Chapter 1183: Battle of Yankou Attack ([-])
As soon as the camera turns, the south bank of the Xinqiang River, No.15 Army General Headquarters, Taolin Temple Village.

At this time, Guan Linzheng had already had breakfast, and was sitting on his desk reading the news and newspapers of the Central News Agency two days ago. On the desk, there was a scent of tea, and it could be seen that he was in a relatively relaxed mood at this time.

At this time, Zhang Yaoming, the commander of the Second Army, walked in and said, "Boss, there is an emergency and I have to report it to you."

"What's so flustered?" Guan Linzheng slightly raised his head.

"Boss, do you still remember that guy Zhang Tianhai recruited civilian husbands to prepare for the war?" Zhang Yaoming asked Guan Linzheng.

"Remember, what's the matter? I remember that kid also made a large scale, made a lot of carts, and weaved bamboo rafts. I don't know what this guy thinks. I really want to use the 1 Tens of thousands of people are fighting against the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army?" Guan Linzheng shook his head lightly, he thought that Zhang Tianhai had indeed underestimated the enemy by doing this, just imagine, the Sixth Division can fight from Nanjing to Wuhan with one division, and they are not strong enough ,how can that be possible?
"Yes, according to the information, they started to cross the river the night before. At present, the main force of their troops has already crossed the Xinqiang River last night. They may have started fighting with the Japanese army at this time." Zhang Yaoming said.

Listening to Zhang Yaoming's report, Guan Linzheng's very simple and honest face showed a hint of approval, he nodded lightly, and said: "Don't tell me, let's talk about the fact that he dared to defend Lanfeng City alone. Look, he can really do this kind of thing. Immediately get your second army ready for battle, and he might retreat after defeating the little devils. If the little Japanese take advantage of the situation and attack, it will be troublesome."

"Hey! Zhang Tianhai is really cunning. He had a great time fighting at the front line. Let us wipe his ass!" Zhang Yaoming said very displeased. In his opinion, Zhang Tianhai's behavior just made him very unhappy.

"No matter what, the south bank of the New Wall River is our defense area. If the little devils get angry and fight with us, we will take advantage of it, right? They are not ready to go south in an all-round way. We don't have a total of Are there three armies? Counting the elite guards in the theater, we may not be able to take advantage of this battle!" Guan Linzheng analyzed.

At this time, Zhang Yaoming nodded lightly and said, "The boss is right, I will go immediately to get the troops ready for battle."

"Okay, let's go!" After finishing speaking, Guan Linzheng continued to read the newspaper.

After about 5 minutes, Guan Linzheng got up and looked at the military map again. He saw his face was solemn, and then called the adjutant in, and ordered Xia Chuzhong's No. 70 Ninth Army, which was defending the area from Maishi to Chang'an Bridge, to also fight Prepare, because he felt that if the Japanese army really attacked in anger, then the entire defense line might be shaken, and he couldn't let this line have any mistakes!

If the defense line on the south bank of the Xinqiang River shakes, Changsha will bear the brunt first, and his No.15 Army will also suffer huge losses.

Regarding Zhang Tianhai's behavior of quietly ordering the troops to cross the Xinqiang River, General Guan Linzheng suddenly felt a little unhappy in his heart: As a dignified deputy commander-in-chief of the group army, he was led by the nose by a regiment leader. what happened?Although Zhang Tianhai is in command of the theater guard force, he has not been appointed as the commander of the theater guard force yet, so he is still the head of the regiment!

(PS: I want to note here that Guan Linzheng is the deputy commander-in-chief of the No.15 Army at this time, acting as the commander-in-chief. In addition, most of the troops under his command are his old troops, so these people directly call him "" Boss.")
But when he thought that Xue Yue had instructed the guards in the war zone to go north, Guan Linzheng took a deep breath and said softly: "Forget it, I'll let him command once! Wipe his ass once! Damn it!" What's the matter? If it weren't for Officer Xue, how could you be so aggrieved?"

Indeed, according to this view, Guan Linzheng wiped Zhang Tianhai's butt, and he had to wipe it if he didn't.

All in all, Guan Linzheng still felt a little bit uncomfortable in his heart.


The camera turns back to the front line of Yuankou Town.

At this time, Xiong Wuzhenglang had already discovered the fast-advancing national army troops. He had a hunch that the attack of these Chinese troops was most likely to prepare for the next step.

Sure enough, the national army stopped at a position about 250 meters away from them. This position was indeed within the approximate effective range of March [-], but due to the constraints of the position and the gun holes of the bunker, they did not directly carry out firepower suppression , On the contrary, the Japanese army on the gun tower saw this scene clearly.

For all this, Xiong Wuzhenglang also knew clearly, but he wanted to see what kind of tricks the Chinese army on the opposite side was trying to play.

"Order, the firepower point of the gun tower, suppress the firepower immediately!" Xiong Wuzhenglang said to the messenger beside him.

"Hay!!" The orderly responded.

After a while, the semaphore soldiers on the roof began to pass the semaphore.

After about half a minute, all the gun towers of the Japanese army were under fire suppression.


"Da da da……"

For a while, the sound of light machine guns and heavy machine guns was endless, very dense and loud.

The Japanese army opened fire, and the life of the national army troops was difficult. Countless bullets hit, so that the national army troops could only be forced to launch firepower to counter suppression.

The national army didn't choose to shoot at the first time, that's because they didn't want to provoke the enemy. After all, it would take some time for the Feilei Cannon troops to come up, and isn't the Feilei Cannon troops already digging fortifications now?

This is a good thing, the firepower of the Japanese army is relatively fierce, but only the firepower point on the gun tower opened fire, and the frontier troops of the national army immediately launched a counterattack with the rifles and light machine guns in their hands.

"Damn it, the little devil is too rampant. At this moment, he still wants to suppress us!" Han Xingle, the commander of the Fourth Battalion, cursed fiercely.

Of course, in this duel of fire suppression and anti-suppression, the national army still has the advantage. After all, the officers and soldiers of the Ninth Theater Guard are equipped with a large number of light machine guns, and there are so many of them that they are only Aiming at several gun towers, those gun towers quickly failed.

Taking advantage of this gap, Han Xingle ordered: "Quick! Let the stretchers come up and take the wounded away! The rest of the troops, prepare to fight at any time!!"


Look at Xiong Wuzhenglang who is still observing all this calmly.

Through the burst of gunfire and density of firepower, Xiong Wuzhenglang understood that it must be difficult to break out this time, but he still had a little luck in his heart, that is, to get the support of the main force of the division by sticking to the town of Yukou.

However, this fluke mentality was quickly broken——

In the distance, gasoline barrels were transported up by the national army and civilians, and there were also special troops digging holes on the ground. Obviously, this was prepared.

Faced with this change, Xiong Wuzhenglang was not a vegetarian, he immediately ordered: "Order, the first unit, prepare to launch a counterattack at any time!"


PS: Today's first update is here!

Thank you for the 100 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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