War of Resistance

Chapter 1089 Retreat plan?

Chapter 1089 Retreat plan? (twenty two)

Hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Liu Houming's face was like a wilted bitter gourd, extremely ugly.

Just kidding, let's not talk about Tuan Zuo's height, the key point is that he has a whole body of tendons, which can be said to be very powerful, and he already has certain martial arts attainments. Liu Houming suffered a disadvantage when he let go of his hands and feet before.

Now the group seat is the dignified commander of the Hankou garrison, the head of a strengthened group, if Liu Houming let go of his hands and feet, even if he can do it well, how many people in the group want to beat him?
Therefore, no matter how you think about it, this Liu Houming has suffered a lot, and it can only be that he has a more role as a human sandbag.

Thinking of this, Liu Houming felt as if he didn't read the almanac when he went out, and he shouldn't have greeted the group seat early in the morning - today is a big day...

After a round of punching and kicking, Zhang Tianhai didn't dare to let go when he saw Liu Houming. Thinking about it, he just wanted to be addicted to punching and kicking and sweating, and he didn't really want to beat his spy company commander unconscious, so He also withdrew some energy, punching and kicking, which looked quite pleasing to the eye.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!" Zhang Tianhai grinned, and he was in a very beautiful mood today.


After returning to the office, Zhang Tianhai began to plan how to improve the cohesion of the First Guard Regiment in a short period of time. At least before withdrawing from Wuhan, the troops of the First Guard Regiment must be as commanding as possible.

The first arrangement was to allow the officers and soldiers of the infantry main battalion of the former first regiment of the guards to quickly grasp the troops. Now that the troops have basically injected new forces, the combat effectiveness of the current infantry main battalion is really tricky.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai called the Chief of Staff Li Chunfei over: "Ruian, sit down first, and let me ask you, is there any way to quickly increase the cohesion of our regiment in a short period of time? Especially those six A battalion of infantry."

"Tuan Zuo, how short a time do you mean by 'short time'?" Li Chunfei asked.

"Within three days, I want to see results." Zhang Tianhai gave the answer.

"Three days? Will we see results quickly in three days?!" Li Chunfei almost thought that he had heard the wrong words.

"Yes, it's within three days. We don't have much time. It's October [-]th now." Zhang Tianhai and Li Chunfei had nothing to hide, so they said it directly.

"Tuan Zuo, can you tell me why we are running out of time?" Li Chunfei's eyes revealed sincerity. He always believed that not everyone can be as good as Tuan Zuo. When looking at problems and things, you can see with such precision.

Seeing Li Chunfei's thirst for knowledge, and thinking that the historical time when the national army withdrew from Wuhan is indeed very close, Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and brought him to the military map.

"Chunfei, you are the chief of staff of the first regiment of our security guards. I don't ask you to be like me. Many things can be thought of before, but I hope you must actively exert your subjective initiative and actively think about problems. " Zhang Tianhai came up with an admonition, "Look, in fact, our army is already retreating steadily, and our peripheral troops have almost retreated. If the troops on the east side of Wuhan cannot finish before the Japanese troops on the northern front line go south, If we retreat, then the troops here will become the delicacy of the Japanese army, and the main force of the Fifth Theater in Northeast Hubei will also be the same, so the national army near Wuhan must retreat, this is an army of 60 to [-]!"

Zhang Tianhai became more and more excited as he talked, feeling like he was the high-level commander. He continued: "I think whoever becomes the supreme commander will definitely retreat. By then, Wuhan will be an empty city. Hankou and Hanyang on the north bank of the Yangtze River can really withstand the firepower of the Japanese army with only our two reinforced regiments?! Don’t think about it, one of these two regiments is a wounded and unrecovered regiment, and the other is a reinforced regiment of recruits. Can't live!"

"Tuan Zuo, so, do you think we need to strengthen our combat effectiveness, strengthen our cohesion and execution, so that we can retreat faster when the order from the upper peak is issued, right?" At this time, the door of Zhang Tianhai's office was already locked In the state of getting up, Li Chunfei can feel at ease and ask boldly.

"It's not just a retreat. Shangfeng issued a document earlier, saying that we will implement the scorched-earth war of resistance. If we want to evacuate Wuhan, we will definitely burn the city. I am afraid that our troops will not carry out the plan of burning the city. Our plan has been disrupted, and we will be in even more trouble when the time comes." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

"Tuan Zuo, there is a plan for a humble job, but I don't know if it is suitable." Li Chunfei said, with a trace of uncertainty in his handsome eyes, he is not sure whether this plan is really feasible.

"But it doesn't matter." Zhang Tianhai said.

"How about this, don't we still have the title of Hanyang Garrison District on top of our heads now? We can guard the troops according to the defense zone, and deploy the troops to each section, especially our six main infantry battalions. This should be our Therefore, we divided the jurisdiction of the Hankou Garrison into six battalion-administered areas. These troops, in accordance with the principle of batch training, take the company level as the unit, half of the company trains in the morning, and the other half of the company is responsible for defending the position. In the afternoon, on the contrary, the half company responsible for defending the position in the morning conducts training in the afternoon, and the half company training in the morning defends the position in the afternoon. Do you think this plan is suitable?" Li Chunfei added while thinking.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and said, "I think the plan is suitable and highly implementable. Do you want to use this method for training, and then let the troops quickly familiarize themselves with the position?"

"No, the purpose is not to familiarize yourself with the position, but to familiarize yourself with the retreat route." Li Chunfei said in a low voice, afraid that there would be other ears listening outside the door.

"Oh? Interesting, you continue." Zhang Tianhai's face was serious, and he was indeed becoming more and more interested in Li Chunfei's plan.

"We use half a company as a unit to let the troops conduct training according to our retreat route, so that our troops can accurately grasp the direction of travel, and we can also provide an accurate data based on the retreat training time of the troops, let alone our When the troops retreated, riots occurred. That would be a great loss to our regiment's combat strength." Li Chunfei said in a low voice.

Listening, Zhang Tianhai lit a cigarette, and the pungent smell of smoke passed through his lungs and slowly puffed out, which cleared his mind.

Afterwards, Zhang Tianhai said to Li Chunfei: "Listen, this matter can only be known to you, and no one else is allowed to know. This is the top secret of the regiment headquarters. Can't tell!"

"Yes! Group seat!" Li Chunfei responded, and then took the order to leave.

The reason why Zhang Tianhai didn't dare to let Li Yinglun and Guo Qiliang know was because they were both staunch supporters of the Three People's Movement. Before Shangfeng gave the order to retreat, if he knew that he was ready to withdraw, he would inevitably have no idea of.

Especially when the direction of the wind above is to let the troops of the three garrison areas in Wuhan stick to Wuhan, Zhang Tianhai can't reveal this kind of thinking. The only thing he can trust now is Li Chunfei brought out by himself!

PS: The second update is here!

Thanks to QQ reading book friends Shadow Hacker and Lie Liar for each 100 reading points reward!

(End of this chapter)

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