly taken aback and said, "Why are you thanking me? After our troops arrived in Yueyang City, we didn't accept the food and drink from your Yueyang people." , this material is nothing?"

"Mr. Zhang, you are a good person. To be honest, it is a time of war, even if there are those old Hanyang made, it is already very good. Your shot is the [-] big cover used by the little devil, These are all good things. Compared with them, what are the fish and rice we sent? They are not worth much at all." Zhang Zhihe said.

"Okay, let's not be too polite. If we can meet again in Yueyang next time, if nothing else, you county magistrate Zhang will invite me, Zhang Yulin, to have a drink on behalf of the people of Yueyang, and the rest will be It's a small idea. Since it's indeed a military emergency, I have to go back immediately." Looking at the time, he felt that it was almost time, so Zhang Tianhai said so directly.

"Alright, sir, go slowly!" Zhang Zhihe and Zhang Zhihua said at the same time.

"En." Zhang Tianhai nodded, then turned and left with Xu Xun.


At 28:08 on the morning of October 30, 10 of the Republic of China, the artillery battalion of the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone was the first to board the ship. Due to the need to distribute [-] guns and [-] rounds of ammunition to the Yueyang Security Corps, the supply battalion extended [-] minutes after boarding.

As time passed, the small steamers that had been loaded began to sail to Wuhan one by one.

Looking at Yue Yang who was leaving slowly, Zhang Tianhai breathed a sigh of relief: The mission of boarding the ship is completed, and after arriving in Wuhan, a new battle will start again...

"How about it, Lao Zhang, are you very reluctant to leave Yueyang? Is there another friend?" Guo Qiliang teased Zhang Tianhai beside him.

"I'm a little bit reluctant, but I'm reluctant to part with Yueyang's dried fish, unlike you, you are reluctant to part with Yueyang's hot girl..." Zhang Tianhai smiled, letting the river wind blow on his face without moving.


PS: The fourth update is here! !
This is an update for the number one fan of the book, Emperor Jiuye, and there are still four more updates!

Thanks to Qidian book friend huqiang98 for the reward of 1500 points! !
(End of this chapter)

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