War of Resistance

Chapter 1256 Fighting the New Wall River

Chapter 1256 Fighting the New Wall River ([-])
Ever since, this night, the Japanese positions were "haunted".

Why is it called "haunted"?Because they found that as long as they went to the bathroom, some teammates "disappeared" inexplicably, and they disappeared without a sound.

After four teammates went to the toilet in a row but no one was seen, the team leader in charge of the defense area felt that something was wrong, and immediately organized personnel to search.

But the result was the same - no one was alive, no dead body was seen, and there was no other clue except a small blood stain on the ground.

This situation made the Japanese army squad leader Mo Litaro shudder: what is the situation, is there really a beast or a ghost around here?If it's the enemy army, let's not say that they don't have such brilliant skills. The soldiers of our own side all go to the toilet with guns. What they are afraid of is the enemy's sneak attack and wild beast attack.Besides, can the enemy's troops really kill four people in a row without making a sound?If they have this ability, there is a high probability that they will directly attack their position and settle the matter.

With this kind of doubt, Moritaro has all kinds of black question marks on his head, but all kinds of hairs in his heart.

Of course, as an "advanced" "sunrise warrior", Maori Taro naturally couldn't write this situation on his face, so he made a very "wise" decision, which was to report the situation to the higher authorities .

Soon, the emergence of this situation alarmed their squadron leader Ogawa Tutaro.

After hearing this, Ogawa Tutaro groaned for a while, and then made another very wise decision-stop the loss in time, and try to solve it on the spot if he has to go to the toilet. If he couldn't bear it, the four of them left together.

It has to be said that Ogawa Tutaro's trick was extremely effective, which made Liu Houming's troops gain nothing for one night, and only killed the four Japanese soldiers who went to the toilet.


When the sun slowly rose, the Japanese army had already started a new round of operations.

Unlike yesterday, the southward column was supported by an artillery wing and an artillery brigade this time. The artillery wing belonged to the Sixth Division, and the artillery brigade belonged to the No.20 Seventh Division.

Of course, it’s not that Masaharu Honma was reluctant to lend her artillery unit to the Sixth Division, but that the No.20 Seventh Division itself is a division with a three-unit system, and the artillery has only one brigade. .

It has to be said that after getting more than 30 artillery reinforcements, Man Ushido changed his cautious attitude at the beginning of yesterday, and it was a burst of bombardment when he came up directly!
That's right, there was a burst of bombardment when it came up.

For Ushijima Man, he is now a "big rich man". If there is an aviation unit, there is an aviation unit, and if there is an artillery, there is an artillery, and it is the essence of the artillery of the two divisions.

Of course, in addition to the strengthening of the artillery, there is also the strengthening of the infantry. The strengthening of the two makes Ushidoman's confidence value full in an instant!


The sun slowly shines on the land on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, giving people a warm feeling.

But on this river beach, it was full of heat.

These busy people are none other than the Japanese invaders!They are busy setting up artillery positions, and they must give each other a heavy blow in the first place!

"Report to the commander-in-chief, a large number of Japanese artillery was found on the river beach! According to observations, at least 42 artillery pieces are being erected! The report is over!" A communications soldier ran to Zhang Tianhai's headquarters to report.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai had already woken up, and he was washing his face.

After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai raised his head, looked at Guo Qiliang at the side, and asked, "Old Guo, have our troops withdrawn from the front line?"

Guo Qiliang nodded and said: "Report to the commander-in-chief, our troops have withdrawn to the second line, let them bomb!"

"That's fine." Zhang Tianhai wiped his face and said.

After putting the handkerchief in his hand on the back of the chair, Zhang Tianhai frowned suddenly, and said, "This little devil is a bit abnormal. Logically speaking, they shouldn't have suffered such a big loss yesterday. , and directly assembled a large number of artillery. What do they want to do?"

"Commander, is it possible that they are targeting our theater guards? After all, we made them suffer a lot in Yuankou Town last time, and this time we took the initiative to tease them again. Could this little devil be Taking personal revenge?" Guo Qiliang replied.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said: "I think it is very possible. After all, it is extremely abnormal for them to assemble such a large artillery force at this time. According to my observation, the Japanese army's strength in Hubei is also quite tight. At this time, fighting on two fronts is not in their interest, as far as I can see, their reinforcements have arrived. Then they will use us to vent their anger."

As he said that, Zhang Tianhai walked to the military map with strides, and then continued: "The Japanese army is fighting against Northwest Hubei, and it is impossible for them to use troops from Wuhan. They are most likely troops drawn directly from the front line in Jiangxi. Mom Yes, so many troops were deployed just to come at us?"

As he was talking, Zhang Tianhai suddenly realized something, and he said directly to Xu Xun: "Xiao Xu, immediately call Guan Linzheng, officer of the No.15 Group Army, and inquire about the movements of the Japanese army on the north bank of the Xinqiang River! The specific situation of the face-to-face enemy! Execute immediately!"

"Yes! Commander-in-Chief!" Xu Xun responded, and hurried to carry out Zhang Tianhai's order.


Zhang Tianhai was thinking and judging the Japanese army's movements, but the Japanese army's actions would not stop because of this.

Therefore, under the busyness of the Japanese artillery, their artillery preparations were completed in only half an hour.


Under the sunshine, a Japanese officer held up a small flag in his hand, which will command the entire artillery position!

Following the order of the Japanese officer, all the Japanese artillery were ready, just waiting for his order, then stuffed the shells into the artillery, and then fired.


Following the order of the Japanese artillery officer, a round of artillery shells with strong light dragged a long tail flame across the sky, and then smashed heavily on the "first-line position" of the national army!





It has to be said that the firepower of the Japanese army after being strengthened by the artillery is not so powerful. Listening to the explosion, it is like the sound of firecrackers during the Spring Festival, dense and fast.

Before Zhang Tianhai and others came back to their senses, another burst of intensive artillery fire covered the position of the national army.

The fierce artillery fire was covered five times before it stopped.

Looking at the power of the explosion in the binoculars, Zhang Tianhai's face was solemn, and he said: "It seems that our guess is not wrong, these little devils are here for our security forces. Damn, they really think highly of us Judging from the establishment of the little devil, this must be at least an artillery regiment. Even the number of artillery has far exceeded that of an artillery regiment."

"That's right. Fortunately, we retreated quickly, otherwise there would be another burst of casualties. I don't think the little devil can stop here." Guo Qiliang agreed with Zhang Tianhai's words.


PS: Updates are coming!

Thank you for the 1666 book coin reward from QQ reading book friend Jinyu! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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