War of Resistance

Chapter 1117 Personnel Changes

Chapter 1117 Personnel Changes
There are many things that Zhang Tianhai doesn't know. For example, He Zhuguang was investigated. What he has been busy with is how to complete the disaster relief as soon as possible.

After several days in a row, Zhang Tianhai seemed to have lost weight, but fortunately, he also saved many people along the way.At least the people he saved survived.

"Tuan Zuo, why don't you rest for a while! The brothers can't hold it anymore." Xu Xun, who was next to him, persuaded.

"Xiao Xu, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I'm fine, let the brothers rest for a while! At least we got some supplies." Zhang Tianhai said.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo, I understand." Xu Xun responded.


For Xu Xun, maybe this time's action is indeed a bit inexplicable, but it is impossible to judge whether it is a good thing or not.

The point is, Xu Xun knew how Zhang Tianhai transferred his troops to Changsha the whole time, and followed up the whole process, which belonged to the type of mobilizing troops without authorization.

Of course, Xu Xun also knew that Commander Zhang was born in the Whampoa Military Academy and was a student of Miao Honggenzheng's Son of Heaven. The higher-ups would not hold them accountable for such a trivial matter as mobilizing two battalions of troops.

Of course, the premise of not being held accountable is that there are no problems, especially the problems in the defense. As long as there are no problems, you can turn a blind eye and close one eye.

After two days of trembling, the fire in Changsha was finally extinguished. Due to the existence of Zhang Tianhai, the people of Changsha lost a lot in this Wenxi fire.

On this day, when Feng Ti, Xu Kun, Wen Chongfu and others were shot to death, the chief culprits of the Wenxi Conflagration, the order to transfer Zhang Tianhai's troops came.

The transfer order refers to the transfer order, not Zhang Tianhai's transfer order.

"Hereby the Headquarters of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater, even if your department is quickly transferred to Changsha, your defense area will be taken over by the No. 30 Seventh Army No. 90 Fifth Division Headquarters, and it will be implemented immediately. The Ninth Theater Commander's Department, [-] Telegram on the [-]th of May." Xu Xun read the contents of the telegram to Zhang Tianhai next to him.

Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and said: "Is this order transferred from the regiment headquarters? Let Guo Qiliang be in charge of the handover, and the other troops hurry up and go to Changsha for a rest."

For Zhang Tianhai, he has been fighting here for several days. As for the consequences of mobilizing troops without authorization, this is completely out of his concern-if he does good deeds, he will be killed so easily. Then this God is too unfair, and what he is going to do is a good thing and must be done.

But what Zhang Tianhai didn't know was that in the heart of Chief Shangfeng, he had made meritorious service, but he was not promoted because he was still young and lacked composure in doing things, but he was not held accountable either. , Even let his troops directly guard Changsha.

It should be noted that although the current Changsha City still looks like a piece of ashes, the commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone will definitely be reset here soon, especially Changsha must be slowly rebuilt in the ashes. The task of the regiment can be described as heavy and long way to go.

At this time, it is definitely meaningful to transfer the first regiment of the guards of the ninth war zone to Changsha City.Not only Zhang Tianhai thought so, but even Guo Qiliang and others thought so too.

However, at this moment, the upper echelons of the Ninth War Zone are quietly changing...

After the Wenxi fire, Zhang Zhizhong, the chairman of Hun Province, was dismissed, so who will be in charge of Changsha?This is a very important question.

And this very important issue is now in front of Chiang Kai-shek. Although Changsha has become a piece of ashes at this time, he knows that the Japanese will not let this place go, and this place will definitely become the focus of the Japanese army's next stage of competition. , so the defender must be very capable, and he must be able to command hundreds of thousands of troops to launch a vigorous defensive battle around the area of ​​​​Changsha.

Changsha must not be lost!This belief hovered in Chiang Kai-shek's heart.

So, soon one candidate appeared in Chiang Kai-shek's mind, and that was Xue Yue, who was commanding the troops to severely injure the Japanese army in Wanjialing!

In order for this transfer to go smoothly, and also considering that the Jiangxi front could not be separated from the command of Xue Yue, Chiang Kai-shek flew to Nanchang, Jiangxi, and went to meet Xue Yue. He Yaozu, director of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission, (PS: Dai Li's position is the deputy director, not the director)

In the general headquarters of the First Corps of the Ninth Theater in Nanchang, Chiang Kai-shek summoned Xue Yue.

"Brother Boling, I want to adjust your position." Chiang Kai-shek said, his expression did not seem to be as serious as expected, on the contrary he was quite easy-going.

Xue Yue was originally a nine-year-old Chiang Kai-shek. When he heard that Generalissimo Jiang called him "Brother Boling" in private, Xue Yue immediately realized that it was a good thing.

But when the matter came to an end, Xue Yue suddenly thought of Changsha that had been destroyed by fire, so he didn't agree immediately: the chairman said yes, if it was within Boling's ability, he could try it. "

"That's right, now Zhang Zhizhong has been dismissed, and Chen Cheng is still in charge of the affairs of the Political Department of the Military Commission, so I want you to temporarily act as the commander-in-chief of the Ninth War Zone." They are already in private, and of course they can speak openly Said, as for Director He Yaozu who is on the side, he is not an outsider at all, so he can't be treated as an outsider to guard against.

"This..." Xue Yue hesitated to speak, with a wry smile on his face.

"Brother Boling, do you have any objection to this transfer?" Chiang Kai-shek asked knowingly.

Xue Yue said with a wry smile: "Changsha is like this now, I have no power to do it!"

What a smart man Chiang Kai-shek was, he immediately heard Xue Yue's implication, and he said: "Are you referring to the disunity of the military and the government in Hunan? Don't worry! You go to the post first, and you can consider the military and political unification later. Well."

According to He Yaozu, who was by his side and was the director of the General Office of the Military Commission, he later recalled: "Xue Yue rejected Chiang Kai-shek only because he wanted to monopolize the military and political affairs. Chiang naturally saw his intentions, so he also said to me, "If you want to do it, let it go." What did he say? But many people who asked Jiang for officials and titles, Jiang said so."

The conversation between Chiang Kai-shek and Xue Yue is a habit of Chiang Kai-shek. After deciding to make important personnel appointments, he always has a heart-to-heart talk with the appointed important generals or high-level officials.

"Brother Boling, Hunan is an important grain producing area in China and one of the important granaries of our country. This place is very important to us. If the Japanese army comes to attack Hunan, we will have a protracted war with the Japanese army. If the Japanese army Occupying Hunan will pose a greater threat to our army; and the Japanese army will definitely become more aggressive after obtaining more food. If Changsha falls into the hands of the Japanese army, it will be tantamount to handing over Chongqing. The portal. At that time, the capital will be in danger. According to intelligence from all parties, the Japanese army is likely to continue to advance southward in mid-December, and you must help me guard Hunan." Chiang Kai-shek said earnestly. He said so much and emphasized so much. The importance of Hunan, in fact, I hope Xue Yue can help him guard Hunan.

"Chairman, don't worry, I will live up to the cultivation of the chairman, guard Changsha well, and never let Changsha fall into the hands of the Japanese army, please don't worry, chairman!" Xue Yue immediately stood up and saluted, with a very serious attitude.

"Okay, okay! With Brother Boling's assurance, I feel relieved..." Chiang Kai-shek stood up, patted Xue Yue on the shoulder and said, as if he had lifted a heavy burden.


PS: I wanted to keep updating, but I didn’t expect a case of smuggling-positive patients to arrive at our place. Fortunately, it was caught in time.

I'm crazy about working overtime, sorry, everyone, "lazy" without asking for instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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