War of Resistance

Chapter 1148 Entering the New Wall River North

Chapter 1148 Entering the New Wall River North ([-])
Regarding Xue Yue's thoughts, Zhang Tianhai can't control that much, and now he wants to get the command of the front line, which is enough for him to wave it around.

As for how to wave it, leave it to the big stage of Xinqianghe!
"Yes! Sir! The humble official will absolutely obey orders!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted, promising with all his heart.

"Okay, since you have confidence, that's good." Xue Yue nodded, and looked at Zhou Fangjie who was at the side, "Leader Zhou, you have to supervise our head Zhang to report this on time."

"Yes! Sir! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Zhou Fangjie also stood at attention and saluted.

Looking at the two seemingly confident people in front of him, Officer Xue nodded with satisfaction, and then issued an order to drive away: "You two, after arriving at the south bank of the Xinqiang River, immediately contact Commander-in-Chief Guan Linzheng of the No.15 Army, and I will call personally For Officer Guan. Get lost!"

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie stood at attention and saluted at the same time.


When striding out of Chief Xue's office, Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie both had happy smiles on their faces.

"Well, if I say we can do it, we can do it, right? Let's tidy up and continue to prepare, and then we will go to the battlefield." Looking at the office building that was already some distance away, Zhang Tianhai smiled in an unusually happy manner. .

"Just be content, kid! I'm smacking again, I'll tell you, don't look at you as the former commander-in-chief of the security force in this theater, if you keep smacking like this, I'm going to slap you on the back of the head. I'm keeping an eye on you." Zhou Fangjie grinned and reminded Zhang Tianhai, although the words may not sound very pleasant, but every sentence is true.

"Okay, okay, my Commander Zhou, we need to cooperate well in the next battle on the north bank of the Xinqiang River. If your second guard regiment drags down our first guard regiment, don't blame me to go to Xue The officer has sued you." Zhang Tianhai said half-jokingly.

"Okay, okay, you are the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, and now you are the biggest. You can say anything, and I, Zhou Fangjie, promise to obey the order?" Zhou Fangjie said helplessly. Although Chief Xue gave the so-called supervisory power, who I don't know, it can only be reported when Zhang Tianhai messes around, but under normal circumstances, it must be Zhang Tianhai who has the final say.

Now it's not a matter of killing people at the first level of the official university, it's that half the official university can crush people to death... Don't use bean buns as dry food, half the level is also big...

"That's about the same." Zhang Tianhai chuckled, "By the way, let's sit down and study when is the best time to set off?"

"When is the best time to set off?" Zhou Fangjie frowned slightly, "I think it's better to set off tonight, otherwise, if we set off during the day, the little devil will know our whereabouts, and it will be hard to work..."

"Or, let's postpone the time by one day! Although most of the troops are ready, it's good to leave a little more time for ourselves." Zhang Tianhai said, and then he thought about it and added One sentence: "By the way, let's study the situation on the south bank of the Xinqiang River."

"Okay! So, go to your regiment headquarters or our regiment headquarters?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"Of course it's going to our regiment headquarters. When we go to the front line, our regiment headquarters will be the former enemy headquarters. In this way, when the time comes, your regiment headquarters and our regiment headquarters will be merged together, and we will work together, so that our two A regiment of guards gathered together, barely enough, it can be regarded as the scale of a guard battalion, what do you think?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Zhou Fangjie and said, still with a playful smile on his face.

Zhou Fangjie had to admit that this was an excellent note. After all, it was compiled together in this way. Both the security of the headquarters and the coordination of command operations were guaranteed. Groups are definitely beneficial.

No, to be more precise, it is beneficial to both regiments, but the benefit to the second guard regiment is more obvious.

"Absolutely no problem. This way our troops get together, so it's convenient to command the battle. I agree with this decision. In this way, let's go to your regiment headquarters first to study the specific situation, and then I will go back to our regiment headquarters Announce this matter! How about it?" Zhou Fangjie was gearing up, obviously full of confidence.

"Okay, let's make it so!" Zhang Tianhai patted Zhou Fangjie on the shoulder and said, "Come on, take my car back later, we must have lunch together at noon, and your soldiers are also in our camp Let's eat together!"

"Okay! No problem!" Apparently, Zhou Fangjie was also very happy. For him, being able to go to the battlefield to test the training results of the second guard regiment is something to be happy about, especially now that he finally has the opportunity to prove to the world The second guard regiment led by him, Zhou Fangjie, is also a heroic unit, and the battle will never be weaker than the first guard regiment in the ninth theater!
Yes, although it is said that there is no first in literature and second in martial arts, Zhou Fangjie wants to prove his talent and ability to the world!

With the roar of a car, the military jeep carrying Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie drove away at the gate of the commander's office of the Ninth War Zone, raising a cloud of smoke and dust.

Subsequently, the cavalry platoon of the first guard regiment and a guard platoon of the second guard regiment quickly followed up and went to the station of the first guard regiment.


At this moment when Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie were very happy, the camera turned to Chengdu.

At this time, Chengdu was not attacked by the fire of war. Even if it was attacked by the fire of war, it was the result of the previous scuffle between the various warlords in central Sichuan.

At this time, the streets were full of people, and anti-Japanese and national salvation parades from all walks of life were running and shouting, in order to organize a team, and then "the hero will come out of Sichuan"!
"Down with Japanese imperialism, join the army, and fight Japan!!" The leader, a middle-aged man who looked like a literati, shouted with a simple loudspeaker.

"Hit Japan!!! Hit Japan!!!"

Under the leadership of that literati, the shouting of the team became even louder and more orderly. This was the Chinese people's angry roar against the aggressors, and this was the Chinese people's active resistance and action against the aggressors!

At this moment when the anti-Japanese and national salvation atmosphere is so strong, there are a group of students from the Chengdu branch of the Central Military Academy... Oh no, to be more precise, a group of students from the Central Military Academy are still training desperately, so that one day they can leave Go to the battlefield and fight Little Japan!
Why did the Central Military Academy (that is, the Whampoa Military Academy) move to Chengdu?This has to start with the July [-]th Incident——

After the outbreak of the July [-] Marco Polo Bridge Anti-Japanese War in [-], the main school of the Central Military Academy was moved from Nanjing to Tongliang, Sichuan (now part of Chongqing).In order to meet the needs of the expansion and supplementation of the army, in addition to expanding the enrollment of the school, the original branch schools were changed to the first branch school to the sixth branch school in turn, and the schooling period was correspondingly shortened to one and a half to two years.School organizations have also been adjusted.

In March [-], the Kuomintang Central Military Academy established the seventh branch in Tianshui, Gansu (later moved to Xi'an).

In November of the same year, the school moved from Tongliang, Sichuan to Chengdu, and incorporated the third branch of Chengdu.

However, under such special circumstances, the students of the Central Military Academy did not give up, they were waiting to go to the battlefield!

PS: The second one will be sent!

Thanks to QQ reading book friend GaoGui for rewarding 100 reading points!

(End of this chapter)

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