Chapter 1266
Yes, for the theater security forces, it was indeed a disastrous operation.

"That's right, Brother Fang Jie, you're right. Ushijima Mitsuru is a leader in the Japanese Imperial Army, if he can't even spot a trap like mine, he is not worthy to be a major general of the Japanese Army." Zhang Tianhai sighed softly.

Regret, I can only use the word regret, after all, the layout has been laid out for so long, and this is the last step.

If Zhang Tianhai knew that this was the result, then he would definitely let Liu Yuzhang's regiment go directly to the front line - it's a good thing now, the purpose of reinforcements has not been achieved, but owed a lot of favors, this is not Zhang Tianhai Tianhai's style.

"Then what should we do now?" Zhou Fangjie, as the deputy chief of the security force in the theater, asked this question, and to a large extent he directly asked the decision-maker.

"What can we do? The loss is so serious. It's really not worth the money..." Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly, "Well, let's send a power call to the commander-in-chief, tell him our current situation and results, and express our The troops need to go to the rear to rest and recuperate."

"Where is Commander-in-Chief Guan?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"Don't worry about Commander-in-Chief Guan. Although Commander-in-Chief Guan is the commander-in-chief of the No.15 Group, he has no right to decide the order of the front-line combat troops. Our Commander-in-Chief Wu is better at this aspect." Commander-in-Chief Guan speaks much louder." Zhang Tianhai's words did deserve a punch, but they were also true.

"Well, let's do this! Commander-in-Chief Guan probably won't say anything after learning about it." Zhou Fangjie analyzed.

"I'm sure I won't say anything. We received an iron fist from the Sixth Division on the front line, and Guan Linzheng was the one who benefited." Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but smile bitterly.

What Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie didn't know was that while they were discussing the next plan, Guan Linzheng was also discussing the next battle plan.


No.15 Army Group Headquarters, Commander-in-Chief Office.

At this time, Zhang Yaoming, commander of the Second Army, was already sitting opposite Commander-in-Chief Guan Linzheng.

"Yaoming, you probably know about the wars of the past few days, right?" Guan Linzheng asked Zhang Yaoming who was on the opposite side.

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, the humble staff has been paying attention and dare not relax in the slightest. What's more, a regiment of the staff department has also borrowed the theater security force, how could it not care at all?" Zhang Yaoming laughed, then A smile appeared on Zhang's mature and fierce face.

"Since you have been paying attention to this battle, then I am most at ease. In this way, I have an idea to let Liu Yuzhang's regiment move into the original position of the guards in the theater. What do you think?" Guan Linzheng looked at Zhang Yaoming said, those eyes were full of inquiries.

"The commander-in-chief actually meant this. You can just give the order directly. A humble officer will never disobey an order. After all, it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders." Zhang Yaoming gave a very firm answer.

"Yaoming, you and I are both classmates of Huangpu. You don't need to say these polite words anymore. You also know that I am asking you this time to ask for your opinion, not to give orders directly." Guan Linzheng's face turned pale. Very serious.

"Then let's tell the truth about the lowly position." Zhang Yaoming said seriously, "Is it a bit immoral for us to do this? And the guards in the theater are still capable of fighting. If they directly march into their position under such circumstances, they will Do you have any opinions?"

Zhang Yaoming's words are very pertinent, and Guan Linzheng also knows, so he said: "I don't think they will have any objections, because more than half of their combat troops have been lost. In this battle on the south bank of the Xinqiang River, they are the main force. It is indeed not easy to fight directly with the Sixth Division, the trump card of the Japanese army. Although they repelled the attack of the Sixth Division, there is an unavoidable fact that they have already I was wounded."

"The commander-in-chief is wise, but how to take over the position, there is another way to say, it doesn't seem appropriate to go in rashly, right?" Zhang Yaoming asked.

"Hmm..." Guan Linzheng began to think seriously, "How about this, you give me an opinion, and I'll listen to it."

"How about this! First, I will order the troops to prepare for battle. If the Japanese army dares to go south, we can go into battle at any time; second, let Liu Yuzhang's troops prepare for the northward march. For the guards in the theater, I suggest you go to a telegram and ask them." Zhang Yaoming said seriously.

"Brother Yaoming, you really deserve to be a top student in Whampoa, and you are really considerate. Well, I will follow your opinion!" Guan Linzheng said very satisfied.

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness." Zhang Yaoming said seriously. Although he and Guan Linzheng were classmates at the same time, the status between the two was very different——Guan Linzheng had a very important position in Principal Jiang's heart, especially When Chiang Kai-shek was forced to leave the field, it was Guan Linzheng who raised the banner of Whampoa students and publicly supported Chiang Kai-shek. It can be said that the latter is a banner among the students of Whampoa Military Academy.


While Zhang Tianhai and the others were boredly waiting for Commander-in-Chief Wu's reply, Guan Linzheng's telegram arrived.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, deputy chief, and chief of staff. General Guan Linzheng, commander-in-chief of the No.15 Army, has an urgent call." A combat staff officer ran into Zhang Tianhai's office to report, just as Zhou Fangjie, Li Yinglun and others were there.

"Read." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"This is the headquarters of the Ninth War Zone Security Force. Now that the vanguard of the Japanese invaders has withdrawn, there are still vacancies in the positions where your ministry was originally stationed. Please complete the next step of military deployment as soon as possible, so as to avoid extreme danger in the positions facing our army. Big gap. Commander-in-Chief Guan Linzheng of No.15 Group Army sent an urgent message," the combat staff officer read.

"What am I talking about? Don't you think Commander-in-Chief Guan is more anxious than us?" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"It seems that your kid is right. No wonder. After all, Commander-in-Chief Guan is the commander-in-chief on the south bank of the Xinqiang River. It is normal to be more anxious than us. Perhaps as you said, the beneficiary is their No.15 Army group, right?" Zhou Fangjie said with a smile.

Li Yinglun is a serious scholar, and he said seriously: "Then... let's wait for Commander-in-Chief Wu's reply, and then let's inform Commander-in-Chief Guan!"

"That's the only way to go, let's do what Brother Yinglun said!" Zhang Tianhai nodded.


PS: Updates are coming!I can't stand it anymore, good night! ! !Everyone! !

(End of this chapter)

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