War of Resistance

Chapter 1262 Reinforcement arrives

Chapter 1262 Reinforcement arrives
"Here we are, it's Zhao Gongwu, commander of the Second Division. The Eighth Regiment of the Fourth Brigade of the Second Division." Li Yinglun replied honestly.

"The Second Division of the Second Army... It seems that our old senior is really interesting." Zhang Tianhai was already very satisfied with this result. After all, the combat effectiveness of the Second Division is obvious to all.

More importantly, this second division is an old Central Army unit, a unit led by Zheng Dongguo all the way, and also participated in the Great Wall War of Resistance. Before Zheng Dongguo became the division commander, he was transferred to the head of the tax police headquarters. .

"By the way, when did they arrive, I have to meet him in person." Zhang Tianhai asked.

"I arrived in the afternoon, and the head of the group is Liu Yuzhang, who is the senior of our fourth phase of Whampoa." Li Yinglun said.

"Very good, no matter what, at least our troops are receiving reinforcements now, take me to meet Commander Liu!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Okay." Li Yinglun nodded.


In a hidden fortification under the back mountain, Zhang Tianhai finally met Liu Yuzhang.

What caught Zhang Tianhai's eyes was a bright bald head. The bald head had a rosy complexion and a face with Chinese characters. His figure was very strong. Coupled with the eye-catching Central Army uniform, he looked like a strong man up.

Zhang Tianhai took a closer look and saw that his military rank seemed to be a colonel. No need to guess, he must be Liu Yuzhang.

"Hello, Captain Liu!" Zhang Tianhai greeted him as soon as he entered the door, very polite.

"Hello Commander Zhang!" Liu Yuzhang did not put on airs, but instead gave a military salute.

"Senior, isn't this a poor junior? The revolutionary friendship of our revolutionary soldiers must be kept in mind..." Zhang Tianhai laughed, and returned a military salute by the way.

"Anyway, although we are both colonels and heads of regiments, you have the title of 'commander in chief' after all. You are half a grade higher than us, and that is half a grade higher." Liu Yuzhang was very polite. He said that as a veteran Whampoa student, if Zhang Tianhai hadn't performed so well on the battlefield, he might not have been so polite—don't forget, Whampoa Military Academy is very particular about seniority.

"Senior, you are polite. With the help of senior this time, I don't think our theater guards will be so sad. Please sit down and don't stand." Zhang Tianhai smiled all over his face, and he was also very polite.

This time, Liu Yuzhang was not polite. He smiled, sat down, and asked, "By the way, Commander Zhang, I heard today that our theater guards are facing fifty cannons from the Japanese army. Bombing, right?"

As soon as Zhang Tianhai said this, his face was full of helplessness, and he said: "To be honest, apart from the fifty artillery bombardments, they also have twenty combat aircraft that repeatedly attacked our positions." Bombing... these days are not so sad..."

"The Japanese army dispatched so many troops just to beat up the guards in the war zone. Let me see, they just want to make a hole in your position." Liu Yuzhang analyzed.

"This junior won't be able to guess. After all, the initiative is now in the hands of Little Japan, and it's useless for us to rush." ​​Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly again.

"It's not impossible. Previously, the guards in the theater were the champions. They directly wiped out a regiment of the Japanese army, and it was a unit of the Japanese Sixth Division. In addition, this time our army marched towards Xinqianghe. I guess their One of the goals of the battle is to cut a hole here, and deploy their move on the south bank of our Xinqiang River, so that they will not be restrained by us." Liu Yuzhang said eloquently, and his analysis was very in place.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, nodded and said, "I don't rule out this possibility, but if they want to do this, I won't let them get what they want. At least, it is definitely not an easy task for them to take down our defense area." matter."

"To be honest, Commander Zhang, no, it should be counted according to our senior brothers in Huangpu. You are my junior. Commander-in-chief Guan sent my regiment here this time to support the security forces in the theater. Before you come, Our brigade also told me that this time we are the Whampoa brothers fighting together, we must be sincere and united, and we must not let other troops laugh at our Whampoa for not being united. Brother, you are now the former enemy of the theater security forces Commander-in-Chief, you can just order what is in this combat mission, but because I am a senior, you are embarrassed to give orders, and now this battlefield is up to you." Liu Yuzhang said bluntly.

"The younger brother thanked all the seniors in advance." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai really wanted to get up, but was stopped by Liu Yuzhang.

"Just to put it bluntly, we are all from Huangpu." Liu Yuzhang said seriously.

"Senior, to be honest, our department is indeed facing considerable pressure from the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army this time. Although we have inflicted some damage on them in this battle, after all, they are also powerful and have a large number of people. It can last for three to four days. At that time, I want to open a road in my defense area to let the Japanese army march south. Your troops will be deployed in the Sanniang Bay area for defense at that time, and then I will close the defense area. , asking for the support of Commander-in-Chief Guan, the trick of closing the door and beating the dog, theoretically, we can still achieve it." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Your appetite is really big, even the Sixth Division's idea? Are you afraid you won't be able to eat it?" Although Liu Yuzhang heard that Zhang Tianhai was very bold, he was still a little surprised after hearing his words.

"No, no, what I mean is, we can eat up one of the outstanding Japanese troops, at least we can force them to retreat, and we are facing the task assigned by the upper peak, haven't we completed it? Our goal, isn't it? Have some Japanese troops been restrained? Now we have restrained them, and I reckon that the battle in Hubei is about the same. We will only retreat when we hurt them." Zhang Tianhai analyzed.

"That's okay. Our battle is still under control. In my opinion, the Japanese army may not want to go south at this time. The pressure of fighting on the second and third fronts is too great. Moreover, a large number of Japanese troops Appearing to the north of my No.15 Army but not crossing the river, I think this also confirms our thinking." Liu Yuzhang analyzed that he was an outstanding student in Whampoa anyway, and this inference ability There are still.

"Yes, if they dare to go south, we will beat them. If they dare not, then I can only try to launch a counterattack. At least we can't let them drive a nail on us on the south bank of our new wall river. It's not ordinary." Zhang Tianhai said frankly, the expectation is good, but in terms of realization, it can only depend on luck.

For Zhang Tianhai, this is indeed the only way to go at this moment—since the Japanese army changed its style of play, he knew with his ass that his troops would definitely suffer huge casualties, especially when the Japanese army was fighting steadily. case.

If they continue to fight head-on like this, the first ones who can't stand it must be their theater guards, so they have to let go of a hole to see if the Japanese army will be fooled.If you are not fooled, you can only change your combat strategy...


PS: The second update is here!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Wei Tiantang for the 300 point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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