War of Resistance

Chapter 1209 The Commander In Place

Chapter 1209 The Commander In Place

"This Zhang Tianhai really dares to write. For the equipment of the two battalions, there are so many shells for the Soloton cannon. The key point is that they have spent so many shells!" Big, he couldn't believe that Zhang Tianhai, who seemed to be an honest guy when he was in the First Corps, would report so much equipment.

"So, that's why I must ask you to go to the theater guards to have a look. I'm in the commander's department now, and I can't move around, so I can only work hard for you to go there yourself." Xue Yue said. He patted Wu Yizhi on the shoulder.

After hearing Xue Yue's words, Wu Yizhi seemed to understand the former's intentions. He nodded and said, "Don't worry! I will find out what is going on with the security forces in the theater, and then I will come back and report to the chief in person. !"

Why couldn't Xue Yue send an inspection team when he couldn't go by himself?The reason is very simple. The theater security force is a force that has just won a battle, and the most important thing is that this elite force of the Central Army, the main officers of the department are the disciples of the emperor who graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy. There are four big characters shining with golden light - "Miao Hong Genzheng"!
Under such circumstances, it is very inappropriate to send an inspection team to supervise, especially for the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War-you have done this for the troops that won the war. Great?
Knowing this, it is impossible for Xue Yue to do such a stupid thing as going out to supervise the security forces in the theater.

Of course, Xue Yue can't go to supervise the inspection, but for Wu Yizhi, the new commander-in-chief of the theater security force, this is absolutely no problem. It can also be said that this is the secret mission Xue Yue entrusted to him!
"It's good to find out the situation. This is also a gift from me to you. If there is no problem with the theater guards, the materials listed above are the materials I allocated to you. After all, the new official takes office three fires, you always You want something to buy people's hearts, right?" Xue Yue smiled lightly as he spoke, looking like an old god.

Seeing Xue Yue's appearance, Wu Yizhi also smiled slightly, and he said: "Thank you for your cultivation, sir, Xi Qi is willing to go through fire and water to repay your kindness!"

"Brother Xiqi is serious." Xue Yue smiled softly.

Through Wu Yizhi, the elite security force in the theater was firmly in his hands. After this move, Xue Yue felt extraordinarily relaxed.

"Adjutant Ning, come in!" Xue Yue yelled out the door.

Soon, Adjutant Ning came in. He strode up to Xue Yue and said, "Sir, are you looking for me?"

Xue Yue nodded, looked at Adjutant Ning and said, "Adjutant Ning, you should bring the two certificates of commission from Chief Wu immediately, and call the first, second, and third regiments of the theater security forces at the same time. Tomorrow morning, you will accompany Officer Wu and his party headed to Sanjiang Town, where the guards in the theater are stationed!"

"Yes! Sir!" Adjutant Ning stood at attention and saluted.

After Adjutant Ning left, Xue Yue looked at Wu Yizhi and said, "Brother Xiqi, you go to the theater security force to find out the situation first, then go to hand over the work, and finally come back to report! Now go to the theater security force to take up the post, I will give you a A week to half a month, is this enough time?"

"Mr. Xue, you give me three days. I have enough time to understand the situation. It doesn't take as long as a week." Wu Yizhi promised very seriously.

"No, no, brother Xiqi, you have misunderstood my intentions. In addition to knowing the equipment situation, you must understand all aspects of the situation. As the commander-in-chief of the Ninth Theater Guard Force, you should be in harmony with the troops below and the main responsible People need to know more, otherwise, they will forget you as the commander in chief..." Xue Yue said with a smile, very meaningful.

After hearing these words, Wu Yizhi smiled lightly again: "Xiqi...understood..."

The two old foxes looked at each other and smiled.

Who said that Xue Yue can only be an iron-blooded warrior who can only fight?As everyone knows, he is very superior in both IQ and EQ.


The camera turns to Sanjiang Town.

At this time, the weather in Sanjiang Town was sunny, and the sun was not so bright, but now in the small meeting room of the former enemy headquarters of the security forces of the Ninth War Zone, it was quiet.

Zhang Tianhai was smoking a cigarette, while Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun also looked serious.

"Everyone, our new chief will be in place tomorrow afternoon. What do you want to say about our current situation?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Zhou Fangjie and Li Yinglun after taking a puff of cigarette.

Yes, this is a core meeting, and even Xu Xun, Li Chunfei and others have no right to participate.

"Old Zhang, I think this is a turning point." Li Yinglun said, as a person with very experience in agency work, he has a very unique vision on this point.

"How to say?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"In any case, Wu Yizhi, Chief Wu is the chief of our theater security force. The stronger our theater security force is, the more beneficial it is for him, especially in commanding operations. Our troops have made meritorious service. He will Is there no credit? No matter how you say it, it’s the leadership and the command.” Li Yinglun smiled lightly.

"That's right. From Brother Yinglun's point of view, this is indeed a turning point, but it's probably inappropriate for our army to talk about it before? We need equipment from almost two battalions..." Zhou Fangjie Tap the table with your index finger.

"What are you afraid of? We can do this well, but are you afraid that you won't be able to get through with Chief Wu?" Li Yinglun's old god was there.

"Up to now, it can only be like this. If the equipment in the theater can be approved, our first regiment of the guard will be fully equipped with national weapons. If it cannot be approved, my fourth battalion can only be a half-day weapon. If it can be approved If we come down, all the Japanese weapons equipped by our regiment will be given to Brother Yinglun’s third regiment, so half of the Japanese mechanization process will be completed soon, right?” Zhang Tianhai gently put out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray.

"Old Zhang, if your regiment can be fully equipped with national mechanized weapons, it will be amazing. The fourth battalion, cavalry battalion, guard company, and even engineer company can be replaced with regular rifles." Zhou Fangjie counted them carefully, with a twinkle in his eyes After a touch of envy.

That's right, in the eyes of the core executives of the theater guards, the Zhongzheng rifles are much better than these Japanese weapons. You must know that these Zhongzheng rifles are imitations of Mauser's 1924 rifles, and the Germans moved here a few times. There is a production line, these imitation German rifles are powerful and fierce, and they must be much better than the small-caliber rifles made by the Japanese.

"Now your second security regiment is not bad. It is fully equipped with daily equipment. As long as there is enough time, you can train an elite division. In time, the third security regiment will also be fully equipped with daily equipment. Our war zone The equipment of the guard force is the first in the entire theater. As long as the troops can fight, we can beat other division-level troops by a large margin. So this time, after Commander-in-Chief Wu takes office, we have to tighten up the big boss Ah, we can't let him get away with it." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai grinned.


PS: The third update is here!This is a repayment of the previous wave of owed updates, and 34 more owed!

Thank you for the 300 point coins reward from the starting point book friend Leggeshen! !
(End of this chapter)

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