War of Resistance

Chapter 1135 So far away

Chapter 1135 So far away
"Don't tell me, the wishful thinking of these little devils is really good. If according to your analysis, my life is really over. Then after this operation, did you cause any trouble?" Zhang Tianhai looked To Xu Xun and Xu Sangou.

Xu Xun didn't look like anything, but Xu Sangou was a little bit bolder in comparison.

Who is Zhang Tianhai? He is definitely a person who observes carefully enough. It can be seen at a glance that Xu Sangou must have something to hide from him.

"Commander Xu, tell me, what trouble did you cause?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly.

"Well, in order to search for Japanese spies, Battalion Commander Lu ordered the Hongtu Building to be surrounded. Later, in order to identify the Japanese spies who were mixed in the crowd, Battalion Commander Lu ordered them to take off their pants to identify whether they were wearing small Japanese clothes. Kind of small towel underwear. And then deal with it." Xu Sangou submissively reported.

"What?! You mean, Lu Shaojie ordered the trousers of those people who went to the dinner party to be taken off?!" Zhang Tianhai was a little dumbfounded. After all, he had never done such absurd thing before, and the people below did it for him. ?And it was he who had to take the blame.

"Yes, and the pants were taken off in public." Xu Sangou nodded.

"Sure enough, good fortune and misfortune never come singly...not to mention that I was assassinated, but also encountered such a thing, doesn't this kid know who can go to eat and drink? He is a famous person in Changsha city, The prestige of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone will be ruined..." Zhang Tianhai's eyes suddenly became very dull, as if he was full of despair about life.

"Well...do you want to ask Battalion Commander Lu to come over and explain to you in person?" Xu Sangou came up with a very bad idea.

"Then call it! I'd like to see how he explains it, so don't let me take the blame for it." Zhang Tianhai sighed and suddenly felt a little tired.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo, I will send someone to invite Battalion Commander Lu here. But there is one thing, Tuan Zuo, you must think about it for me..." Xu Sangou was a little nervous.

"Say something quickly, and fart quickly." Zhang Tianhai was a little impatient. After all, one after another bad things happened one after another, and there was really no way to make his heart as calm as water.

"That's right... Can you not tell Battalion Commander Lu that I said it? I'm afraid he will kill me..." Xu Sangou scratched his head and said, showing a simple demeanor.

"How dare you say that? Why didn't you stop Battalion Commander Lu when he was doing this? Now it's good to start his small report. Let me tell you, each will hit [-] big boards in a while! "Zhang Tianhai said angrily.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" After answering, Xu Sangou ran out in desperation, apparently to deliver an order.

Not long after, a soldier ran back from the hospital.

In the ward, the atmosphere was still very heavy, Zhang Tianhai looked at the few people in front of him and asked: "Everyone, have the funerals of the brothers who died in this attack been settled?"

"Reporting to the group, everything has settled down. In this attack, the guard company sacrificed seven people and injured five people. The guards from the second guard group also suffered close to five casualties." Xu Xun reported truthfully.

"Which link went wrong?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly. He couldn't figure out how such a trivial matter had alarmed so many hidden Japanese spies.

"Through the meeting and discussion of the lower ranks, it has been preliminarily determined that these Japanese are aiming at the Hongtu Building. It's just that we happened to lead a lot of troops that day, so we let them think that this is a visit from a big man, so we are the chief. Our scapegoat." Xu Xunhui reported.

"Hey... It's really fucking unlucky. You can still cause so many troubles after just drinking. It seems that drinking is really not good for your physical and mental health..." Zhang Tianhai's smile was a bit bitter.

"Tuan Zuo, it is us who protect you, and the protection is not in place, which leads to a series of results. Next, we are going to strengthen the training of the guard company. If the combat effectiveness of the guard company is stronger, we will not be so passive. It's gone." Xu Xun reported.

"Then the next step is to strengthen the training of the guard company. Although we are facing the elite of the Japanese army, our guard company should be our elite. We have such a large reinforced regiment, and the battles we have fought Countless, I don't believe that even a security company can't train well. Xu Sangou, listen to me, if you can't train well, I will dismiss you!" Zhang Tianhai became more and more angry, He got angry directly at Xu Sangou.

"Yes, group seat! The humble job promises to complete the task, and will never hold back the group!" Xu Sangou promised.

"Do you have anything else to do? If you have nothing to do, go back to train the troops! It's a waste of time to stay here. Leave someone here to accompany me, and then just wait for Lu Shaojie to arrive." Zhang Tianhai Directly ordered.

Apart from Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment, is there anyone else with a greater position than him?The answer was no, so everyone quickly left.

But maybe Xu Xun felt that it would be more appropriate for a woman to take care of the task, so he left Shen Wei behind.

"Tell me, are you surprised? I didn't expect that I would save you." These were Shen Wei's first words after closing the door of the ward.

Zhang Tianhai was lying on the bed in a hospital gown. He smiled wryly and said, "I'm really surprised. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Don't you want to know why I learned how to shoot a gun?" Shen Wei asked while sitting beside Zhang Tianhai's hospital bed.

"I have some thoughts, but if you want to tell me, you will definitely tell me. I don't need to ask." Zhang Tianhai said, the two of them seemed to be playing charades.

"Zhang Tianhai, you are really interesting, just like when you were on the battlefield in Shanghai." Shen Wei seemed to want to bring the topic back to that time.

"Indeed, I was young and ignorant at that time. Maybe I did some wrong things, but now I have a family and a career. I shouldn't talk about these past things anymore, right? Maybe." Perhaps because of the possibility of seriously hurting lesbians, So Zhang Tianhai added the latter two words later.

"Did you really forget the promise you made to me so easily?" Shen Wei's beautiful eyes suddenly turned red, and tears seemed to be pouring out of them.

"Maybe it's destined to be in this life. We have no destiny. At that time, I didn't know if I could survive, so I became a family in a daze later. However, I am a responsible man. I am very grateful to you for saving me, so that I can survive until now. You are willing to work in the first regiment of our guards. I welcome you very much. But if you want to leave this sad place, I will Just write a letter of recommendation to the officers of other troops, I think with Zhang Tianhai's current name, maybe he is a bit thin-skinned?" Zhang Tianhai's face was full of apology, like a very unlucky man.

At this moment, the distance between the two can be described as a world away.


PS: Updates are coming!Goodnight everybody!
(End of this chapter)

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