Chapter 1161 North Bank of the New Wall River (33)


Amidst the shouts of killing, countless soldiers in uniforms of the Central Army were rushing forward.

At this time, nearly tens of thousands of people have gathered around Sanjiang Town, and there are 8000 to [-] combat troops alone, so the place is in full swing.

Looking at the crowded scene, Zhang Tianhai felt a little regretful. These troops should not have been concentrated near Sanjiang Town, so that the troops would not be able to deploy at all.

"Old Zhou, look, do these troops of ours need to be trained in batches, for example, the elite troops are concentrated in the vicinity of Sanjiang Town for training, and the recruit troops are trained in the rear. The recruit troops must first pay attention to the training of defense. Let's attack the elite troops! Let's form a division of labor and cooperation for the time being!" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly.

"Division of labor and cooperation? I think it's okay. Our recruits won't be able to quickly form combat power in a short period of time. It should be no problem to let them be in charge of defense." Zhou Fangjie nodded.

"Now the focus is still on your fourth battalion. After such a long period of training, our fifth and sixth battalions have initially formed combat effectiveness. It should be no problem to hold a line of defense. Now we just need to strengthen it." .” Zhang Tianhai reminded.

"Okay! If that's the case, I'll take the initiative to ask you to bring your fifth battalion, sixth battalion, and our fourth battalion! What do you think?" Zhou Fangjie looked at Zhang Tianhai and asked.

After Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, he said, "That's fine. You are an expert in defense, and it's up to me to attack! I believe that our ten infantry battalions, plus one artillery battalion and cavalry battalion, can defeat the enemy." Little devil's."

"Twelve battalions, this is a big deal, and we are all elite troops. I also have this confidence. If the third security regiment becomes an army in the future, our theater security force will have fifteen battalions. It may be nearly half of the army. Hahahahaha..." Zhou Fangjie couldn't help laughing, because according to his thinking, if the theater security force continues to develop like this, sooner or later it will become an independent army , At that time, their strength will grow stronger again.

"Don't think about it too early, let's think about the first battle after our theater guard unit becomes an independent army! If we don't fight well, it may not be that Chief Xue will directly deprive our unit of the designation later." Zhang Tianhai didn't Holding back, he poured a basin of cold water on Zhou Fangjie.

"Indeed." Zhou Fangjie chuckled, "Leave these three battalions to me! The seven battalions on the front line will be handed over to you. No, including the cavalry battalion and artillery battalion, that's nine battalions. Zhang Commander-in-Chief, you can do it. Hehehe."

"Don't worry! As long as you don't hold back, the twelve battalions of our theater guards can go to the battlefield. Even if the enemy comes to a brigade, we can bite off a piece of their flesh." Zhang Tianhai said confidently, After all, against a brigade-level combat unit, with a combat force of more than 7000 people against a mixed brigade of more than 7000 people, he still has certain confidence.

Why don't you say defeat the other party?Because the overall strength of his side is weaker than the opponent's, the few battalions of the elite troops are no match for others, let alone three new battalions.

Therefore, Comrade Zhang Tianhai also has a clear understanding of himself and his troops. He can win battles not by relying on paper data, but by winning by surprise and by using his own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. If not, how could Zhang Tianhai have won the battle?
The infantry pressed the formation and the artillery bombarded fiercely. It must be a beautiful battle of encirclement and annihilation. This was the direction Zhang Tianhai had set since he formulated the battle.

"Okay, it's good if you have this confidence." Zhou Fangjie also smiled, and it seemed that there was a little treachery in it.

For Zhang Tianhai, since many things are absolutely fine, let nature take its course, and only act accordingly when encountering difficulties.


It was night and the wind was blowing. A few old fishermen were escorted by the national army to the Fengling Ferry by the Xinqiang River.

A few bamboo rafts flowed slowly on the surface of the slow-flowing water. In order not to make too much noise, the officers and soldiers of the Secret Service Company of the First Guard Regiment chose to cross the river in batches, and five to six people crossed on a bamboo raft.

In just two hours, more than 200 people from the spy company crossed the Xinqiang River and landed on the familiar land on the north bank.

In order for Su Jinzhi to quickly integrate into this army, Liu Houming even taught him how to use tactical gestures, because in the army of the secret service company, if there is no sound in the action, then there will be absolutely no sound.

For Liu Houming, when he reached the north bank of the Xinqiang River, that was the beginning of the battle.

I saw Liu Houming moving his mouth lightly, and immediately made a sound like a cuckoo's chirping. The army quickly moved towards him, very fast, and without making any sound.

Feeling this army at close range, Su Jinzhi suddenly understood why the secret service company was recognized by the whole regiment as the most capable fighter. With his hand, even if he touched a regiment headquarters, he would definitely not make a sound.

In this way, the spy company crossed the Xinqiang River.

However, after the officers and soldiers of the secret service company crossed the Xinqiang River, the fishermen and the officers and soldiers of the national army seemed to disappear from the south bank all of a sudden. According to the agreement, they would gather here again after seven days.

If they don't disperse at this time, it will definitely attract the attention of the Japanese army on the north bank. Although the Japanese army on the north bank has a large army huddled in the big town, there are still small troops scattered outside, especially their planes, flying in the sky. When flying over, you can see it clearly.

After crossing the Xinqiang River, in order to ensure that the spy company did not get lost in the mountains, Liu Houming specially ordered the troops to rest and wait until tomorrow morning before marching.

Soon, the entire army rested, and the mountain was still quiet, as if no one had been there.

The officers and soldiers of the spy company are used to this kind of life, but Su Jinzhi, who is a temporary non-staff member, feels a little unaccustomed. He gently asked Liu Houming beside him: "Liu Lianchang, is our spy company so powerful? Just rest if you say rest." .”

"You'd better take a break as well. Tomorrow in the daytime, we will go to Yunkou Town. There should be traces of little devils there, as well as the situation of the Japanese army in Xitang Town, Matang Town, Xinkai Town and Yueyang City. Find out as soon as possible, so we will have a very hard time for a while, you have to be patient." Liu Houming reminded softly very kindly.

For Liu Houming, this is a normal way of life. After all, rushing to march is normal. As long as he gets the information clear, he can go back.

Zhang Tianhai also gave Liu Houming a lot of time, a full month. After all, during this period of time, the Japanese army's actions should not be large, and it is also enough for their recruits to form combat effectiveness, and the elite troops can be further strengthened.

More importantly, it was able to ensure that the casualties of the secret service company were not so large. After all, the pressure was too urgent, and Liu Houming took some unnecessary measures, which was not worth the candle.


PS: The third one is sent!

I still owe 41 changes, let's pay off these owed changes first!If you still owe, then calculate it!
(End of this chapter)

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