War of Resistance

Chapter 1083 Goodbye Zhou Fangjie

Chapter 1083 Goodbye Zhou Fangjie (55)

"Hello, this is the Hankou Garrison Headquarters. I'm Zhang Tianhai. Take me to the office of Commander-in-Chief Luo Zhuoying of the Wuhan Garrison Headquarters!" Zhang Tianhai picked up the phone and said, while he was talking, his sitting posture had been adjusted to a very upright posture. pose up.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Hello, I'm Luo Zhuoying." There was already that steady but cunning voice on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Luo, I'm Zhang Tianhai. That's it. Last time I called you, I forgot to report something to you. I wonder if it's convenient for me to report to you now?" Zhang Tianhai asked tentatively Well, he was afraid that Officer Luo would hang up the phone immediately when he mentioned the issue of military uniforms.

"It's not convenient for Fang, you've already called, tell me what you have to say, and let go of your fart if you have something to say." Luo Zhuoying was straightforward, but she didn't seem to be so rude to others.

Hey, there is no way, whoever asked Zhang Tianhai to come up would open his mouth like a lion, and at the same time he dared to be narrow-minded. This can't prevent Commander Luo from being annoyed. It is also not good for him to say too many things that are not conducive to unity.

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, this is the case. After our troops have been replenished, we are basically in a state where we have no time to do anything. Therefore, some of our military uniforms have not yet been unified. Now, in order to ensure that the troops can form a centripetal force and form a more Strong fighting power, so I want to ask Commander Luo for instructions, can you approve a batch of military uniforms for us? I have just talked to Director Chen Zheng of the logistics department of the headquarters on the phone. Indeed, there are still a batch of military uniforms in the logistics department. Please give me your instructions. ..." Zhang Tianhai must initiate a call with Chief Luo Zhuoying under the condition of justification and evidence, otherwise it will definitely not pass.

Regarding this point, Zhang Tianhai himself is very clear. After all, one must be self-aware.

Of course, Luo Zhuoying still had a lot of unhappiness in her heart, but if she didn't give it, it seemed a bit unreasonable. Zhang Tianhai had a very good reason.

So, Chief Luo Zhuoying got out of his guts and scolded: "You have to report this little thing to me?! Just send me a note?! If I approve your military uniform, you will make it up for me right away!" formalities!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Zhuoying hung up the phone, feeling refreshed...

"Hahahaha...that's so fucking cool, Fang Tian, ​​you call Chen Zheng immediately and ask him to approve a batch of military uniforms for the Hanyang Garrison Command." Luo Zhuoying laughed, and then said to Fang Tian who was in front of him, That smile is not generally hearty.

"Yes! Junzuo!" Fang Tian responded inexplicably. After all, in his opinion, Chief Luo Zhuoying Luo is a bit abnormal today. Why is he so wicked?The fun is making this guy Zhang Tianhai deflated?

Of course, Chief Luo Zhuoying Luo was happy, but Zhang Tianhai was not happy at all, after all, he didn't have the tendency to like to be abused.

"What the hell?" Zhang Tianhai resentfully put down the phone, his mind was completely muddled, and he didn't know what this officer Luo Zhuoying was up to, how could he be such an officer?
However, complaints are complaints, and the work that should be done still needs to be done. Zhang Tianhai immediately picked up the phone: "Pick me up to the office of Director Zhu Shaohong of the Logistics Department."

The call was connected quickly, and like Zhang Tianhai, Zhu Shaohong also got an independent office.

"Hello, is Director Zhu Shaohong here? I'm Zhang Tianhai." Zhang Tianhai cut straight to the point.

"Report, it is Zhu Shaohong who is in the humble position, please give me orders!" Zhu Shaohong's voice was very respectful on the other side of the phone.

Of course, human resources include the mobilization of civilians who have not been evacuated, and the mobilization of the power of government agencies that have not been evacuated; while military resources refer to all the troops within the jurisdiction that can be commanded and mobilized when necessary; material resources refer to those within the jurisdiction. All supplies, including gasoline, firearms and ammunition, and so on.

All in all, great power!

"Immediately, in the name of the Logistics Department of the Garrison Headquarters, make an application note to the Logistics Department of the Garrison Headquarters, that is, to apply for military uniforms, and apply for [-] sets of military uniforms at one time. The specific procedures will be implemented by the people in the Logistics Department." Zhang Tianhai directly Said.

"Yes! Sir!" Zhu Shaohong responded.

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Tianhai hung up the phone immediately, and at the same time couldn't help sighing: "It's still cool to work on the fucking phone, and the efficiency is high enough."

After arranging everything, Zhang Tianhai called Guo Qiliang, the deputy head of the Hankou Garrison Headquarters who had a post like him.

Seeing Guo Qiliang come in, Zhang Tianhai, who had already tidied his clothes, said directly: "Old Guo, I'm going out for a while. You have to help me watch this place. You are the deputy commander of the Hankou security and the first regiment of our theater security guards." I can only leave this place to you. If Commander Luo comes to inspect the troops, you can adapt accordingly. I will go to the Hanyang Security Command to meet our old friends."

"You can tell from the way you look like, you are appointed to meet Zhou Fangjie, the former deputy head, right?" Guo Qiliang said with a smile.

"Yes, it is necessary. Now it's time to prepare for noon, I will go over there to ask for a meal and a drink." Zhang Tianhai laughed. He was very relaxed at this time. He had already seen that the progress of the Japanese army on the northern front was not as smooth as expected, and the Japanese army's central troops on the east side of Hankou were also constantly hitting a wall. As for the Japanese army on the southern front, let alone, it should not be his concern at all.

"By the way, the Logistics Department of the Garrison Headquarters will send us a batch of military uniforms in the afternoon. Remember to sign for it, don't say you don't remember it, it will be a big loss." Zhang Tianhai reminded said a word.

"Okay, don't worry! I'm here, so don't worry about having a drink with Lao Zhou!" Guo Qiliang also laughed.

"Okay, then I'm leaving." Zhang Tianhai said very heartily.

When Zhang Tianhai went to the Hanyang Garrison Command, he did not forget to bring a cavalry company with him. Anyway, it is a time of chaos, especially when the Japanese army is approaching Wuhan. Who knows if there will be traitors or The spy is lurking in Hankou or Hanyang. If that is the case, it will be a big loss if you get shot.

Anyway, be careful making the Wannian Ship.

An hour later, Zhang Tianhai finally arrived outside the Hanyang Garrison Command in his military jeep off-road vehicle.

It can be said that the guards outside the Hanyang Security Command are heavily guarded, and teams of guards with live ammunition are patrolling and guarding.

"This Zhou Fangjie is quite vigilant." Zhang Tianhai murmured.


PS: The third update of the repayment update is here!

This is an update for the starting point book friend "I am serious fire", thank you for the reward of 10000 points!

The first two updates were added for the starting point book friend "Jiuye Tianzi", thank you for your strong support and rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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