War of Resistance

Chapter 1211 Commander-in-Chief Wu's Reorganization Plan

Chapter 1211 Commander-in-Chief Wu's Reorganization Plan ([-])

"Report to the commander-in-chief, no hard work!!" Zhang Tianhai, as the highest-ranking commander of the current security force, came to welcome the new chief, and his every move must be able to represent the attitude of the theater security force.

After Wu Yizhi returned the military salute, he walked directly in front of Zhang Tianhai, patted the latter on the shoulder and said, "Zhang Yulin, we are also old friends, and it can be seen that you, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, are still very qualified. At least not long after taking office, you led the troops to a big victory. You are outstanding!"

"Thank you, sir, for your compliment. This is a matter of humble duty. Please rest assured, sir, I will continue to work hard!" Zhang Tianhai said in a loud voice, looking unusually confident.

"Okay, I believe that under your leadership, the development of our theater security force must be very good, so, if you have time, take me to walk around the army!" Wu Yizhi smiled lightly.

"Yes, sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention again and saluted. Faced with this situation, he actually felt a little uncomfortable. Maybe he had been handling all the affairs of the army as the commander of the independent army, and now he was suddenly airborne from above. When an immediate boss came down, he felt a little uncomfortable, which is probably normal!
Wu Yizhi nodded and said, "Okay, then take me to your former enemy general headquarters to have a look first!"

"Yes, sir." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai took the lead and walked away. Along the way, he also reported a lot about the troops to Wu Yizhi.

Finally arrived at the former enemy headquarters of the security forces. At this time, all the battalion commanders in the conference room were already sitting in it, waiting for the arrival of the new commander-in-chief.

"Please, sir." Zhang Tianhai pointed to the only two chairs on the rostrum, which he had ordered to prepare in advance, because it had been stated in the telegram sent from behind the chief's department that the commander-in-chief's adjutant Ning Junjie accompanied Commander-in-Chief Wu Yizhi to the post.

The tables, chairs and table cards on the field have already been prepared, waiting for Officer Wu and Adjutant Ning to arrive.

Regarding this situation, Lieutenant Ning Junjie Ning was already very familiar with it, and walked to the stage with Wu Yizhi.

"Please, Mr. Wu." Ning Junjie took the seat on the left, and then motioned for Wu Yizhi to sit on the right.

China has always paid attention to the respect of the left in the officialdom. Why can Ning Junjie, who is only the lieutenant colonel's adjutant, sit on the left?That's because he came on behalf of Chief Xue Yue, so naturally he would sit on the left.

This situation is similar to the people from the organization department in the officialdom of later generations who brought the new leader to the new unit to announce.

Sure enough, after Wu Yizhi sat down, Ning Junjie said: "Everyone, I, Ning Junjie, is the Deputy Chief of the Deputy Chief of the Commander's Department of the Ninth War Zone, and was appointed by the Commander of the Ninth War Zone, Chief Xue Yue. Today, I will cooperate with Wu Yizhi, Chief Wu Come to Sanjiang Town to announce the appointment of Chief Wu Yizhi as the Commander-in-Chief of the theater security force, please welcome the arrival of Chief Wu."

As soon as Ning Junjie finished speaking, Zhang Tianhai applauded first, and soon, the applause on the field became one piece, very lively.

The applause lasted for a while, and everyone stopped after seeing Ning Junjie's gesture.

At this time, Ning Junjie continued: "Now, I will read the letter of appointment!"

After finishing speaking, Ning Junjie stood up, holding a blue leather case with a blue sky and white sun badge in his hand.

Seeing Ning Junjie stand up, everyone on the field stood up, and the scene was very serious.

I saw Ning Junjie read loudly: "National Revolutionary Army Ninth War Zone Commander-in-Chief Appointment Letter No. 49, Wu Yizhi was appointed as Lieutenant General Commander-in-Chief of the Theater Guard Force. This certificate. Commander Xue Yue, 27 years of the Republic of China April 26."

After Ning Junjie finished reading, he closed the letter of appointment and handed it to Wu Yizhi.

"Applause!!" Zhang Tianhai said loudly, and then applauded, which represented the attitude of himself and the guards in the theater.

For Wu Yizhi, looking at these people on the field, there was a smile on his face. He waited for the applause to stop before he said: "Everyone, first of all, I would like to thank you for your welcome. Secondly, the theater security force has just been established. I am taking up this position, but I am sincere and sincere, and I cannot do without your support. Regarding the situation of the theater security forces, I have probably learned a little about it on the way, but after I take up the post of the commander of the theater security forces, what will I do? Make some restructuring moves. Please get ready."

As soon as Wu Yizhi's words came out, many battalion commanders of the theater security forces present were a little shocked—is this going to change?

As for these things, Zhang Tianhai knew it well, and was not surprised at all: at the meeting of the core of the army, Li Yinglun once said that Wu Yizhi was a new official after all, and it was normal behavior to burn a few fires. He could play however he wanted, anyway, he couldn't stay in this position for too long.

Under such circumstances, the three powerful heads of the security forces have already reached a high degree of agreement on this matter-they all know that Wu Yizhi was Xue Yue's chief of staff in the 19th year of the Republic of China. When he was the chief of staff in the First Corps, would Xue Yue let go of this very qualified military adviser?
At this time, what else can I do besides support?Otherwise, when Army Master Wu goes back to Boss Xue to file a complaint, these guys probably won't be able to get along anymore. Under such circumstances, it's better to support them.

The next thing is simple, it is probably Wu Yizhi who revolves around his determination to be the commander-in-chief.

The meeting lasted for about half an hour and ended. At this time, Zhang Tianhai and others had already prepared the reception meal for Wu Yizhi's appointment.

Of course, because it was close to the meal time, Zhang Tianhai set up a few tables in a courtyard to entertain the middle-level guards of the entire theater (the middle-level here refers to the battalion commander level, Not including the company commanders of the units directly under the regiment headquarters), but only Wu Yizhi's table was served with wine.

"Yu Lin, the front line is so tight now, it's not easy for you to get some meat." Wu Yizhi looked at the table full of dishes, and his throat moved slightly.

"Commander-in-chief, you don't know that this table is full of wild pork. To tell you the truth, our first security regiment has a special agent company directly under the regiment headquarters. It always goes to the mountains for training, so the ability is to fight Let’s try some of these wild game. Don’t worry, the military discipline of our theater guards is very strict.” Zhang Tianhai said with a hearty smile.

"Okay, let's start. I walked all the way, but I didn't have a good meal. Haha..." Wu Yizhi also laughed heartily. He came with the mission of Chief Xue. He has to take a good look at everything.

"Okay." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then the crowd began to eat.

"Commander-in-Chief, I want to introduce someone to you during this meal." Zhang Tianhai saw that Wu Yizhi had started to eat slowly, and then he opened his mouth.

"Oh? But it doesn't matter." Wu Yizhi nodded.


PS: The first update will be sent, and there will be another update later.

Thank you for the 200 point coins reward from the starting point book friend Leggeshen! !
(End of this chapter)

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