Chapter 1185: Battle of Yankou Attack ([-])
With the reinforcements of the third and fourth troops of the No.40 Fifth Regiment of the Japanese Army, the pressure on Han Xingle's side has increased greatly.

Zhang Tianhai, who was watching this scene through the binoculars, naturally knew that the little devil was about to break through, so he immediately shouted: "Xiao Xu, immediately send me an order to launch a general attack!!!"

"Yes!! Sir!!" Xu Xun responded.

About half a minute later, a firework flew into the sky and exploded twice in the sky.

All the national army troops near Yukou Town became excited, because this is the signal of the general attack!
In fact, in Zhang Tianhai's view, he should implement step by step, blockade the town of Yukou first, and then use the flying thunder cannon to gradually destroy the Japanese army's outer defense line. Destroy the town together!
That's right, it was destroyed together with the town of Yuankou. Instead of letting them sit back and enjoy the benefits, it is better to let them be buried with the whole town of Yuankou!
It's just that what Zhang Tianhai never expected was that the opponent's commander had such a keen sense and was so decisive—it was already at this time, he had no way out, and he had to annihilate the team in front of him at all costs. The enemy, otherwise the secret of the Feilei Cannon will be devastating to the entire national army!

"Boom!!!" "Boom!!!" "Boom!!!"

"Boom!!!" "Boom!!!" "Boom!!!"

"Boom!!!" "Boom!!!" "Boom!!!"


The sound of the Feilei Cannon's gunpowder exploding sounded from all directions in Yunkou Town, and the air was densely packed with explosives blasted out by the Feilei Cannon!





The loud noise when the explosive package exploded was as dense and deafening as the sound of firecrackers exploding during the Chinese New Year.

"Damn, it's so fucking spectacular!!" Guo Qiliang, who was watching this scene from another corner, couldn't help sighing. After all, he really rarely saw such a spectacular scene.

Most of these explosive packages exploded when they were about to reach the ground, and the timing of the explosion was extremely accurate.The key point is that the explosives and gunpowder packs of these thunder cannons are all packaged. Except for the cleaning of the gasoline barrels, which takes some time, the other steps can be completed simply by plugging them in.

The sound of explosions was endless, and Xiong Wuzhenglang had already run back to his headquarters. He was not in the usual panic, and there was only one thought left in his heart: all the documents of the regiment headquarters must be burned. Well, these are related to the next move of the Imperial Army in China. Once it gets out, the consequences will be disastrous!

So, with this in mind, Xiong Wuzhenglang ran back to his regiment headquarters. On the one hand, he asked them to complete the burning of documents as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he asked the troops that could be assembled to prepare for battle immediately and break through at any time!
After frantically finishing this series of preparatory work, Xiong Wuzhenglang relaxed a little bit, but he always felt that there was something unfinished, and he thought about whether he had a clue.

When Xiong Wuzheng saw the dog-skin plastered national flag of his country, he suddenly thought of it—their united flag must not fall into the hands of the Chinese army. It even has the emperor's signature on it, which is a great honor. !
"United flag, united flag! Give it to me right away!!" Among the panicked crowd, Xiong Wuzhenglang yelled hysterically, but he forgot that the most important thing he should do is to inform the division headquarters , their enemies have developed such a terrible weapon.

Everything seems to have a definite number in the dark.

Xiong Wuzhenglang, who got the alliance flag, seemed to have found a spiritual support. He shouted at the officers and soldiers under his opponent: "Assemble immediately, we will break through from the north!!"

While saying these words, Xiong Wuzhenglang wrapped a scarf that looked like it was stained with his aunt's blood around his head, and the bright red dog skin plaster circle was at the front.

Looking at this scene, the soldiers of the No.40 Fifth Regiment of the Japanese Army seemed to have been forcibly injected with a huge dose of stimulants, and the entire army began to go crazy.

"Keep!!! The warriors of the sunrise, let these despicable Chinese people see what is the real elite of our Great Japanese Empire! Long live the Emperor!!!" Xiong Wuzhenglang pulled out his samurai sword and pointed towards the sky Yelling hysterically.

"Long live the Emperor!!!"

"Long live the Emperor!!!"


These crazy Japanese soldiers shouted the words "Long live the dog emperor", full of fighting spirit.

At this moment, Xiong Wuzhenglang keenly discovered that the shouts of killing outside had gradually weakened.

Who is Xiong Wuzhenglang?That is definitely a smart person who is so smart that he can't be smarter. He will never think that his front-line troops of several hundred people can wipe out the opponent's Chinese army of at least 5000 people and well-equipped.

The Sixth Division was indeed good at defeating all Chinese invincibles in the early stage. It was also good for a division to fight from Nanjing to Wuhan, but that was a "feat" accomplished with the support of the navy's powerful naval artillery firepower and the army's powerful artillery firepower. .There is another more important reason, that is, the equipment of the national army they encountered was too inferior.And now?The No.40 Fifth Regiment, the main force of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army, faced the well-equipped ace elite of the national army, and faced an enemy force several times larger than itself.

What's more serious is that at this time they have no strong army artillery support, let alone naval naval artillery support. At this point, there are not many planes in the sky coming to support them.

It can be said that the No.40 Fifth Alliance is already at a complete disadvantage!
In all fairness, the combat effectiveness of this unit is really strong. From the fact that their hasty counterattack caused heavy losses to the troops of the Fourth Battalion of the First Guard Regiment, it can be seen that their strength is indeed very strong.

Zhang Tianhai, who watched this scene silently from a distance, couldn't help sighing softly: "Damn it, the fighting power of this Japanese army is really not so tenacious. Under such circumstances, it can still give us four battalions. With such a great pressure and damage, if it really hits the troops of the second guard regiment, I really don't know if it can hold on..."

Obviously, this time, it was Han Xingle and his fourth battalion who gave him Zhang Tianhai's great confidence and support. At the same time, he clearly realized that facing this unit of the Japanese Sixth Division, he must not treat it like other troops. Like ordinary Japanese troops.

It must be treated with caution!
"Xiao Xu, pass me another order to get the cavalry battalion ready for battle and to pursue any Japanese troops that might break out." Zhang Tianhai sighed softly.

"Commander, our troops have already launched a general attack. Under such circumstances, they will definitely not be able to escape." Xu Xun said with some doubts, he didn't understand why the group had to be so cautious.

"This is not something you should consider. What you should consider is to execute the order!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, seeming a little unhappy.


PS: The third update is here!I still owe 35 changes, first pay this wave and then calculate how much I owe.

Thanks for the 1500 dot coin reward from Qidian book friend Tianxia Weizhi! !
Thanks to Qidian book friends 999 good book friends, waiting to play alone, and Hufflepuff's gluttony filling each with a reward of 100 coins!
(End of this chapter)

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