War of Resistance

Chapter 1190 Great retreat!

Chapter 1190 Great retreat!

Live to see people, die to see corpses.

This requirement does not seem to be difficult, but in fact it is not easy. For the Japanese army, they are already advancing at full speed, but they still cannot catch up-the traffic conditions of this era are not as good as those of the later generations, the roads are full of potholes, and the performance of the car It's also extremely poor, especially because they don't have many vehicles, so they can't draw too much distance from the troops behind them. Once they are pulled away, they may face the danger of being wiped out.

These Japanese commanders are not idiots. On the contrary, they are very smart. Even if the superiors are in a hurry, they will proceed step by step. If the alliance is in a bitter battle, and even needs to call for help urgently, then their enemy must be very strong.

Nakamaru Rokuro is the captain of the No.40 Seventh Regiment of the Japanese Army. As the echelon commander of the first batch of echelons, he rarely showed a very wise side, even so wise that he was frighteningly wise. The arrogance of the regiment from Nanjing to Wuhan.

"Your Excellency, Captain, why do we have to follow the footsteps of the troops behind this time, instead of running wildly all the way like before?" a lieutenant asked Naikamaru Rokuro.

"Today is different from the past. Behind us, there is no strong artillery group to support us, and there are no strong offensive forces from the south and north to create conditions for us. Now we are alone in the enemy's mountainous area. We don't know what will happen here Things are waiting for us, and the fact that the No.40 Fifth Regiment is in a tight siege can explain the problem in itself." Naikamaru Rokuro said in a deep voice, very calm, but he seemed a little hesitant to speak.

"Souga, your Excellency, Captain, is wise!" The lieutenant patted a resounding flattery.

"Wisdom is not wise, but I feel that the enemy in front of us will be very strong. Commander Xiong Wuzhenglang is not a horse manure. He can soar from a squadron leader to a regiment leader. This is not an easy thing in itself. , what's more, the No.40 Fifth Regiment was the unit with the least loss when fighting on the north bank of the Yangtze River! The best commander and the unit with the strongest combat effectiveness are all in trouble, and we must not relax!" Naikamaru Rokuro Said in a deep voice, his ugly face full of flesh was full of murderous intent.

"Hay!!" The lieutenant responded.

It's true that the commanders of the Japanese army were indeed crazy, but that didn't mean they were fools who didn't know anything. On the contrary, they were very smart. When they should be crazy, when they shouldn't, their military quality was revealed.

Although there is great pressure from the superiors behind him, it is not as good as Naikamaru Rokuro's desire to survive. He wants to make a good contribution, but he never wants to lead this army into a desperate situation in a daze.

As the saying goes, shoot the first bird, for Nakamaru Rokuro's troops, as the forward of the reinforcements going south, they are exactly the "first bird", so this makes him have to be extremely careful.

But what Nakamaru Rokuro didn't know was that it was precisely because of his cautious advance that the security forces of the Ninth Theater of the National Army were able to calmly evacuate from Yuankou Town.

For them, teammates need to be saved, but their own safety must be guaranteed.

So, what is the national army doing at this time?Of course it was cleaning the battlefield.

Zhang Tianhai just stood there, looking at the busy surroundings, but his mind was full of thoughts—for him, apart from the current shock, what he was thinking more about was how to retreat smoothly and end the situation .

The quick end of this battle was simply beyond his expectation. The powerful power of the "unconscionable cannons" made the battle progress rapidly, but at the same time, they will also face a lot of problems. How to deal with it?

Zhang Tianhai originally wanted to order the troops to destroy these things, but he thought that if he wanted to use them next time, he could use them directly. As long as they were used well, there would be absolutely no problem, not even Zhang Tianhai himself. Realized that his behavior was an absolute fluke.

"Remember, no brother can stay here, whether they are dead or alive, we have to take them back!!" Zhang Tianhai said loudly.

"Yes! Commander-in-Chief!!" The surrounding officers and soldiers responded one after another.

Immediately afterwards, there was a voice on the battlefield: "The commander-in-chief has an order! Take all the brothers back, whether they are dead or alive!!"

Zhang Tianhai's orders quickly reached every corner of the battlefield. Countless officers and soldiers were busy, and they were about to retreat to the south bank of the Xinqiang River.

"Commander, our Fourth Battalion will suffer a lot this time. If you kid is playing this game, the Fourth Battalion will probably be wiped out, right?" Xu Xun next to him was also worried.

"What are you afraid of? We have won this battle, and the Fourth Battalion must be rebuilt immediately! As for the troops of the other two guard regiments, let's replenish them as appropriate, especially Japanese equipment, and give them priority. If they don't gain any benefits in this battle, it will be even more difficult to command them." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, as an excellent commander, he must control everything, especially this team that really means On the battlefield, it was barely integrated into the theater security force.

Zhang Tianhai believes that the status of the former enemy commander-in-chief of the theater security force is just a springboard for him, and it is also a good opportunity to train him. If it is really impossible to master this force, why should the officers let him do more? What about things?

More importantly, this is the first time Zhang Tianhai has commanded such a large force for a quick battle, and these experiences are worth learning from.

As the saying goes, everyone is picking up firewood, and the casualties of the guards in the ninth theater of the national army are not large. What's more, there are so many logistics troops supporting the front line. Some of these personnel are holding guns, and some are carrying injured people. The officers and soldiers or the remains of the officers and soldiers who died in battle retreated back to the Xinqiang River. In summary, the logistics team is very large.

If you look at it from the sky at this time, you will definitely find that both sides of the Xinqiang River are crowded with people, almost crazy busy. Three pontoon bridges have been erected, and all kinds of people are constantly shuttling from both sides.

In addition to the pontoon, there are also bamboo rafts. This kind of thing is also useful. They are all racing against the clock. They are afraid that due to their own reasons, the delivery of supplies or the wounded will not be delivered in time. They are not the frontline troops of the War of Resistance , they are the most powerful logistics force, all in all, they are very busy.


PS: In the past few days, the inspectors of the whole province have been running around. The work is too busy and has a confidential nature.Too late to ask for leave.Hey……

(End of this chapter)

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