1163 Chapter 23 Start ([-])

Yuankou Town is not big, but its terrain is excellent, at least it is located on a plain.

Due to the invasion of the Japanese army, people who should have been weeding and mowing here had already fled in all directions. In addition, the land was already fertile, so most of the weeds around Yunkou Town were overgrown.

Standing on the small hillside in the distance and looking at the situation around the town of Yuankou, Liu Houming's mouth slightly curled up into a smile: It's done!

If it weren't for the weeds that were as tall as a man on the rice field, maybe Liu Houming wouldn't have such confidence, but having such weeds gave him a chance.

Without further ado, the action time is set tonight!

Liu Houming's decision was quickly distributed to all platoons and squads. After all, after nightfall, the searchlights and bonfires lit by the Japanese army would become the targets of their spy companies.

In the blink of an eye, it was slowly getting dark. For the secret service company, this is obviously not a good time to strike, so the question is, when is the most reasonable time for them to strike?
It must be the middle of the night!Only then is the time when people sleep the most soundly!
"Su Staff, hurry up and get some more sleep! You won't be able to sleep in the second half of the night..." Liu Houming patted Su Jinzhi on the shoulder and said.

I have to say that this was the second hardest night for Su Jinzhi. He had never tried such a high-intensity battle before. Generally, there are horses, but as it is now, they rely entirely on their legs to run forward. Fortunately, he is young, otherwise his body would not be able to bear it long ago.


It was night, at one o'clock in the morning, the officers and soldiers of the special agent company of the first security regiment were all ready, and they had all entered the fighting state.

Of course, in order to reduce the possibility of alarming the Japanese army, Liu Houming must definitely send a small team to catch Tongue. The scale is not large, but it can't be too small—first draw out a few close combat masters, and then recruit a squad of people, I personally lead the team to arrest them.

For an adventurous person like Liu Houming, it is definitely an extreme enjoyment to be able to personally lead the horse.

Since the weather is still cold, apart from the cold, there is no need to worry about poisonous snakes and the like.

"Hiss..." There was a soft sound of clothes and shoe soles rubbing against the weeds. Fortunately, the sound was not loud, and no one would notice this scene.

Under the leadership of the company commander Liu Houming, more than a dozen officers and soldiers of the special agent company in full gear are advancing slowly. He strives to complete the task of catching the "tongue" without alarming any enemies.

"How far do we have to enter the road?" With a rush of bird calls, the message has been delivered.

"300 meters!" Another bird cry sounded, with a unique charm.


400 meters away, most of the Japanese soldiers had fallen asleep around the stove at this time, but only five or six Japanese soldiers were strong enough to prevent themselves from falling asleep in the cold weather.

"The ghostly weather here in China is really uncomfortable. If it weren't for the realization of the '*** circle', ghosts would be willing to come to this place!" A Japanese soldier cursed in Japanese, looking in a bad mood.

"Onitsuka-kun, don't scold anymore, scolding is useless, we have already come here, this is an unchangeable fact." Another Japanese soldier persuaded.

"Sato-kun, don't you want to go back? The weather here is too cold." The Japanese soldier named "Onitsuka" was still cursing.

"Onitsuka-kun, the environment here is actually not bad. Listen, didn't there be birds chirping just now? The air here is pretty good." The Japanese soldier named "Sato" began to comfort Onizuka Hakuichiro.

"Just because you like this damn place, doesn't mean I like it too. Never mind, I'll go take a pee! It's unlucky to be here in such cold weather!" Onizuka was still cursing, as if he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't scold for a moment.

"Go!" Sato smiled, and he also knew that Hakuichiro Onizuka actually wanted to go out for a walk, take a pee, and smoke a cigarette to feel comfortable. However, neither of them thought that, They also say goodbye is forever.

No one of the Japanese soldiers stationed at this sentry would have thought that there would be such a big murderous opportunity hidden among the weeds.

There are about [-] Japanese soldiers stationed at this post. They also know that there are some guerrillas in the national army wandering around, but they are confident that these guerrillas will never dare to provoke this stationed at Yuankou, which is closest to the Xinqiang River. town garrison.

Due to the special location of Yuankou Town, Inaba Shiro attached great importance to the location of Yuankou Town. Only in Yuankou Town and its vicinity, an entire regiment was deployed.

In order to avoid the sight of the big guy, Hakuichiro Onizuka deliberately chose a location far away from the sentry post to pee.


Perhaps because he was far away from the sentry box, Hakuichiro Onizuka seemed in a particularly good mood, and he actually blew "Sakura Ballad".

This scene was clearly observed by officers and soldiers of the nearby spy company. His footsteps and whistle provided indispensable signals for everyone to find out his position.

That is to say, if there were no whistles, it would be really difficult for the officers and soldiers of these special service companies to perceive his position.

"Yoshi... so happy!!" With the sound of taking off his pants and the sound of pee dripping on the edge of the field, Onizuka Hakuichiro couldn't help but let out a happy cry.

However, Hakuichiro Onizuka didn't know that the crisis was already looming over his head!
Just when Onizuka Hakuichiro was urinating, suddenly his eyes went dark, he fell into darkness, and he lost consciousness in an instant.

Following another rustling sound, Hakuichiro Onizuka was dragged away.

Originally Sato Takeru should have noticed this abnormal burst of sound, but because of Onizuka Hakuichiro's very pleasant cry, he thought that the latter was purely because of the pleasure of doing something, and this is what he is doing now of.

In this way, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company ended their first attack perfectly, and the whole process did not exceed 5 minutes, and it was very straightforward.

About 20 minutes later, Ken Sato, who felt something was wrong, went out to find Hakuichiro Onizuka. However, in this vast dark night, there was no light anywhere, only the bright moonlight remained.

Sato Takeru also knew that if he ran out at this time, he would most likely face death.Whether it is the enemy or those terrible beasts.

Don't look at how unafraid of death these so-called Japanese "bushido" are, how much they regard death as home, but when the real death comes, except for a small number of people who have been brainwashed to be very clean and have no way out, how can others really So foolishly looking for death.

Of course, Takeru Sato is someone who has not been brainwashed by the so-called "Bushido" spirit to the end. In the face of the possibility of death, he chose not to make a sound - if he made a sound, he would definitely be responsible, but pretended There are even more benefits of being unaware.


PS: The second update is here!The third update around twelve o'clock!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Jingbin for the reward of 1500 points! !
(End of this chapter)

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