Chapter 1131

The captain of the Suicide Squad is Koden Sato, a short and stocky Japanese soldier. He looks very fierce, but in fact his force value is not bad, because he is a master selected from the special high school. The mission here is to Cooperate with the infiltration team to obtain intelligence and carry out assassination missions.

It can be said that the mission of this special team is to act as a sword of the infiltration team, and it is a sharp sword. What is needed is to cooperate with the execution of all tasks that the infiltration team cannot perform.

"Warriors of the Sunrise, now is the time when we are needed, the target has appeared, let us fight for the Empire of the Sunrise! Long live the Emperor!!" Koden Sato said loudly.

In the small room, Captain Sato shouted loudly, instantly igniting the atmosphere to its climax.

Despite the fact that Captain Sato seems to have a very low position, his military rank in the institution is actually a major—as a master and elite of a special high school institution, how can he survive without the rank of major?
"Hay!!" There was a frenzy in the eyes of these Japanese spies, but they didn't shout out, because they knew that this was not a suitable place for shouting.

I saw that the clothes these Japanese spies were wearing were really ordinary, but they had light machine guns, [-] big caps, two bastard boxes on their waists, and a lot of cantaloupe grenades hanging on their bodies. It looked like a well-equipped team .

No one knows how these little devils got in, anyway, they got in here.

Following the shout, these Japanese devils immediately followed and took action. They were well equipped and rushed out to find the target.

In the eyes of these little devils, the goal is very simple, as long as they get close and kill the target person, everything will be settled.

There are not many people in this ambush team, about fifteen people, but the firepower is comparable to that of a reinforced company, and what they want is to wipe out the target and the surrounding personnel in one fell swoop.

Hongtu Building is not far from the station of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, especially when the head of the regiment was attacked——

The first battalion of Lu Shaojie was in charge of guarding the gate of the camp area. After hearing that the regiment commander was attacked, the sentry at the gate immediately ran to the battalion commander Lu Shaojie and reported: "Report to the battalion commander. According to the report from the guard company of the regiment headquarters, It is said that the group seat and Zhou Fangjie, the head of the second security regiment, were attacked by Japanese spies in Hongtu Building, and the group seat was injured, what should we do?"

Originally, Lu Shaojie wanted to talk about how this young man was so irritable and flustered, but after hearing about the matter, he also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he immediately said: "Then why are you in a hurry! Blow the rallying horn and assemble the entire battalion!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The sentry responded.

After instructing the sentry, Lu Shaojie was not idle, and immediately called the sentry at the door: "Hi, I'm Lu Shaojie, you rush to the Hongtu Building to rescue the regiment seat immediately! The big troops will arrive soon, and you must act immediately. Make sure the group is safe!"

"Yes! Battalion Commander!" The other side of the phone responded.

After hearing this reply, Lu Shaojie immediately hung up the phone and dialed: "Hello, this is the battalion headquarters of the first battalion. I'm Lu Shaojie. Pick up the regiment headquarters for me right away!"

The phone was connected quickly, and a voice came from the phone: "Hello, this is the headquarters of the first regiment of security guards. I am Guo Zhi, the staff officer on duty."

"Immediately notify the duty officer and tell him that the group seat was attacked in the Hongtu Building. Our first battalion has already started operations, please make a decision with the duty officer!" After finishing speaking, Lu Shaojie hung up the phone directly, and he also wanted to get his equipment let's go!

Looking at the regiment headquarters of the First Guard Regiment, after Guo Zhiguo received the news, he immediately ran to the office of Liu Xinjiang, the director of the staff department, and reported: "Report to Director Liu, Lu Shaojie, the commander of the first battalion, just called and said that the regiment and his party The Hongtu Tower was attacked, and now the first battalion has started to move, please make a decision on duty!"

For Liu Xinjiang, what happened today was just an accident. He was on duty for Li Chunfei, the chief of staff, so when he encountered this kind of thing, he was also a little tangled about what to do, but after thinking about it, this matter I can't delay any longer, besides, group seats are in danger.

So, Liu Xinjiang gritted his teeth and said, "Notify the second battalion and the third battalion to assemble and wait for orders!"

It's not that Liu Xinjiang doesn't pay attention to Zhang Tianhai's life, but he has thought about it. The first battalion of the security guards is full of more than 600 people. The first battalion's actions are enough. With the strength of the first battalion, even if Hongtu Building has A squadron of Japanese troops can also be wiped out, but the follow-up clearance operation must require more troops.


The camera turned and turned back to the front of Hongtu Building.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai and others had already moved to the Hongtu Building, and the guards of the two regiments left two squads of officers and soldiers stationed here to guard, fearing that the Japanese army would have backup.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai, he has already finished the bandage with the help of the soldiers. Fortunately, the gun in his arm is a small Japanese [-] cover. If it is the National Army's Zhongzheng rifle, his hand may not be safe.

"Strengthen the security, it is impossible for Little Japan to have only one sniper, everyone be careful, and be ready to fight at any time!" Zhang Tianhai said to the few people around him, only to see that his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Don't worry! With us here, the spies of the little devils can't get in, and their army can't beat us at the front, let alone these small troops that have infiltrated." At this time, Guo Qiliang was already loaded with bullets. Zhou Fangjie, Li Chunfei and others are no exception.

This burst of gunshots and movements has awakened them all, especially when they knew that they had fallen into the trap of Japanese secret agents. This feeling had not been felt for a long time.

"Damn it, who would have thought that after I entered the city, I would be ambushed by the Japanese army in such a place. Damn it, none of these little devils would even try to escape!" Zhang Tianhai cursed fiercely.

At this moment, the window was suddenly opened, and several melon grenades were thrown in from the outside.





The successive explosions made the restaurant panic. Zhang Tianhai and others also knew that under the current situation, the outside must be full of Japanese spies, and the number of them is ominous!

"No, we have to break out, we have to break out separately, otherwise they have installed explosives outside, the building collapses, and none of us can escape!" It was Zhang Tianhai who woke up at a critical moment, and then quickly let the brothers move .

Just when they decided to split up and break through, a few more cantaloupe grenades were thrown into the window, and the Japanese light machine gunners outside were ready!




Another burst of explosions sounded, everyone was disheartened, and Zhang Tianhai, who was still drunk, strengthened his courage, grabbed a pistol and pointed it at the opened window.

"Quick! Throw the grenade outside, don't hesitate!!" Zhang Tianhai yelled hysterically, and he also knew that the explosion just now had already made most people's ears tingle and dazzled.

"Yes!!" The surrounding guard company officers and soldiers responded.

At this moment, the light machine gunners of the Japanese army had already come up to the window with their machine guns, and they wanted to shoot wildly inside to ensure the death of the target!

PS: Updates are coming!

(End of this chapter)

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