Chapter 1269
As the wife of the former commander-in-chief of the security forces in the theater, Zheng Man naturally lived in Zhang Tianhai's room.

Seeing how the room was organized in an orderly manner, Zheng Man thought that her husband must have worked hard these days, he was always fighting outside, and he didn't have a woman to take care of him.

What Zheng Man didn't know was that another person had noticed her existence—that was Shen Wei, the staff officer who had been placed in the left-behind office of the general headquarters of the theater security force.

As a conscientious staff officer of the left-behind office, Shen Wei can be said to have done her duty during this period of time. During the stay-at-home period, she did almost all the work she could do. It can be said that she is already very familiar with the entire headquarters of the security forces in the theater. It also includes the staffing and the situation of each regiment.

Of course, Shen Wei also wanted to know about Zhang Tianhai's information, but because she was not high enough, she couldn't come across the personal files of Zhang Tianhai and other senior officers, because it was classified.

Although Shen Wei's level is not high enough to encounter Zhang Tianhai's confidential information, this does not prevent her from learning about Zhang Tianhai's information through other channels. , It really made her find out something—for example, Zhang Tianhai married an extremely outstanding woman as his wife, and it was precisely because of marrying her that she followed to the predecessor of the Ninth War Zone Security Force, the Third War Zone Straight to the first group.

Regarding Zheng Man's information, Shen Wei also wanted to investigate, but there was still no way to get it. Even Zheng Man's information was like a cloud of fog. No one knew which unit this beautiful and dangerous woman came from.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Tianhai once made an immature promise to her, which made her pay more attention to Zheng Man's information, and only she knew Shen Wei's unwillingness in her heart.

Hence, when Zheng Man returned to the guard headquarters of the Ninth War Zone, Shen Wei immediately knew about it.

"Xiao Zheng, I heard you saw the commander-in-chief's wife?" Shen Wei looked a little gossip, which was very different from her previous lively temperament, she looked like a gossip lady, if it wasn't for that The military uniform of the Central Army really thought it was an occasion for gossip.

The person called "Xiao Zheng" was a recruit, one of a group of recruits left behind by Zhang Tianhai and others when they set off to the front line, and one of the recruits' left-behind company formed.

"Officer Shen, let me tell you, Director Zheng came back with a company of soldiers, and the leading officers are all majors!" Xiao Zheng said in a low voice, afraid of the surrounding Someone passed by and heard his evaluation.

"That's it." Shen Wei also took a look around, because it was a large playground, so she could basically see the surrounding situation clearly at a glance.

"Yeah, when she came back, she was still holding a child in her arms, which should be the commander-in-chief's child." Xiao Zheng continued, "However, the commander-in-chief is really lucky, to be able to marry a man with such a family background." Well, and she's such a good-looking, murderous woman."

When Xiao Zheng was talking, he didn't notice that there was a trace of indiscernible sadness on Staff Shen's face—it could only be blamed on creation and tricking people. If fate had been earlier, perhaps she should be standing by his side Shen Wei is gone.

I want to think so, but Shen Wei is still her own business - she came here not for herself, but more to serve the country, since he lives so happily, she should die of this heart, let alone I still have tasks.

"How old is that child?" Shen Wei asked.

"It's probably only a few months, and it looks like it's waiting for food. By the way, I just heard that the company that escorted Director Zheng back from Chongqing will stay at our left-behind office for two days before going back." Obviously, this little Zheng She doesn't have a strong sense of secrecy, and she has to tell whatever news she gets.

Cough cough cough...Of course, this is also related to this person being Staff Officer Shen, and Staff Officer Shen is one of his own...

"Two days? Is this enough? Isn't the frontline troops already on their way back to Changsha? Will our camp be enough by then?" Shen Wei frowned slightly, but she quickly figured it out—the frontline The troops suffered such heavy casualties in the battle, it is impossible that there are no places vacant for them to be stationed.

Soon, Shen Wei made a decision, that is, she was going to visit Director Zheng Man, the wife of the Commander-in-Chief, no matter what, even making friends would be beneficial.

With this thought in mind, Shen Wei walked away as soon as she said she wanted to, and immediately went to Zheng Man's residence, and then knocked on the door: "Hello Director Zheng, I am Shen Wei, the staff officer of the Left-behind Division of the General Headquarters."

At this time, Zhang Ping'an had just fallen asleep, so Zheng Man opened the door after gently putting him on the bed.

To Zheng Man's surprise, the Staff Officer Shen who came to knock on the door was a young girl with long legs and a scholarly temperament, but she didn't show it, she just gently With a smile, he said, "Staff Shen, what's the matter?"

Facing the woman in ordinary attire but exuding a cool demeanor, Shen Wei did not feel timid. She also knew that the woman in front of her was not simple, so she just smiled and gave a military salute, and then said : "Director Zheng, as a staff member of the Left-behind Office, I feel that I have a responsibility and an obligation to come and greet you, especially the basic necessities of the troops you brought back in Chongqing after you returned to our army. As a member of the Left-behind Office, The humble official must take care of it."

Shen Wei's reasons are very good, and the smile on her face is indeed easy to let people relax their vigilance.

Regarding this, Zheng Man was noncommittal, she just smiled, and said: "Minister Shen, they have to rest here for two days before returning to Chongqing. I have already told the director of the left-behind office about this matter, and he has already done it, but it is still a matter of time." Thank you for your concern. By the way, the child just fell asleep, so I won't call you in for a cup of tea."

Perhaps it was because Xiao Zhang Ping'an had fallen asleep, Zheng Man's words were very gentle, but the grace and grace in his words was not what ordinary people can embody.

In this regard, Shen Wei is not generally impressed with the character Zheng Man - she is like a knife, like a soft knife with no bones, you can reflect her softness, and at the same time feel her softness. The blade and murderous aura contained in it are really as murderous as the guard Xiao Zheng said!
"Thank you Director Zheng, you are exhausted, you should rest early! If there is anything you need, just tell me." Shen Wei smiled slightly.


PS: Updates are coming!Good night!
Thanks to Qidian book friend Wei Tiantang for the 100 point reward!

(End of this chapter)

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