War of Resistance

Chapter 1092 Scorched Earth Policy!

Chapter 1092 Scorched Earth Policy! (34)

"Committee, I also know the importance of Wuhan to the will of the national army and people to resist the war, and we have tried our best, but manpower will eventually run out. Moreover, our ninth war zone has already carried out anti-Japanese propaganda in Hunan, and we still have There is Hunan. And the fifth war zone still has Northwest Hubei and Southwest Henan that can resist the Japanese army. As long as our troops are still there, Japan will not be able to defend those who occupy our territory." Chen Cheng said in a deep voice.

"It seems that Wuhan is already tasteless. It's tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to discard it." Chiang Kai-shek looked a little melancholy. After all, when he lost Nanjing last time, he cried bitterly over it. This expression is inevitable.

"Don't stop, but suffer the chaos. The lives of hundreds of thousands of troops are in the hands of the commissioner, please think twice." Liu Fei also reminded.

"Then if you give up Wuhan, what good plan do you have? Or, have you formulated this plan?" Chiang Kai-shek asked.

"Back to the committee, the specific plan hasn't been made yet, but the draft is already in place." Liu Fei said, after all, this is the flaw he saw, if he couldn't come up with a plan of action, it would be ridiculous.

"Oh? Let's talk about it?" Chiang Kai-shek asked. He had reached his level, and he no longer needed to worry about specific plans. If he had more energy, he should focus on the overall situation of the national war of resistance.

"Committee, we should learn from the failures of the Songhu Battle and the Nanjing Defense Battle, adopt an organized retreat, use a small number of troops to cover, and gradually retreat the main force to the south and west." Liu Fei said.

"This method works, but I want to know, which is the cover force that you focus on?" Chiang Kai-shek asked, as the philosophy says, when you are at a disadvantage and under the spotlight, everyone will stare at you , Whether it is wishing you to die, or wishing you to live.

"As far as all the troops in the existing Wuhan garrison area are concerned, only these troops can be called a small number of troops. The total strength of these troops is about 5000, which is a little more than one division. With one division's troops, it can cover ten The retreat of several divisions can definitely be done." Liu Fei said, after all, he is an expert in the military field, and he is much more professional than Chen Cheng.

After listening to Liu Fei's words, Chiang Kai-shek couldn't help but nodded. It seemed that he was quite satisfied with the former's plan.

And looking at this scene, Chen Cheng let go of the big stone in his heart: based on his understanding of Generalissimo Jiang, when Generalissimo Jiang had already begun to understand the next battle plan, he had probably already agreed to this plan.

"The existing troops in the Wuhan Garrison Zone, I remember, are the First Guard Regiment and the Second Guard Regiment in the Ninth War Zone, right? Then there is Wuchang on the south bank, and a brigade from the [-]th Division, right?" Chiang Kai-shek reconfirmed After reading it again, after all, he handles a lot of major events every day, especially the transfer of various troops, it is normal for the records to be confused.

"Yes, appointed seat." This time it was Chen Cheng who answered, "A few days ago, the First Guard Regiment and the Second Guard Regiment in the war zone have been replenished and supplemented, especially the First Guard Regiment, which has won many battles on the front line. Weapons and equipment were replenished, and Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first guard regiment, was appointed as the Hankou garrison commander, Zhou Fangjie, the head of the second guard regiment, was the Hanyang garrison commander, and Wang Zan, the commander of the [-]th Brigade, was appointed as the Wuchang garrison commander.”

"The 80th Division is the No.[-] Fourth Army of the Guangxi Army. Their combat effectiveness should not be a problem. Now we mainly look at the troops of the First Guard Regiment and the Second Guard Regiment. I remember that the First Guard Regiment is in The Wanjialing front line retreated, right? And the Second Guard Regiment is a newly established unit in the Ninth War Zone. If they are assigned to block the mission, will they be able to do it?" Chiang Kai-shek tapped his index finger on the table. The reason why he paid so much attention to these two This unit is not because these two units are famous or have a high position, but because these two reinforced regiments belong to the Central Army and are built according to the elite of the Central Army.

"Don't worry! Commissioner, if these two troops are only responsible for the post-break mission, I don't think there will be a big problem." Chen Cheng gave an answer.

"As long as you have confidence, within today, you have to submit a plan to me, and I will review and sign it for approval." Chiang Kai-shek said solemnly, it was related to the overall situation of the national war of resistance, and he had to be cautious, even if he was a little careless , You can become a sinner through the ages.

"Yes! Appointed seat!" After Liu Fei and Chen Cheng exchanged glances, they immediately stood at attention and saluted Chiang Kai-shek.


Just after Liu Fei and Chen Cheng left, Chiang Kai-shek's nephew Wang Shihe came in. Yes, Wang Shihe was the leader of the third group of Chiang Kai-shek's attendants and the head of the bodyguard, with the rank of major general.

Don't underestimate Wang Shihe's two positions. The power is so great that it is rare in the Republic of China. Let alone the head of the guard, his position is equivalent to the commander of the Imperial Forest Army. Let's say that the position of the leader of the third group of attendants is responsible for managing For the secret service agency, both the military command and the central command are under its jurisdiction. If it were placed in the Ming Dynasty, it would have to be the person who managed the commander of the Jinyiwei and the governor of the East Factory.

After seeing Wang Shihe, Chiang Kai-shek's face softened a little, and he said, "Shihe, you are here."

"Yes, Uncle Cousin." Seeing that there was no one around, Wang Shihe called him that directly.

"How is the situation on the front line now?" Chiang Kai-shek trusted this cousin very much, because this cousin always treated him as a relative, and he was alert and loyal to himself.

"Cousin, I came here this time to report to you the latest situation on the front line." Wang Shihe sat directly on the desk opposite Chiang Kai-shek.

"Tell me! What is it?" Chiang Kai-shek put down the pen in his hand, and looked at Wang Shihe with his deep eyes, which almost pierced through the latter.

"According to the latest information from the military command, before the retreat of our army's frontline troops, they left behind a large amount of military materials that will not be destroyed in the future. These military materials have already been used by the enemy." Wang Shihe reported calmly.

After hearing Wang Shihe's words, the expression on Chiang Kai-shek's face could be described as cloudy or cloudy, because he knew that if Wang Shihe could say the word "large amount" from Wang Shihe's mouth, then these materials would definitely not be small, and they were quite large. Lots of land!
"Slap!!" Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table hard, because no outsiders were present, so he didn't need to restrain his emotions.

"Damn Xipi! Are these people all idiots?! There are so many military supplies left behind for the enemy!" Chiang Kai-shek cursed fiercely, and it was precisely this incident that made him decide that he must resolutely implement The scorched earth policy cannot allow the little devil to obtain any military supplies.

Closing his eyes, Chiang Kai-shek remembered the situation when Nanjing fell, and soon he made a decision: "Shihe, you immediately send a secret message to Chen Cixiu, telling him: If Wuhan falls, the whole city must be burned! "

"Yes! Chairman." Wang Shihe responded. He always matched the identities of his cousin and subordinate very well, so Chiang Kai-shek liked him and trusted him so much.

The scorched earth policy must be put on the table.Chiang Kai-shek thought in his heart.


PS: Make up for the third update yesterday!
Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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