War of Resistance

Chapter 1247 The 6th Division Strikes!

Chapter 1247 The Sixth Division strikes!

"Yes, sir." The person behind Zhang Tianhai responded.


The whole night, Zhang Tianhai led the group of main officers to patrol the position, very busy.


When the first light appeared at the end of the night sky, the Japanese military airport far north of Yueyang began a day of mission preparations.



The whistles of the Japanese officers were not so urgent. They received an urgent mission. This mission was received last night. They were going to launch an intensive bombing of Sanjiang Town, and by the way, bombing the forward positions of the national army!
"It's okay!! Hurry up!!"

The Japanese officers are urging, this is the urging to get up, and it is a request to the ground troops.

For these Japanese officers, these whistles are more to urge those ground troops, because they also know that the pilots of these aviation units still need some time to get ready, and the ground troops have not even added oil. Yes, these officers must urge them to proceed as soon as possible, and the plane must take off from here in an hour!
An hour later, the planes of the Japanese army were starting up one by one, and those planes were full of aerial bombs used to bomb the national army.

"Plane No. [-], take off!!"

A Japanese lieutenant commander is in command, and his subordinates are waving the flags in their hands and passing orders. This battle is not ordinary.

As the Japanese planes flew into the sky one by one, the Japanese lieutenant finally breathed a sigh of relief—ten planes took off, and the amount of these bombs was enough for their enemies to have a good drink. Pot up.


At this time, Sanjiang Town was already deserted, with only piles of empty houses left in the town.With the roar of engines in the sky, several Japanese aircraft appeared in the sky.

Not long after, dozens of aerial bombs fell from the sky and landed on Sanjiang Town.





With the sound of an explosion, Sanjiang Town was already engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

"Report to the headquarters, report immediately! Sanjiang Town has been bombed." In the distance, a combat staff officer said, he was in charge of staying behind to observe the situation in Sanjiang Town.

"Yes, sir." The telegraph operator next to him responded.


On the mountainside five kilometers away from the front line, in a simple wooden house, this is Zhang Tianhai's temporary headquarters.

For Zhang Tianhai, Sanjiang Town was in danger, and the villages near Sanjiang Town were not safe at all, so he simply moved to the mountainside, and there were dense trees nearby as a shelter.

Zhang Tianhai had only fallen asleep for two hours at this time. After all, it took a lot of energy to tour the battlefield.

"Report sir, there is an urgent call from Sanjiang Town." A staff officer on duty ran to Zhang Tianhai's command post and reported.

However, the staff officer on duty did not see Zhang Tianhai, but was stopped by the guards. According to Adjutant Xu, there was nothing particularly important, and he should report to Chief of Staff Li Yinglun first, and then go to Zhang Tianhai after dealing with it. Commander-in-Chief Report.

"Refer to Chief of Staff Li immediately." Xu Xun walked out directly from the inside. He had already guessed the situation in Sanjiang Town - what could happen there?In addition to being bombed by the Japanese army in Sanjiang Town.

"Yes!" The staff officer on duty responded.


When Sanjiang Town was bombed, the southward column of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army also set off from the south bank of the Xinqiang River. They used the brigade as a unit and divided their troops into Sanjiang Town in two groups...

"Your Excellency, this operation, I'm thinking, will go very smoothly." A major next to Ushishima Man said, he is Ushishima Man's adjutant, Yoshishima Ryo.

"Yoshishima-kun, this statement is wrong. In your opinion, what are the advantages of our operation?" Ushishima's eyes were full of lust, and he was obviously quite satisfied with being praised by Yoshishima Ryo.

"I believe that our best chance of winning this time is to be commanded by His Excellency General Niu Dao himself. We landed in Shanghai, and then went to Nanjing and Wuhan. The main force of our Sixth Division is under your personal leadership. We have never lost a battle!" Yoshishima Ryo rolled his eyes and slapped a flattery with a very high content.

"Yoxi, you are right about this matter. However, the enemy we faced this time was very cunning. Our Sixth Division suffered the biggest defeat since landing in China. We must face this shame." Take it back yourself!" The arrogance in Niu Dao's eyes was already revealed, and for him, this battle was a sure thing.

"In this battle, under the leadership of General Ushishima, we will definitely be able to avenge our shame." Yoshishima Ryo said seriously, but his flattery was slapping.

"Yoxi, it depends on the next progress." Ushidoman's face was full of confidence.


The Ninth War Zone Security Force, the first battalion of the first guard regiment.

This is the forefront of the security forces of the Ninth War Zone, and it is also the most important part of Zhang Tianhai's formation this time - there are only two troops in charge of this part, one is Lu Shaojie's battalion, and the other is the second guard. The first battalion of the regiment.

These two battalions can be said to be the strongest battalion-level troops in the two regiments of the security forces of the ninth war zone. Zhang Tianhai put these two battalions here to wait for the Japanese army to come.

Except for these two battalions, the other troops are basically hidden on the two wings and are ready to encircle at any time.

Behind the positions of the first battalion of the first guard regiment and the first battalion of the second guard regiment, there was an infantry battalion and an artillery battalion waiting, waiting for the Japanese army to "capture" the middle position before covering it with firepower.


"Our troops are basically settled here now. I guess, our first battalion may suffer heavy losses this time." Lu Shaojie, the battalion commander of the first battalion of the first security regiment, sighed on the ground.

For Lu Shaojie, the task this time is indeed very difficult, and they will have to face it independently.The soldiers of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army, and they have no reinforcements, because they are the first line of defense.

"Battalion Commander, even you don't have confidence this time, I'm afraid this battle will be difficult?" the battalion staff officer next to him asked cautiously.

"This battle is not only difficult to fight! If we are not careful, our entire first battalion may have to lose. But there is no way, the regiment has high hopes for our army. Our army is the first in the theater guards Leader, if we don't dare, what will the brothers in other fraternal units think, will the regiment deliberately discriminate?" Lu Shaojie sighed softly.


PS: The second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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