War of Resistance

Chapter 1307 The Battle of Nomenkan

Chapter 1307 The Battle of Nomenkan ([-])

On a hot summer day, in Changchun City, the headquarters of the Japanese Kwantung Army.

For General Kenkichi Ueda, it is undoubtedly a very tormenting thing to know the news of another disastrous defeat on the front line of Hailar.

The loss was indeed heavy, but for the current general Ueda Kenkichi, this battle must be fought, and there is still a chance of survival.

"Is there really no way to reverse the decline?" General Ueda Kenkichi murmured. At this time, his office was empty. He had already ordered his adjutant not to enter his office to disturb him.

After thinking about it, General Ueda Kenkichi felt that it was mainly caused by two reasons: one was that the deployment of front-line troops was weak and could not deal with the powerful Soviet army;

Then, General Ueda Kenkichi suddenly thought of another person whom he trusted very much—Ogizhou Libing!
Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing is a veteran division commander, not only has rich combat experience, but also has the experience of assisting high-level officials, all of which make General Ueda very satisfied.

Dizhou Libing has a resume that General Ueda Kenkichi has paid special attention to, that is, he led the army into Nanjing. This record made him feel that this guy is a guy who is good at fighting tough battles, and he is also a person he trusts, so He thought about calling him over.

Then Lieutenant General Dizhou Libing is fighting in Central China and is the commander of the No.13 Division of the Japanese Army. How can he be "deceived" to come here?Probably only promotion can make Dizhou Libing come over willingly, and the commander of the No.11 Army, Lieutenant General Okamura Neiji, has no reason to stop him.

Thinking of this, General Ueda Kenkichi decided on one thing-the Kwantung Army must set up a military-level force to deal with the Soviet-Mongolian coalition forces, and the commander will be the commander of Ogizhou Libing.

Thinking of this, General Ueda Kenkichi suddenly became enlightened: only with the establishment of this military-level unit, he can mobilize a large number of Kwantung Army troops to participate in the battle, and with Dizhou Libing to fight, the battle of Nuomenkan has been fought for five years. Odds!

Yes, there is a five-point chance of winning. Although Kenkichi Ueda is old, he has not yet reached the point where his eyesight is dim. There is still a gap between the Japanese army and the Soviet army.

General Ueda Kenkichi has lived for decades at least. Although he holds great power, he will not be that kind of impulsive person. For example, now, he feels that he has to think carefully before making a decision.

Therefore, Commander Ueda Kenkichi called his adjutant and asked him to invite Lieutenant General Isoya Rensuke, the chief of staff, to come over and say that he had something to discuss.

Not long after, Lieutenant General Rensuke Isoya, who had been transferred from the head of the Tenth Division to the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, appeared in the office of General Kenkichi Ueda.

"Isotani-kun, you are welcome." As he said that, General Ueda Kenkichi made a gesture to ask Admiral Isoya Rensuke to sit on the chair in front of his desk.

"Your Excellency, Commander, you have something important to discuss with me, right?" After sitting down, Rensuke Isotani asked with a serious face.

Ueda Kenkichi nodded, and asked the adjutant to close the door before saying: "It is true, the head of the No.20 Third Division and the main force of the Seventh Division led the No. Our heavy artillery regiment was also killed by the Soviets in the artillery battle this morning, and our Kwantung Army suffered heavy losses. I want to hear your opinion, Mr. Isoya."

I saw Rensuke Isoya's face softened slightly after hearing this, and then he continued: "Your Excellency, according to your idea, we must win this war at any cost. 34 years ago, we and the old man Mao Zi has already fought, and the Russian army was superior to our army in terms of equipment at that time, but our predecessors were able to win this war, but why can't we win?"

After hearing Lieutenant General Rensuke Isotani's answer, the expression on General Kenkichi Ueda's face eased a lot: at least the opinions within the Kwantung Army are unanimous, no matter how heavy the loss is, we must focus on winning the battle This war!
"Isotani-kun, your answer is quite to my liking. I have an idea now, that is to set up a military-level unit dedicated to dealing with the Soviets, and the commander will be your junior brother Ogisu Ribing Nakamura. What do you think? General Kenkichi Ueda asked, his eyes filled with a sense of awe, what he wanted was the final result.

Isoya Rensuke thought for a while, and he also knew the character of Kenkichi Ueda, so he said: "Your Excellency, Commander, I think it is most appropriate for Dizhou Libing to take this position in the future. Dizhou Li Bing was one of the best officers in his grade when he was in the Army University, and his graduation grades were among the best, and he had always fought well in Central China. Although he was a grade lower than his subordinates, they believed that Dizhou Lieutenant General Li Bing, very good!"

After receiving the affirmative answer from Lieutenant General Rensuke Isoya, Chief of Staff, Kenkichi Ueda narrowed his eyes, and he said slowly: "Mr. Isoya, after you go back, order the staff to come up with a plan within two days! There are only two requirements, the first is that it is feasible, and the second is that it is fast. All in all, what I want is a plan that can be implemented quickly after the plan is completed. This plan must be detailed to where the officers of the staff of the new military-level unit come from. aspect!"

"Hay!!" Lieutenant General Isoya Rensuke stood up and saluted.

Obviously, the latest will of General Ueda Kenkichi has been implemented.


Looking at the frontline battlefield of the Haraha River, it is already in the final state.

To be more precise, it was the Japanese army that finished the battle, while the Soviet army remained unscathed.

The Japanese position on the east bank of the Haraha River has been baptized by the artillery fire of the Soviet army. The entire position is a mess with broken limbs and legs, and many wounded Japanese soldiers wailed in pain.

It turned out that when the artillery of the Soviet army had detected that the artillery positions of the Japanese army had been destroyed by the artillery fire through the hot air balloon, they immediately spread the artillery fire to other bombing areas, and the bombings were all areas of the Japanese army's key defense. The losses were not ordinary. .

"Little Japan is going to be seriously injured now, and it is estimated that it will be unable to launch a counterattack in the next few days." Looking at the baptized Japanese army positions through the telescope, Major General Chekonov's face was full of pride—— —This is his proud work, it must be appreciated carefully...


PS: Updates are coming!Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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