War of Resistance

Chapter 1126 Training Plan

Chapter 1126 Training Plan
"Okay, thank you, Mom." Zheng Man nodded lightly, and then fell asleep slowly. After all, giving birth to a baby is extremely harmful to the body.


Looking at Zhang Tianhai, Li Yinglun's work has basically been handed over, which means that Zhang Tianhai will return to the era of desperate Saburo.

Looking at the document in his hand, Zhang Tianhai fell into deep thought—the Yueyang Security Regiment and other troops have been continuously launching counterattacks against the Japanese army to the north of Xinqiang River and east of Dongting Lake, even guerrilla operations behind enemy lines, and his own The troops have basically been refitted, and now they mainly conduct queue training and physical training. Even the shooting training is due to the lack of ammunition supply, so they can only conduct training with guns on the spot. Should we use another way to train? ?For example, on the battlefield?

Zhang Tianhai also knew that his army could not be regarded as a recruit army anymore. After all, his supplementary soldiers were all supplemented by troops from the Changsha Security Regiment, but it was much better than directly arresting strong men, not to mention that these troops were basically recruited. I have been training for more than half a year.

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai picked up the phone and dialed the number of Guo Qiliang's office directly: "Hello, I'm Zhang Tianhai, please connect me to the office of Deputy Head Guo."

How could Guo Qiliang not be in the office at this time?After all, as a submissive deputy, Deputy Head Guo has always been conscientious. At this moment, he is sorting out the work left by Li Yinglun. It fell on his shoulders.

If you want to ask Li Chunfei that the chief of staff should be very conscientious, he is indeed conscientious, but compared with Guo Qiliang, a veteran cadre with long working experience, he still lacks some experience, especially now that the chief of staff The position is the No. [-] officer in the regiment, and the logistics department is fully grasped. Except for the political training department, he can't get involved, and he has to take care of everything else.

Because of his lack of management experience, Li Chunfei's position is obviously more difficult, but this is a process he has to go through-the key is to grasp the overall situation and assist the military chief to carry out combat tasks. From a general perspective, it can be said that this position is experienced by many military chiefs, especially military chiefs of the coordinating type.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The phone rang, and Guo Qiliang, who was already full of sorrow, picked up the phone without thinking, and said, "Hi, I'm Guo Qiliang."

The other end of the phone said: "Hello, Lao Guo, I'm Zhang Tianhai, come over to my office immediately, there are important things to discuss."

"Okay, I'll be right over." After speaking, Guo Qiliang hung up the phone, and the frown on his face disappeared. He also knew that Zhang Tianhai's call at this time must be to solve the current predicament.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk..."

Zhang Tianhai's office door rang, Zhang Tianhai said without thinking, "Come in!"

"Old Zhang, did you have something to do with me just now?" Guo Qiliang walked in and asked knowingly.

"Sit down! Close the door for me." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai took out another cigarette.

"Okay." Guo Qiliang responded, and then closed the door casually, "I said, old Zhang, can you quit smoking for a while, if you continue like this, you must be addicted to cigarettes, and smoking is not good for your health."

I saw Zhang Tianhai chuckled and said, "What's the problem? Now that the pressure is so great, how can I not smoke a stick or two to relieve boredom? Besides, it's a time of war, and if one day is unlucky, he will be killed by the little devil." The cannonball was smashed to death, how could there be so many scruples."

"Okay, I don't think I can control you anymore. I guess your wife Zheng Man is back, so I can control you kid. You kid is in a state of no one to care about now, so you can be crazy." Guo Qiliang couldn't persuade him. , simply let nature take its course.

"Okay, when my family Zheng Man comes back, leave me alone!" Zhang Tianhai smiled and motioned for Guo Qiliang to sit in front of his desk.

"Okay, let's put this matter aside for now! Tell me! What do you want from me?" Guo Qiliang sat directly on the chair in front of Zhang Tianhai's desk without being polite.

"I have something to say, it's about the combat direction of our troops. I have a battle report about the Yueyang Security Regiment and the No.15 Army on the front line. I have an idea now, which is to let our regiment enter in advance. How about the state of the war?" With that said, Zhang Tianhai handed the front-line battle report to Guo Qiliang.

Guo Qiliang took the stack of electronic papers that Zhang Tianhai handed him, and looked at it carefully.

After a long time, Guo Qiliang raised his head, looked at Zhang Tianhai and said, "You mean, apply to your superiors to let our troops go to the front line to prepare for the battle?"

"No, it's not preparing for war, but participating in combat. Most of our combat troops are composed of soldiers who have undergone long-term training. I don't think the training at this stage is very effective. We might as well pull them to the front line and fight for a while." After two annihilation battles, I don't believe they can't fight yet!" Zhang Tianhai said.

After hearing this, Guo Qiliang frowned slightly, and said: "I'm afraid it's not appropriate to pull them into the battlefield at this stage? Now our troops still have certain shortcomings in defensive operations. If we pull them up at this time, I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous in combat." .”

"If it is pulled up at this time, it will be disadvantageous in combat? What is the basis?" Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised. After all, Guo Qiliang rarely opposed his suggestion.

"In terms of defensive operations, my suggestion now is to conduct civil engineering training. Our troops have considerable loopholes in digging civil engineering, and our soldiers also have many deficiencies in offensive coordination. At this time, if they are pulled Going to the battlefield is to send them to their deaths, my Commander Zhang." Guo Qiliang tried to persuade Zhang Tianhai with good intentions...

After Zhang Tianhai heard this, he fell into deep thought, and said after a long time: "Then just wait! Now the engineering company has been fully replenished a while ago? Let's train six platoons. Squad leader of the battalion! As for the position of squad leader that is vacant during the training period, let the elite of the secret service company go down and take it temporarily! The training period is one month, and they must be trained into a unit that can fight on the field and train on the field. What do you think of this?"

Guo Qiliang thought for a while and said: "I think this should be possible, because we have tried to train troops in this way before, and the results are very good. The one-month training should be enough. The rest depends on how they get used to each other. If there is time, I still suggest that the rest period be two months. The first month is to let the grassroots troops basically familiarize themselves with tactics and tactics, and the second month is to adjust the civil engineering work. That's the only way. In order to better enhance the combat effectiveness of the troops.”

After Zhang Tianhai heard this, he nodded and said: "Okay, let's make it so. The two-month training plan will be drawn up immediately! Apart from this matter, what else do you need from me? Any idea?"

"No need, the formulation of your training plan saved me a lot of trouble." After speaking, Guo Qiliang laughed, "You wait here, I will call Xiao Xu over immediately, This training plan is up to you to draw up yourself! I will not get involved in this matter. Tomorrow, I will come to you to get the plan."

Seeing the direction in which Guo Qiliang left, Zhang Tianhai was a little taken aback: Who the hell is the leader? !The world is in chaos now?Did the deputy head give orders to the head?A lieutenant colonel started commanding the colonel? !

PS: The first update is here!Three to four more tonight!Try to finish it before one o'clock. If you can't finish it before one o'clock, don't wait. If you can finish it, I will definitely finish it.

Thank you for the 500 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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