War of Resistance

Chapter 1249 The first wave of Niu Daoman's attack!

Chapter 1249 Ushishima Man's First Attack!
With the completion of the Japanese artillery positions, the infantry units of the Japanese army were also ready to attack.

Unlike other troops, Zhang Tianhai's troops were equipped with water buckets as standard, which was specially set up to prevent the Japanese army from using poisonous gas bombs.

"This little devil, I'm afraid I'm going to launch an attack soon. I'm afraid Lu Shaojie and the others will feel a little uncomfortable." Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly. He had already thought about the possibility of the enemy using poison gas bombs. , It's just that the Japanese army couldn't use gas bombs in the first wave of attack.

Why didn't the Japanese use gas bombs in the first round of shelling?That's because they rely on artillery shells to destroy the enemy's front-line fortifications and provide a shortcut for their infantry to charge without obstacles.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai knew it well, but he felt that from the beginning of the Japanese attack, his two main battalions would be there, and his confidant and beloved general Lu Shaojie did not know whether he would come back alive. This is also unknown. .


As the preparations of the Japanese army were completed, under the command of the Japanese artillery commander, rounds of 75mm artillery shells burst out from the muzzle of the Japanese army, flying into the air with the suffocating and deadly flames, and then hit the ground again and again. The ground fell on the position of the security forces of the Ninth Theater of the National Army.





As the artillery shells fell, the soil began to fly on the position of the national army, and the thick smoke from the explosion also slowly rose from the position.

At this time, Lu Shaojie was hiding in the blasting fortification, tightly covering his ears, and then opened his mouth wide, fearing that his improper operation would cause huge damage to his body.


"Damn it, I'm aggrieved..." Zhang Tianhai clenched his fists and clenched his teeth. For him, this was a shame—because he didn't have air supremacy, his position could only be bombarded by the Japanese army. Indiscriminate bombing, how could such things happen in the powerful No.20st century?

"Old Zhang, wait a little longer! Wait until the back, the little devil will suffer." Guo Qiliang patted Zhang Tianhai's shoulder lightly.

"Well, let's wait!" Zhang Tianhai forced himself to be calm. In fact, whether the Japanese army would fall into his trap is another matter. After all, the initiative on the battlefield is in the hands of the devils, not their national army.

As the artillery shells tilted on the national army's position, Ushidoman also began to launch his first wave of attack, and he had to achieve the expected goal in the first wave of attack.

So, the question is, what is the expected goal?

Yes, Ushijima Man's expected goal is to clear the obstacles to the general offensive in the first wave of offensive, and test out the strength of the current national army. Only in this way can he achieve success in the second and third waves of offensive victory.

But Ushidoman, after all, he would not want his troops to kill him, he also wanted to capture the national army's position in a wave of attacks.

So, in the first wave of attack, Niu Daoman invested a whole brigade of troops. This is more than 100 people. It is true that the formation is not small. Indeed, he also wants to do his best in one wave. If No, the second and third times should work too.


I saw the strong Japanese soldiers with white scarves on their heads charging towards the position of the national army that was being bombarded. For them, the moment the artillery fire stopped was the moment when they fought with the national army. it's time.

If you look down from the air, you will definitely find that these Japanese troops did not adopt the traditional pig sudden tactics, but adopted the offensive method of skirmishing lines, because for Ushijima Mitsuru, what they are facing at this stage is a wave of For enemies with powerful firepower and an unknown number, if you rashly use pig sudden tactics, dense personnel will patronize the target for the enemy's ferocious firepower.

As the Japanese infantry units gradually approached, the Japanese artillery fire stopped. At this time, the national army officers and soldiers finally walked out of the artillery fortifications.

"Hurry up! The little devil is coming up!!"

"The devil is coming up!!"

"Take the gun and fuck them!!"


The battlefield became very busy, and these officers and soldiers of the national army were busy taking their combat positions.

Lu Shaojie finally walked out of the trench. In his left hand he held a medium rifle that he had taken from his fallen comrade-in-arms, while in his right he held a pair of binoculars. The helmet on his head was already covered with dust.

"Fuck, these little devils!" Lu Shaojie cursed and walked to the back of a bunker, and began to observe the situation ahead with a telescope.

In sight, these Japanese troops are advancing rapidly, and the distance from them is only about 400 meters.

Seeing the Japanese army's long front line, Lu Shaojie muttered: "These little devils use skirmish lines to pull such a long front line. It seems that they have dispatched at least one brigade. The devil's commander can I'm really willing to let go of my money..."

"Listen to my order. Rifles and light machine guns can fire, and heavy machine guns and grenade grenades are hidden by me. Without my order, you must not fire!!" Lu Shaojie yelled.

That's right, Lu Shaojie wanted to hide his clumsiness. He had to wait for the Japanese army to approach before fighting. After all, these devils were not good guys. They possessed precise marksmanship and extremely high military literacy.

This is the best way to get closer and fight again, and only in this way can the Japanese army in front relax their vigilance.

"Yes, sir!!"

"Yes, sir!!"


With the sound of responses, Lu Shaojie's order was finally conveyed.

At a distance of about 100 meters, Lu Shaojie finally pulled the trigger.


With a clear gunshot, a bullet burst out from Lu Shaojie's gun barrel, and hit a Japanese officer's cap hard, and the Japanese officer fell down in response.

"Hit me hard!!" Lu Shaojie took advantage of the gap between the bullets and hurriedly shouted.

Following Lu Shaojie's order, the officers and soldiers of the first battalion immediately carried out fire suppression.

The gunshots rang out, and the momentum of those attacking Japanese troops was quickly suppressed. The short distance of more than 100 meters was like a chasm, and it was still impossible to break through. Even if they moved forward, they would pay certain casualties.

Under the suppression of the firepower of the national army, the soldiers of the Japanese army began to look for cover and wait for an opportunity to counterattack. Instead of going out to give away the head at this time, how about Gou Yibo?
Ushijima Mitsuru, who was observing the situation on the front line with a telescope in the distance, naturally took in all the situation on the front line. Regarding the casualties on the front line, he did not show any sadness, but just smiled lightly. This was unexpected after all. The thing in the middle-the real strength of the enemy army has not yet been forced out, maybe if we wait a little longer, the result will come out.

He Ushishima Man is not a fledgling ordinary Japanese commander, he is a wily old fox, infinite soldiers, just some of his many chess pieces, to achieve the goal, you must pay a certain amount of money casualties.

"Look! Our enemy will show his feet soon. If I guess correctly, the one in charge of guarding the front position must be an infantry battalion of the Chinese army." Niu Daoman raised a corner of his mouth slightly. Treacherous arc.


PS: The first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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