War of Resistance

Chapter 1137 Transfer Preparation

Chapter 1137 Transfer Preparation
"Your first battalion is the unit with the strongest combat effectiveness in our regiment. When I divided up the personnel, I specially reserved a lot of strong veterans for your battalion. I thought that you could occupy a place among all the troops of the regiment as soon as possible. Especially If you can play the role of vanguard in such things as biting tough bones and fighting tough battles, I don't want you to lag behind the whole regiment, or even worse than the sixth battalion of the recruit battalion." Zhang Tianhai said while laying the groundwork.

"Tuan Zuo, please don't worry, the humble position will definitely live up to your cultivation. We will definitely pay close attention to the matter of training the troops." Anyway, Lu Shaojie still has this confidence, regardless of his soldiers. Not to mention the best source of troops in the regiment, he was originally a veteran cadre with rich combat experience and experience in grasping troops.

"It's good that you have this confidence. If you are given another month, will you be able to reach the level of going to the battlefield?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"Does the group seat mean that we will go to the battlefield in a month?" Lu Shaojie asked, he looked a little nervous.

"This is not something you should worry about. Let me ask you, can you reach the level of going to the battlefield in a month?" Zhang Tianhai emphasized again.

"There is no problem going to the battlefield, but I feel that there is still some distance to reach the level of fighting tough battles. Now all the squad leaders in the company have been drawn to the special agent company to participate in the training camp, or they just finished the training of the engineer company. It will take some time to get in. I'm thinking, the officer will definitely think more clearly about this point than I do." Lu Shaojie replied truthfully.

"It is true that I have also thought about this point, but I think that perhaps training closer to the front line can stimulate the officers and soldiers' sense of crisis and allow them to step up their training." Zhang Tianhai said.

After some thinking, Lu Shaojie also knew that this is the best way to improve, he thought for a while, and said: "The group is wise."

Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and looked at Lu Shaojie again: "Think about it for me again, is there any other bigger loopholes in my plan. If there are any, you can bring them up, don't have too many worries .”

"Tuan Zuo, I don't think there is anything to worry about. As long as the Minister's Department can pass through, there will be no problem." Lu Shaojie said after thinking for a while, his face still serious.

"Let's make the plan for now! After you go back, make preparations. Be ready for us to go north at any time." Zhang Tianhai said.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Lu Shaojie got up and stood at attention and saluted, "By the way, Tuan Zuo, can you allow me to say something more?"

"If you have anything to say, just talk about it. You don't have to hide it. You and I have been comrades in arms for so long, so just ask if you have anything to say." Zhang Tianhai still looked a little tired, after all, he was indeed true. It's the aftermath of an injury.

"Thank you Tuan Zuo. Dare I ask Tuan Zuo, is our goal for going north to Hubei? Or to the north of Xinqiang River?" Lu Shaojie said straight to the point.

"Over there in Hubei, we can't go if we can. The best result is to the north of the Xinqiang River! After all, we are the security force of the ninth war zone, not the fifth war zone." Zhang Tianhai gave Answer.

"I understand." Lu Shaojie nodded.

"Well, you go back first! I'll sleep for a while, anyway, I'm already awake, and there will be no serious problems. After you go back, tell the other officers what I mean, especially tell Guo Deputy head." After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai closed his eyes lightly, obviously this was an order to evict the guests.

"Understood, I will convey your meaning to Deputy Commander Guo as soon as I get back." Lu Shaojie paid a military salute, and then left.


Two days later, Zhang Tianhai, who was already recovering and blushing, was discharged from the hospital early. In his words, "I don't want to take up too much of the limited medical resources."

When Zhang Tianhai returned to the headquarters of the first security regiment, everyone was stunned—they never expected that the regiment leader, who looked like he had been seriously injured a few days ago, would be able to resume his duties so quickly.

"Old Zhang, why did you come back so soon? Why don't you take a rest?" This was Guo Qiliang's first words after seeing Zhang Tianhai.

"Now our regiment is about to undergo major changes. If you don't come back at this time, when will you come back? We still have to stay in the general direction." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, looking in a good mood.

Nonsense, under normal circumstances, after being hospitalized for a few days for no reason, who wouldn't be able to laugh when he was discharged from the hospital?

"I knew you were going to make a big move." Guo Qiliang smiled and pointed to Zhang Tianhai, "Lu Shaojie has already reported your thoughts to me, and I'm already making preparations. Now all tasks can basically be issued normally. Go to each class, and you, the regiment leader, will be sent back to catch the boss."

"It's a good thing that you are my deputy. If it were someone else, I wouldn't worry about it, but you understand me." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai patted Guo Qiliang's shoulder with his good right hand.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense between brothers, do you want to hold a meeting to arrange the next tasks?" Guo Qiliang asked.

"You can pull it down! The meeting is held so soon, you don't want to tell me? What is the content of the meeting? What is the theme? I have just been in a coma for two days, and I have been in the hospital for two days, four days I haven't returned to the army, who knows what changes have been made in these four days?" Zhang Tianhai joked with Guo Qiliang with a smile.

"Just kidding, with a leader like you here, who dares to mess with Xiaoshantou? Let alone such a big event as reform." Guo Qiliang said with a smile, "Okay, now let's play with the changes in the army these days Bar!"

"I would like to hear the details." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai sat down, and then motioned for the adjutant Xu Xun to pour water.

"In the past few days, according to your instructions, our regiment has made a series of major training adjustments, including the officer training platoon. For now, the officer training platoon is still in class for the time being. About half a month later, they It will return to the company and form a unity with each company." Guo Qiliang said.

"That's all? Is it gone?" Zhang Tianhai spread his hands, looking a little surprised.

"You've only been out of the army for four days, do you think it's been a long time? It's pretty good to be able to take these measures, I can tell you, you should do your job well as the commander. Really, you think I'm very Do you like to sit in your seat and point your finger everywhere?" Guo Qiliang raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes bitterly.

"Okay, okay, I know that Deputy Head Guo is capable! Don't worry, I'll take care of the next work. Let's talk about the next work, and you can relax." , Zhang Tianhai stood up and walked in front of Guo Qiliang, and he patted the latter on the shoulder to show his comfort.


PS: Updates are coming!

I'm really busy with work these days. I believe you all know my update time. I can only update after twelve o'clock, and sometimes it's even three or four o'clock in the morning.

I'm sorry for your kindness.

Thank you for the 300-point reward for the friendly words of Qidianshu!

(End of this chapter)

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