Chapter 1187: Battle of Yankou Attack ([-])


Xiong Wuzhenglang's samurai sword did not hit the person directly, but hit the barrel of a national soldier's gun, and there was a sound immediately.

However, at this moment, Han Xingle, who happened to be by the side, discovered this scene, and he immediately raised his pistol and shot Xiong Wuzhenglang in the head.


A loud gunshot rang out, and Xiong Wuzhenglang fell into a pool of blood, with a bullet hole in his head already!
"Hey!! Revenge the captain, fight to the death!!" The Japanese captain Uomasa Tanaka, who saw Xiong Wuzhenglang being killed, not only shouted immediately, as if his voice was full of infinite power.

Following Tanaka Yuzheng's yell, the surrounding Japanese soldiers finally realized that their chief had been shot dead.

Other troops might have surrendered with the death of the military chief, but the soldiers of the No.40 Fifth Regiment of the Japanese Army were different—their trump card "Beast Division" among the Japanese elite!They are not only extremely strong in military quality, but also brainwashed to the extreme by the so-called Gou Shidao spirit!

Ever since, after the death of the regiment leader Xiong Wuzhenglang, the Japanese officers and soldiers of the No. 40 Fifth Regiment fought around like crazy, causing a lot of trouble to the national army.

"This little devil really has a strong will to fight. If our theater guards can do this, why worry about not being able to win the battle?" Zhang Tianhai put down his binoculars and said.

At this moment, the Flying Thunder Artillery Unit of the National Army in the distance finally completed the encirclement of Yukou Town. With the sound of loud explosions, one by one explosive packs began to take off in the direction of Yukou Town.





There was a sound of explosion, accompanied by waves of powerful shock waves.

The houses in Yuankou Town were collapsing, one after another, and the sound of the collapse was very loud.

Looking at these collapsed houses, Zhang Tianhai's heart finally became calmer. He also knew that with the collapse of the collective houses in Yuankou Town, these Japanese troops would probably not be able to escape. After all, the houses collapsed , Enough to bury them alive-with the rescue technology of this era, it is impossible for these Japanese soldiers to survive until their comrades rescued them!
Don't forget, their reinforcements are still on the way now, and they will have to clean up the battlefield after the reinforcements arrive. How could they notice these collapsed houses in the first place?In addition, there is no artifact such as an excavator here, and there is no special search and rescue dog. When the reinforcements rescue them, they will probably not survive.

While Zhang Tianhai was thinking, the bombing was still going on. After all, the battle was not over yet, and the offensive must not stop.

As the Feilei Cannon blasted forward one after another, the not-so-large Yunkou Town began to be destroyed at a very rapid speed, just like snowflakes encountering the scorching sun.

"Damn it, this is a fucking relief, you little devils, you have today... Hahaha..." Compared with Zhang Tianhai's composure, Guo Qiliang was much more excited. He had never fought before. Such an exhilarating battle, especially now, is completely crushing the little devil, and the opponent has no strength to fight back.

"Sir, what should we do next?" A staff officer next to him asked Guo Qiliang. This was Guo Qiliang's apprentice named Yu Cheng.

"What should we do? When the surrounding houses are almost collapsed, our troops will advance another 200 meters, and we must not let a devil escape!" Guo Qiliang said very domineeringly.

"Yes! Sir!!" Yu Cheng responded. For him, this was also a very enjoyable battle. I believe that anyone who has fought against a little devil can understand this feeling.

At this moment, a soldier ran to Guo Qiliang's side and reported: "Report to Deputy Commander Guo, the regiment has an urgent order to send reinforcements to his side!"

"Submit my order immediately, and half of the advancing troops will be drawn to support the commander-in-chief's battle!" Guo Qiliang waved his hand and immediately made a decision.

Guo Qiliang also knew that Zhang Tianhai would never have made such a decision if he had not reached this point.

In fact, is that really the case?You must know that since the Japanese army began to counterattack, the Japanese army has engaged in hand-to-hand combat, making the firepower network of the national army troops unable to exert their strengths at all, and more importantly, they are condescending!

In fact, the Japanese army rushed to the position of the Fourth Battalion of the First Guard Regiment after only one hundred casualties. Break the encirclement from this direction!
The troops on the front line were pressing on every step, and the Japanese army had gone crazy. They had red eyes and held bayonets as if the people around them were not his target, because their goal was no longer to break through, but to fight to the end.

The bayonet fighting skills of the Japanese troops were not a little bit better than those of the National Army troops. Under their desperate fighting, the casualties of the Fourth Battalion of the First Guard Regiment began to increase gradually.

At this time, Han Xingle's eyes were already red-hot. He didn't believe that with the fighting quality of the Fourth Battalion, the Fourth Battalion would lose all casualties and the Japanese army would have no damage. All in all, he must stand up!

"His grandma, I still underestimated the little devil... In this desperate situation, you can still break out such a strong fighting power. If this is the case, if our ninth war zone guards don't eliminate you, I will definitely feel sorry for you It's gone." As he said that, Zhang Tianhai's eyes already emitted a frightening cold light.

When Xu Xun, who was standing next to him, felt something was wrong and didn't know what the group seat next to him wanted to do, Zhang Tianhai said: "Xiao Xu, you are here to take over my command of the battle. The effect I want is that there can be no Japanese soldiers Can break through!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai said loudly: "Brothers in the guard platoon, listen up, the front line is tight now! Please follow me to the front line to kill the enemy! Is that okay!?"

Zhang Tianhai's voice was very heroic, and there was a majestic pride in it, which exaggerated the brothers in the first guard group and the second row of guards around him.

"Humble job is willing to go out with the group!!" The platoon leader responded loudly.

"Xiaozhi is willing to go out with the group!!!!" A neat and murderous voice responded.

Xu Xun hadn't reacted yet, after all, when the group made this decision, it was too sudden!
Just when Xu Xun just reacted, his regiment, the former commander-in-chief of the security forces of the ninth war zone, Colonel Zhang Tianhai, had already led the charge with a pistol, and the security forces around him were immediately swept away!


PS: Updates are coming!

Thanks for the 500-point reward from Qidian book friend Yu Mao!

(End of this chapter)

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