War of Resistance

Chapter 1102 What is difficult for others?

Chapter 1102 What is difficult for others? (33)

"Dang, dang, dang... Hey, you asked me to be the head of Zhang Da, can I not be?" Guo Qiliang obviously looked very reluctant. After all, it was the origin of this thing, and Zhang Tianhai was not the head of the group. Are you forced?
It is said that a twisted melon is not sweet.

So, this matter was settled so happily.


Zhang Tianhai also arranged the next thing in a very orderly manner, basically focusing on training the troops, supplemented by rest, and generally focusing on improving the combat effectiveness of the troops.

As for some details, Zhang Tianhai feels that there is no need to interfere too much. Let Guo Qiliang, Li Yinglun, and Li Chunfei handle it. If they can get it done, then the military academy they went to must be fake.


The next morning, Zhang Tianhai led the cavalry battalion and marched towards Changsha.

Along the way, Zhang Tianhai was shocked to see that most of the troops on the official road were refugees except for a small number of troops!

These refugees are all family members, and their eyes reveal a longing for life—Wuhan has fallen, and the iron-like facts in Nanjing prove that these little Japanese devils are not human at all. A group of beasts, even a group of beasts, even worse than beasts!They have to go to Changsha to have a chance of survival.

The Wuhan government did evacuate the citizens more than half a month ago, but most of these people were slow to move. Did they do it in an organized and disciplined manner like the army? They also had no means of transportation and relied more on this Go to Changsha with one pair of legs.

"Sir, can I ask you how far we are from Changsha?" An old woman stopped Zhang Tianhai's horse.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "We don't know, it's also our first time to go to Changsha."

Zhang Tianhai's expression was very serious, and could even be described as indifferent. He wanted to become more enthusiastic, but once he became enthusiastic, the refugees from the vicinity would definitely flock here. The rations they brought were only enough for them to go back and forth to Changsha. Forget it, if it was given to these refugees, they would have nothing to eat.

Still the same sentence, don't do porcelain work without diamonds.

Sure enough, Zhang Tianhai's trick was useful - it seemed that the officer was not very talkative, so these common people stopped asking questions.

Since there were indeed many refugees, it took Zhang Tianhai some effort to get closer to Changsha.

Originally, this day's journey took a day and a half, so Zhang Tianhai could only spend the night with his troops in a nearby village.

Early in the morning of the first day, after breakfast, Zhang Tianhai led his troops straight to Changsha.

At this time, Changsha is still a majestic city. The background of the thousand-year-old city is not so simple. From a distance, Changsha in the drizzle is like a scene printed in a picture scroll, which is extremely beautiful. .

"It's a pity, just such a fire, ruined this place." Zhang Tianhai sighed leisurely.

"What was destroyed?" Xu Xun was a little confused. He really didn't understand what the group seat sometimes pretended to be in their minds, but when he thought of the fire in Wuhan, he suddenly understood something—presumably, Changsha had also done a good job. Are you ready?

"It's okay, you're still young, it's normal to not understand. You'll understand when you grow up." When Zhang Tianhai said this, there was always an inexplicable sadness, perhaps thinking of himself when he was in the military academy.

"Tuan Zuo, maybe I can't understand many things now, but I will work hard to learn." Xu Xun said in a deep voice, as if making a promise.

"Okay, then learn slowly! Sooner or later, you will be on your own." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then entered the city.

Changsha at this time is still a busy scene, except for the Japanese planes soaring in the sky, it seems that there is not much atmosphere of war coming here.



There were several explosions when planes dropped aerial bombs in the distance. Zhang Tianhai raised his head, looked at the three Japanese planes circling above his head, shook his head slightly, and murmured: "This is also a good idea." You can bully China in the 40s, but try to bully China in the 21st century?"

Not long after, Zhang Tianhai led the cavalry into the city.

According to the regulations, the guards at the city gate conducted a routine interrogation of Zhang Tianhai's military officer certificate before entering the city.

After entering Changsha, Zhang Tianhai discovered that the anti-Japanese atmosphere here is very strong, and it can almost catch up with the grand occasion before the Japanese army approached Wuhan.

The streets are full of slogans such as "Down with Japanese imperialism" and "Drive away the Japanese invaders". There are also some student teams in the parade for propaganda. In short, the theme here seems to be to drive away the Japanese invaders. Prepare.

"Peace is better. If it weren't for war, we wouldn't have to die so many people." Zhang Tianhai was a little sad when he talked about this, because he came from a peaceful age, so he knew the value of peace.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.


"Tuan Zuo, would you like to rest for a while, we have been on our way all morning. If we don't take a rest, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see these important things, right?" As Zhang Tianhai's adjutant, Xu Xun must care about the former In terms of safety and health, there are too many things to do with the emperor and the courtiers.

"No need." Zhang Tianhai waved his hand.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai keenly noticed the scene——

At the end of the street came two trucks full of goods but covered with canvas. The back of the truck was full of soldiers with live ammunition, and these soldiers had a distinctive feature: that is, the armbands were written With a few large characters - Changsha Police.

The troops of the Changsha Garrison Command?A thought flashed through Zhang Tianhai's head.

After the two trucks reached a certain position, they stopped, and the soldiers of the national army around the two trucks also started to act—these guards immediately formed a defensive formation, and strictly ordered the surrounding soldiers, People stay away, and those who approach will shoot at their own risk.

"Interesting, what are you doing?" Zhang Tianhai's eyes lit up all of a sudden. If he guessed correctly, these soldiers were here to carry the burning objects.

Sure enough, an officer of the national army stepped down in front of him. Zhang Tianhai saw that he was an officer with the rank of major.

What is the use of a major officer to personally escort?You can tell at a glance.


PS: The third update is here!Still owe seventeen more!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Mo Shi Jinghong for the 2500-point reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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