Chapter 1194
"Nani? Commander Inaba Division? He's here as soon as he comes. There's no need to panic!" Dongguan Shinkuro said with a cold face. Obviously, he doesn't like subordinates interrupting him. The act of drinking tea and talking.

"You'll know right away!" The guard officer was sweating coldly. Facing the mighty power of the chief of the East Gate, he was really a little scared!
The guard officer was really right. As soon as he finished speaking, Inaba Shiro appeared in front of them with an angry expression on his face.

At this moment, the two directors, who are already human beings, immediately understood what was going on - judging by their posture, they were definitely asking for a crime!

"Hello, General Inaba!!" The two stood up at attention and saluted at the same time. They couldn't care less about the tea table and hot tea in front of them. After all, Inaba Shiro's military rank is much higher than theirs, and he still holds nearly [-] soldiers Head of the division!

"Director Ikeda, Chief East Gate, you guys are very interested today. You must have some experience here to cook tea and talk about Taoism?" Inaba Shiro said with a smile on his face. Filled with anger.

Jun Ikeda wisely chose to keep quiet, and he could only blame Higashikan Shinkuro for dealing with it. The latter smiled awkwardly: "Report to General Inaba, we are analyzing the intelligence on the front line!"

"Hehe, do you still have the face to analyze front-line intelligence? Do you know! Just this morning, a reorganized regiment of our Sixth Division was annihilated by the Chinese Army on the north bank of the Xinqiang River! Do you know about this? !" Inaba Shiro yelled sharply, his voice was full of anger and murderous intent, even his right hand had tightly grasped the samurai sword, ready to draw it out at any time.

"Nani?!" Jun Ikeda and Shinkuro Higashikan lost their voices almost at the same time, because this incident was too shocking for them-an entire regiment was wiped out by the Chinese army on the north bank of the Xinqiang River in the morning. What's happening here? !

However, these two guys immediately realized: Inaba Shiro is definitely here to find a scapegoat. Such a powerful enemy army has come to the south bank of the New Wall River, but their intelligence agency has no knowledge of it. Big mistake!More importantly, someone must take the blame for the annihilation of this alliance!For such a big incident, even Shiro Inaba might not be able to bear the blame himself!

Cold sweat slowly dripped down the cheeks of Toshi Ikeda and Shinkuro Higashikan at the same time. They knew very well that if they were really charged with this crime, they would really be forced to punish the emperor to thank the emperor.

Yes, yes, it is forced!
It is different from the Japanese soldiers who are shown in many film and television dramas that they cut seppuku at every turn. In fact, among the Japanese soldiers, except for a few idiots who have been brainwashed to the extreme, many people actually want to survive and get promoted. After making mistakes, he was forced to commit suicide, and only in this way can he protect his family in the country.

After all, in this era, the Communist Party occupies the whole of Japan, and the rightists are very rampant, and even control the entire country!

In this case, if the person who made a serious mistake is unwilling to commit suicide, he may even be punished as treason, and even his family members in the country will be implicated. , no matter how much you hate war, you will never dare to easily disobey the will of your superiors, just like a marionette.

Alright, back to the book.

Seeing the expressions of the two people in front of him, Inaba Shiro already knew that Toshi Ikeda and Shinkuro Higashiguan must not have known about this, so he was so angry that he trembled all over: "Idiot! Horse dung !!You two idiots who can only eat, because of your negligence, led to the destruction of the No.40 Fifth Regiment, the strongest fighting force of my Sixth Division, in Yuenkou Town! Sadly, even this You don’t even know about this thing! I really don’t know what the empire is doing to support you bastards?!”

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the two of them, Inaba Shiro had already guessed what happened. He laughed out of anger, then suddenly pulled out his samurai sword, and pointed at the tea table with force. A chop.


Under Inaba Shiro's hard knife, the small coffee table was split in half, and the teacup on the coffee table immediately fell to the ground with a crackling sound, looking quite embarrassed.

Facing Inaba Shiro's anger, no matter whether it was Major Ikeda Toshiro of the Ume Organization or Major Higashikan Shinkuro of the Special High School, they dared not speak out. Who knows if they would be split into two immediately when they refuted? Halfway, and more importantly, if Shiro Inaba's words are really followed, they really have to bear the main responsibility.

"Yoshi, Yoshi—" Inaba Shiro sneered with a half-smile, "You two just wait for His Majesty's sanction!"

After finishing speaking, Shiro Inaba turned around and left. The murderous aura on his body never dissipated, on the contrary, it became more and more intense.

Looking at the back of Inaba Shiro leaving, Toshi Ikeda and Shinkuro Higashiki felt a little weak in their legs for a moment. This is an absolute provocation!And they all saw the soldiers of the Sixth Division who were like wolves and tigers!

Lieutenant General Inaba Shiro came here this time to make them scapegoats!
It was Dongguan Shinkuro who reacted quickly, and he immediately said to Toshi Ikeda beside him: "Mr. Ikeda, we must not be scapegoats this time! Now it is the troops of the Sixth Division that have lost the battle, and now they Put all the responsibility on our head, we must not let them do this so easily!"

Ikeda Toshi also knew that what Higashikan Shinkuro said was indeed the truth, and they had to clear up the responsibility of the intelligence agency in this incident!

So, Toshi Ikeda nodded, and said, "Mr. Dongguan's words are reasonable, and I will implement them right away!"

After speaking, Jun Ikeda turned around and left. What he didn't know was that his very trusted teammate was about to cheat him.


Compared with the dullness on the Japanese side, Zhang Tianhai's side is much more enjoyable - they have just won a hearty victory, and the way to retreat is so smooth, this must be a great thing .

"Brother Yinglun, we are lucky to have you this time. Otherwise, our troops would not have been able to withdraw so quickly. If they were bitten by the Japanese army, it would be very troublesome." Zhang Tianhai patted Li Yinglun on the shoulder and said.

"Old Zhang, don't say these polite words to me. We are all brothers, so there is no need to be so polite." Li Yinglun said, "I am just doing some assistance in the rear. On the battlefield, I still have to Relying on your two main regiments to fight, if I can't even do this job well, wouldn't I be ashamed of the creative position of the Ninth War Zone Security Force?"

"Brother Yinglun, you are too polite. If there is no third regiment of guards this time, relying on our two regiments alone will not require ordinary effort..." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said.

"How about it? Have you thought about how to go back and reward for your merits this time? This is the first time that our theater guards have won a big victory since they were fully formed!" Li Yinglun said.


PS: Updates are coming!Make up for yesterday!

(End of this chapter)

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