Chapter 1217 The Battle with Jujube ([-])

For Neiji Okamura, the result of this battle will directly determine the launch of the follow-up battle, so he did not underestimate this operation, he will deploy the standing division as the main force to attack the Suizao area!

The combat plan came out soon, Okamura Ningji decided to deploy the 13rd Division, No.16 Division, No.[-] Division and the Fourth Cavalry Brigade as offensive forces to attack, oh no, to be precise, it was a counterattack Suizao area!

Since mid-April, the troops of the Fifth Theater of the National Army have actively launched the "April Offensive", actively launching raids and attacks on the Ping-Han Railway from the east and west. Let Neji Okamura feel that "the edge is on the back".

In this case, the Japanese army can only use the word counterattack to describe it.

At dawn on May 16, 13, the main forces of the No.30 and No.[-] divisions and the Fourth Cavalry Brigade stationed in the direction of Zhongxiang and Jingshan, with the support of planes and tanks, marched from Zhongxiang to the Chinese army. The No.[-] Seventh Division and the [-]th Division of the Right Group Army launched an offensive, and the offensive was not so fierce.

Regarding the news of the movement of the Japanese army, the Headquarters of the Fifth War Zone immediately reported to the National Army Command, and after research and decision by the Chairman of the National Military Commission, Chiang Kai-shek, the information was notified to several nearby theaters as soon as possible, and "do a good job of supporting the Fifth War Zone at any time." Preparations for battle".

In fact, Chiang Kai-shek also knew in his heart that, except for the possibility that the Ninth War Zone might be able to give some support to the Fifth War Zone, it is impossible for other theaters to mobilize forces to support the operations of the Fifth War Zone, because other fronts are also tight, so this telegram It was for the ninth war zone.


Changsha, Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth Theater.

The battle hall is still busy. As the brain department of the Ninth War Zone, no matter where there is some disturbance, they must be aware of it as soon as possible and deal with it urgently. This is their duty.

"Sir, the chairman sent an order. The Japanese army launched an attack on the No. 30 Seventh Division and the [-]th Division from the direction of Zhongxiang and Jingshan this morning. The chairman asked us to be ready to support the fifth theater at any time." A colonel walked up to Xue Yue and reported.

As a result, Xue Yue took a look at the telegram, then went to the map to look at it, and said: "Little Japan has acted so quickly, it seems that they are in a hurry. The front line reported that they were stationed with the main force of the Japanese Sixth Division in the The [-]th Cavalry Brigade in the Yueyang area has already been transferred back to Wuhan, and in my opinion, they are just going to fight the [-]th war zone.”

"What the officer said is very true. The Sixth Division of the Japanese Army has already been supplemented to a certain extent. It is estimated that it should be a well-thought-out matter for defending Yueyang. Otherwise, how dare they deploy a whole brigade of troops to support the northern front. "The colonel analyzed.

"However, let's study the chairman's order clearly. Give support? This must be implemented. Victory in the fifth war zone is definitely beneficial to our ninth war zone. Once, there was a fight in the fifth war zone, these little devils, even if they are going to pay birthday wishes, we can't let them go easily!" Xue Yue said harshly.

"But, sir, where do we have any troops that we can take away now? At the Jiangxi front, the three divisions of the Japanese No. 11 Army are still there, and the troops there can't be taken away. The Japanese No. The main force of the Sixth Division is still there, and our troops on the front line of Xinqianghe cannot move, and all the troops are still advancing towards the north of Hunan. I am afraid that it will not be easy for us to support the fifth theater of operations..." The colonel looked distressed, After all, from his point of view, it was true.

"No, we still have a force on the front line." Xue Yue smiled slightly.

"Sir, do you mean the theater guard?" The colonel suddenly woke up.

Xue Yue nodded and said: "Yes, only this unit is a mobile unit, and it can be moved, but how to move this unit is another matter. The best target is the Sixth Division on the north bank of the Xinqiang River Only when the Sixth Division is alarmed, or even attacked, can the Japanese army's tilt be shifted. But I estimate that the Japanese army will not fight this battle for too long, dragging into the front of Tongbai Mountain The quagmire is not conducive to their goal of attacking Changsha."

Xue Yue's mind is very clear, because he knows that Hunan is the main target of the Japanese army, because this is not only a province with a large source of troops in China, but also a granary. Only by taking this place and going north to Chongqing, can the plan to destroy China be completed. .

It has to be said that Xue Yue is indeed a very talented strategist, and the general direction of the Japanese army is indeed the same-what is there in the mountainous area of ​​northern Hubei where the fifth theater is stationed?I'm afraid there are no abundant supplies, right?Furthermore, there are many mountains there, and if they fall into the quagmire of this war, it means that the Japanese army and the national army will start a guerrilla war in circles here, which is extremely unfavorable for them.

"Sir, what should we do then? Order the theater guards to cross the Xinqiang River and launch an attack on the Japanese Sixth Division? I'm afraid that would be bad, right? If the theater guards fall into the Japanese trap, we will Rescue, I'm afraid the situation is in total turmoil..." The colonel hesitated, because he knew something was wrong.

I saw Xue Yue shook his head and said: "Impossible, the little devils can't take this risk and fight on two fronts? This will excessively consume the troops they just replenished, especially for the next attack they are preparing, they dare not fight big For the battle, especially don’t we still have a No.15 Army Group there? The guards in the theater are full of fighting and counting as a division! There are three armies behind us, so why are we afraid of fighting?”

"But in this case, if the Japanese army dispatches reinforcements, even get rid of the Hubei battlefield, and fight us with all their strength, then we will lose a lot? We are afraid that the Xinqianghe defense line will not be able to be maintained at that time. In the end, the Japanese army will drive straight in and go straight to Changsha." Colonel Not without worry, he said, after all, this is his duty, even if the words are a little harsh, the chief will be unhappy, so he must bring it up.

"If this is the case, then they don't want Wuhan. I don't believe that Li Zongren's ingenuity will miss this opportunity. If they transfer Jiangxi troops, we will launch a counterattack in Jiangxi and restore the entire territory of Jiangxi. I don't believe in little Japan. Just bet! Just execute it like this!" Xue Yue's eyes flashed a ruthless look, this is the decisiveness that a senior commander should have!
"Yes! Sir!" replied the colonel.


PS: Updates are coming!

I wish you all a happy new year!

Thank you for the 400 point coins reward from the starting point book friend Leggeshen! !
(End of this chapter)

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