Chapter 1100 Appointed Urgent Telegram (13)

"Thank you, Mom." Zheng Man still had that very polite appearance, which was his innate self-cultivation.

Zheng Man, who was born as a lady of the family, is not generally outstanding in terms of literacy.

"Eat quickly, eat quickly, I don't want to starve my good daughter-in-law and grandson." Yu Zhiyun smiled all over her face. Today she made an authentic braised Yangtze River bass, which is full of Wuhan flavor, but a little Nothing has changed.

"Okay." Zheng Man was still smiling, she still felt that it was her luck to marry into this family.

Seeing that her belly has gradually grown to a certain extent, the corners of Zheng Man's mouth slightly raised into a beautiful arc.

It won't be long before the child will come out... Zheng Man thought in his heart, and the smile on his face became even sweeter.


Looking at Zhang Tianhai's side, the successive marches made the troops very tired, so Zhang Tianhai had to order the troops to slow down and rest at the south bank of the Miluo River.

"The Wenxi fire is approaching, Changsha doesn't know what's going on now..." Zhang Tianhai murmured.

The current date is already November [-]th, the footsteps of cold winter are getting closer and closer, the wind from the Miluo River is blowing on his face, Zhang Tianhai lightly tightened some of his cloak.

Originally, in the national army, only major generals were eligible to wear the cloak. For some reason, the National Military Commission made an exception and allowed Zhang Tianhai, an officer of the colonel level, to wear it too.

Perhaps, this is a kind of acknowledgment by the top of the national army: this is the treatment only the military chief officer of the No. [-] regiment in the world has!
Xu Xun stood by Zhang Tianhai's side like Zhang Tianhai's shadow, blowing the river wind with him.

"It's all in the past, count the romantic people, and look at the present." Zhang Tianhai thought to himself, but an idea came to his mind, and he wanted to try it.

"Tuan Zuo, do you want to go back to the house and take a rest, the wind here is indeed too strong." Xu Xun persuaded.

"What's wrong with the strong wind? When my subordinates are busy, how can I be lazy? If you are tired, go back and have a rest! I want to blow here, wait a minute." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Group seats!" Xu Xun responded, and did not go back, but waited with him at the same place.


Changsha is very busy at this time. It has become a front-line military station. There are more than 10 troops gathered here, and there are troops who have been continuously withdrawn from the front line. Counting these troops, there may be nearly 20 gathered here. troops.

Therefore, as the head of the political circles of the Hunan province, Zhang Zhizhong is under a lot of pressure. Although he was once an elite and mainstay of the Central Army, his current position is very important... The first brother of the Hunan government is indeed very strong.

The logistics of the army in Changsha is also under Zhang Zhizhong's management. Therefore, in the face of this pressure, Chairman Zhang Zhizhong is not usually troubled.

"Now Changsha has become a large military station. All kinds of materials are gathered in Changsha. Now it has become a big piece of fat. The Japanese intelligence troops will definitely smell this smell." Zhang Zhizhong locked himself in the When he left the office, he had a sad expression on his face.

Zhang Zhizhong also knew that the Japanese army had already occupied Yueyang, and they would definitely mobilize heavy troops to capture the important town of Changsha as soon as possible, and also strive to capture this batch of supplies as soon as possible.

There are many problems before Zhang Zhizhong, but the biggest problem is about how to transfer so many supplies if the Japanese army invades Changsha?How many troops does it take to complete?
Now is the age of war. In order to quickly gather resistance forces in the local area, the military committee of the national government has given real power to many local governments, such as the security regiments in small counties, and the security regiments and garrison regiments in big cities. directly under the leadership of the local government.

Of course, unless there is a special order, isn't Zhang Tianhai's [-]st regiment of guards in the ninth war zone also assigned to the Hankou garrison area?It is directly under the direct management of the Wuhan Garrison District, not under the jurisdiction of the WH Municipal Government or the HUB Provincial Government.

Cough cough, the book returns to the main story.

It is also because Zhang Zhizhong's HUN provincial government has certain military forces, and these military forces are used to maintain the logistics of the front line of the ninth theater, so he thought about how to transfer materials, which are all in his responsibility within range.

If it was in other places, Zhang Zhizhong might not be so troubled, but if it is Changsha, it is indeed very troublesome, because there are already a lot of supplies, and Changsha's railway transportation capacity is limited. Materials are transported out.

Just then, the door knocked.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

"Chairman, please send an urgent call." A clear voice came from outside the door.

"Come in!" Zhang Zhizhong's voice became very calm, without the slightest trace of impatience just now.

The door opened, and a very neat and tidy young lieutenant colonel walked in. He saluted Zhang Zhizhong and said, "Please read the urgent message from the committee."

While speaking, the lieutenant colonel did not forget to hand over the examination paper in his hand to Zhang Zhizhong.

Zhang Zhizhong took the examination paper without hesitation, and said, "Okay, wait for me outside!"

"Yes! Chairman!" The lieutenant colonel stood at attention and saluted, and walked out very calmly.

Logically speaking, people in the government army should rarely see the army, but Changsha is now a special period, and the work of anti-espionage and counter-espionage must be implemented in place, so key parts such as the information department are already controlled by the military. People are taking over.

And this lieutenant colonel is the lieutenant colonel of the military command, not the lieutenant colonel of the combat troops.

After the door was closed, Zhang Zhizhong began to read the telegram, and saw the word "Top Secret" in the column "Confidential".

Seeing this telegram, Zhang Zhizhong also understood why the lieutenant colonel knocked on the door—it was not only an urgent telegram, but also a secret telegram.

Zhang Zhizhong looked down and saw a few words written on it: Be sure to prepare for the scorched earth war of resistance.Jiang Zhongzheng telegraphed.

Looking at the few words above, Zhang Zhizhong suddenly broke out in cold sweat. He didn't dare to think about it. The burning of the city of Wuhan was already vivid in his memory. He knew very well what this "scorched earth war of resistance" meant.

Literally understood, coke means scorched, even the soil will be scorched, which means that Zhang Zhizhong should also make some preparations.

Thinking about it, Zhang Zhizhong wrote on the submission: Immediately Feng Ti, Commander of Changsha Garrison, Shi Guoji, Chief of Staff of Changsha Garrison Command, Xu Quan, Director of Security of HUN Province, Wen Chongfu, Chief of Police of HUN Provincial Capital, and Xi Chulin, Mayor of CS City, assembled meeting.

After writing this instruction, Zhang Zhizhong signed his name and date on the back.

Zhang Zhizhong also knew that it might not be a good thing for him to carry out this order, but he had no choice but to issue it!

PS: The first update is here!

Counting the five changes owed in the past few days, plus the 12000 dots rewarded by the book friend Jiuye Tianzi from the starting point, I should add three more. Reward, I should add ten updates, and I currently owe eighteen updates, and try to pay it off within two weeks!

Thanks to the first lord of this book, I am seriously popular for rewarding 110000 dots! ! ! ! ! !
Thanks to Qidian book friend Jiuye Tianzi for the reward of 12000 points! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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